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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    First off it wasn't even released in 2000. It was released in 1999 (in Japan, at least).

    So why am I blogging this? Today, one of the few channels I actually have on TV was showing this movie (to my mom's surprise). So I watched it, and criticized it now that I had grown. Just what exactly had I watched in my childhood?

    One thing I noticed was how the backgrounds in the show were generally beautiful; like an oil painting. But then comes in this simple animated character. Very thin eyes, and casting no shadow onto the ground at all.

    I also got to hear the voices of the characters again, and they were indeed very childish. Even for the adults. The talking pokemon (other than Meowth) had very strange voices, in my opinion. Lugia didn't even have to move his mouth to talk. He either kept it closed or opened, but the voice came out with all syllables and stuff.

    And the fourth wall was broken a few times. The one I remember clearest is at the end, when Slowking tells Team Rocket that the world (aka the audience) knows they helped save the world.

    When it was over, I was like, "Whoa."
  2. Disky
    So I read all four volumes of Tite Kubo's debut manga, Zombie Powder, today.

    It was interesting, although he ended the series (so far) less veered on the plot and a lot more on the characters... in my opinion. Leaves you kinda hanging, although the fights are fun. Even if it's unfinished, the feel of the fourth volume's ending is a bit like that's all there is ever gonna be for this story, such as with the doctor's proposal to Wolfine and Gamma's decision about Elwood and all that... Just feels a bit funny.

    Gamma Akutabi = Grimmjow Jeagerjaques? =P
  3. Disky
    How many people here will freak out at my profile picture? Or at least think it's weird?

    So far I have one person. =D

    If you know who it is too, you're awesome.
  4. Disky

    First off, the "awesome people" circle. There's a girl from my art class, this blonde kid with glasses, a girl from my middle school, a junior (!), and a dark-haired guy (has a really weird and hilarious laugh).

    Junoir and dark-haired guy supposedly hate each other, but in the deep reality they're cool with each other. For example, our teacher asked, "Come stai?" and the junior responded, "Male." Teacher asks why, and the junior points at the dark-haired guy. Dark-haired guy unleashes his laugh. All is hilarious. =P The teacher takes a while to figure out it was all a joke. =P
    also hoping all of you understand the Italian stuff up there

    Other than that just learning the language has been fun so far. Reeeally fun. =D
  5. Disky
    A few nights ago, I had a dream that was, well, amazing to experience.

    So down by the street corner there was an old man, a table, and three cups of water on that table. The man looked worn out, and had a long beard that he apparently hadn't trimmed in a while, but he didn't appear homeless. But, the interesting thing about him was his purpose for setting up the three cups: to passerby, he would constantly announce that all three of the cups of water were poisoned.

    As I approached him, he suddenly suffered a heart attack, stroke, or some other thing of that sort. He died before the ambulance could arrive.

    But I was touched by his three cups. I took them for myself, and set upon a journey around the entire world to tell people about the three poisoned cups. It was an amazing and inspiring journey for me. And I never did figure out if the cups were actually poisoned.

    Or maybe I'm just crazy. xP
  6. Disky
    Since it's winter, I'll ask everyone a question: Do you like snow? Or do you absolutely love it? Or do you hate it so much that you go out into the streets with a battery-powered hair dryer or something to melt all the snow down?

    I personally like how snow looks, and how soft and clean it is when it first settles. I also like catching individual flakes in my gloves to see what they look like~
    But I hate being out in the heavy snowfalls when the snow and wind are practically slapping my face. >__>
  7. Disky
    A friend and I were thinking that for Halloween, especially since my school is having the annual Halloween Parade in their theater, that we should dress up as Red and Green (and by Green I mean Blue in English, not Blue's English name) from Pokemon, respectively. She has pretty good hair to be Red, and his outfit shouldn't be too hard. As for me, Green's outfit is also easy. But should I do his HG/SS look, or more of a Pokemon Adventures look? And the hair... I'll figure that out. Preferably without using anything weird to spike it.
    I also need to find a Pokeball replica online or somewhere. My friend has a Pikachu plushie, so that'll serve as Pika.

