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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    Finally I saw The Legend Reborn movie today on my granny's teevee. It was fun. Except these little boxes kept popping up from the side of the screen with little facts and tidbits. Most weren't very useful, but some were nice to know.
    But I have been inspired for ART by this 8D I just need to get done with my internship that I start next week, which goes through the entire month. If the art works out, I'll bring a copy with me to show off at Brickfair.

    I'm going home today as well~

    I also look forward to watching the first episode of Kuroshitsuji II.
  2. Disky
    So yesterday I was waiting at the train station to hop on the railroad and head to granny's house, and I'm waiting with her bags while she buys tickets. Suddenly, a businessman dashes past me at an incredible speed and almost runs me over, ignoring me all the while.

    Seriously, I wanted to get a Pokeball and capture him and then chuck him away.

    But after that I bought a smoothie so everything was cool.

    So now I'm at my grandmother's, and she really enjoys stuffing me with food. You have no idea how many times I've said the word "no" in Russian (nyet!) today.

    Also burned my legs and shoulders under the sunshine at the beach and it hurrrts.

    There are also a lot of cats here.

    Also in the year I haven't been here, one trailer in the trailer park (yes it's a trailer park) had been caught in a fire and burned down. The wreckage (or ruins, to sound cool) is still there, and it smells like ash. But, with observation, I noticed that whoever owned that trailer had birds as pets: there was a large cage in the ruins, along with the bowls and such that would be inside the cage normally.

    I wonder what happened to the birds ;_;

    And one final note!
    Soundtrack music is awesome. (I'm listening to the first Tsubasa Reservoir Chornicle soundtrack. I just love "Ship of Fools."
  3. Disky
    I'm enjoying my sleep, and I'm having this strange dream about a gun. There's just some floating hand with a gun in an empty space, and it pulls the trigger.

    I wake up as the trigger sound is heard, but I also hear something similar to it in real life. And then, right past my window, a firework is ascending into the sky.

    Turns out some kids decided to go out at like one in the morning and set off fireworks on the road right in front of my apartment building (I'm on the second floor). And I see all these colorful fireworks dooming up in my window, and it actually felt very frightening. At one point they set off five or so yellow fireworks at once...

    So overall, I didn't get a very good sleep.
  4. Disky
    So this morning, my dad and I went for a run and then did yoga. Pretty good wake-up call, especially in the heat. >__>

    Now then! When we got home, we decided to make something yummy. We just finished making these dumpling-like things, only they're full of cherries. The result was excellent.

    The result.

    If you want a recipe of sorts (it won't be very professional, though), feel free to PM me or IM me.
  5. Disky
    ...The Blog Staff's word, that is. Comment approval ahoy!

    Now then! If you're really bored while waiting for someone to approve your comment in their blog, check out of the art I uploaded today. They're all from my art class at school - which was a watercolor class for this semester. I will update the art content block when I'm less lazy. =P
    My friend colored in freakish rainbow (900x874 px)
    Remember this entry? Here's the painting I was talking about (593x718)
    Fuzzy, fuzzy hat (496x554)
    A pitcher plant, reference pic was from National Geographic (490x670)
    A landscape of some place in Ukraine (750x599)
    I also uploaded eight of the twelve pieces I did for my art final, but I will only show you guys one of them.
    Kitty Doctor Who (note the scarf) with the TARDIS! (600x723)

    The scanner messed up some of the paintings, so I'm sorry about that. ;_;

    And finally, I leave you all with a teaser (400x375) for my currently in-progress (second) Fai drawing.
  6. Disky
    I drew the guy I have a mini-obsession on. Fai D. Flourite from Tsubasa. (Colored pencil on printing paper)
    It's a bit tilted cuz that's how the sketch came out in my sketchbook, and then I traced it onto paper and forgot to turn it slightly. Oh well.
    Tsubasa may be confusing towards the end (srsly), but Fai is still awesome.

    Oh and happy birthday, Spink. You're awesome as well. <3
  7. Disky
    Now that I've calmed down a bit from the weekend and studying for exams, let me tell you what I did Saturday night.

    I was at my friend's place for her birthday and a sleepover with a few people, and her parents got us tickets to show called Fuerza Bruta. It's not a show you sit down and watch - you're standing, looking all around you, walking around, and dancing. It's just amazing.

    The first part mainly had to do with a business man of sorts on a conveyor belt. He would walk normally, push past other people on the belt, sit in chairs, or run and go through walls (made of cardboard and paper). It was interesting, and had a lot of dramatic music.

    The next part I liked: they pulled a silver curtain around the entire area we were standing/watching, and while some stage hands shook the curtain insanely, these two women on harnesses ran and danced on the curtain, with all these different colored lights. Seriously, sideways stuff is just awesome.

    After that there was a lot of tossing cardboard and styrofoam and paper confetti at the audience (us). And I mean a lot.

    Following that, another awesome part of the show started: There was a thing hanging above us full of water (like a pool with a transparent bottom and not a lot of water), and four acrobats started swimming and doing stuff in the water while we looked up at them. It was really impressive, and despite the neck pain it was worth looking. Just beautiful <3

    And the final part was a clown-like guy in a really high place with a hose of sorts, spraying water down on us. After some sprays, techno music, and dancing, it started to shower from the ceiling and we all got reaaaally wet.

    That was probably the best Saturday night ever.

    Totally unrelated: I have an mini-obsession with Fai from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. <3
  8. Disky
    Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it.

    Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He also helped me pick out the gift (FMA-themed, mind you). Then I got myself a Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) cell phone thingy (it's really cute <3).

    After that I wandered around the city, went to the used bookstore but bought nothing, and then wandered around some 30 more streets before going on the train home.

    At home, I turn on the computer and go check out what manga series had updated. Sure enough, FMA has a new chapter. But, it's the last chapter of all time, and it's at least 100 pages long. It was a good ending, but this day has sure been freaky - hints towards the end of the series have been bombarding me the entire day.

    And then Dudebot and I cried together about the chapter. ;_;
  9. Disky
    At least, those stand things you open and pull the newspaper out of are.

    This morning, I was trying to get the free morning paper to read on the train ride to school. The thing I mentioned above was made of metal here, and I was also carrying a heavy textbook that I had to return today. I open the thing, but because of my textbook it kind of slips and injures me right under the nail of my middle finger and on the joint just beneath it.

    Luckily, I had a bandaid with me and covered it up, but the bandaid prevented me from making a fist with that hand. I couldn't punch people (if I needed to, that is) for the whole day with that hand. ;_; Finger's looking fine now, though.

    However, can I trust the newspaper anymore? ;_;
  10. Disky
    How many people here will freak out at my profile picture? Or at least think it's weird?

    So far I have one person. =D

    If you know who it is too, you're awesome.
  11. Disky
    Today was Japan Day, and I attended to huge festival. So many people... Dx Can't forget the cosplayers, too.

    First of all, the food was impossible to reach. They gave away free tea, and that had no line to it, so I got tea 8D But the food (which was free too) was harder: lines extended far, and I