    My friend and I were alternatively thinking of doing Silver and Blue (Green in English), again respectively, but we decided the fans would like Red and Green more.
  8. Disky
    T-shirts for a buck each,
    Slacks and skirts for 5 bucks each,
    and I snagged the Lord of the Rings soundtrack for 2 bucks (I could have even gotten the DVDs for $3 each, but I already own them).
    Life is good.
  9. Disky
    I cut the fingertips off a pair of gloves, so that I have an easier time doing things like typing or using a touchscreen. Behold the result.
    Jokes aside, it's not as practical as complete gloves in keeping my hands warm. At one point with the fingerless gloves, my fingertips started hurting because of how cold they were... They felt completely frozen. So at the moment, I interchange between the two types of gloves I have. Sometimes I have one kind on one hand, and another kind on the other. My right hand also doesn't wear a glove when I'm drawing or writing.
  10. Disky
    Thank for the happy birthdays in my topic and all that. And more thankees to Spink <3

    I saw Alice in Wonderland with my pals, and I liked it a lot. The only thing that killed it was when the Jabberwocky talked. That was just terrible.
    Cheshire Cat <3
    And Mad Hatter <3

    The Tim Burton exhibit was sold out, and we didn't have timed tickets so meh. Instead we went out and chilled.

    And it was a beautiful day <3

    I also drew Lelouch last night. He's really fun to draw, and I hope to upload it soon and show all of you.

    I don't feel like listing my gifts now, but none were super special awesome. Except the flowers, flowers are always nice.

    One more heart for you guys cuz this entry is full of them

  11. Disky
    I wanna be the very best,
    That no one ever was.
    To catch them is my real test,
    To train them is my cause.
    I will travel across the land,
    Searching far and wide -
    Teach Pokemon to understand
    The power that's inside.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    It's you and me
    I know it's my destiny (Pokemon!)
    Oooh, you're my best friend,
    In a world we must defend.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Our hearts so true,
    Our courage will pull us through.
    You'll teach me, and I'll teach you,
    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Gotta catch 'em all! (Yeaaah)

    Every challenge along the way
    With courage, I will face,
    I will battle every day
    To claim my rightful place.
    Come with me, the time is right -
    There's no better team.
    Arm in arm we'll win the fight,
    It's always been our dream.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    It's you and me
    I know it's my destiny (Pokemon!)
    Oooh, you're my best friend,
    In a world we must defend.

    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Our hearts so true,
    Our courage will pull us through.
    You'll teach me, and I'll teach you.
    Pokemon - Gotta catch 'em all!
    Gotta catch 'em all!

    Gotta catch 'em all...

    Gotta catch 'em all!

    Gotta catch 'em all! (Yeaaah)

  12. Disky
    Oh my dear Washington DC bus terminal,
    Your service was impressive, and I left your hospitality quite pleased. But I have one complaint.
    As delicious as they may have been (I didn't try them, sadly), I wish to inquire about this:

    Cold potted plants certainly seem like a treat, but it's a bit questionable, so I'd like an answer as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your attention, and I hope to come back soon. =)

  13. Disky
    When I watch something like Vampire Knight or Rozen Maiden where Pocky is involved at least once, I just have the urge to eat Pocky. But I have nowhere nearby to buy it.

  14. Disky
    On the keyboard I'll be using for my new computer, it has a sticker saying, "Warning: To reduce risk of serious injury, please read the Safety and Comfort guide provided with this product."

    So how do you get seriously injured by using a keyboard?

    other than by throwing it at people in case of war at the office
  15. Disky
    If I don't stay sick and get excused, I'll be going on a trip to a camp from Friday afternoon to Sunday. And on Sunday I probably won't come online because I need to do the homework from Friday and from today cuz I missed it....

    So I'll see you guys Monday evening if everything works out. =D

    (and sucks that Sunday is a clear day after they predict pouring rain for Saturday for the city ><'''')
  16. Disky
    I hear Bionicle's gonna be discontinued. Not that I'm heavily affected by this. But still a bit saddening.

    Anyways, I'm running out of stuff to blog about that's not about life. Cuz life is boooring.
    *in before "blog about me!"*
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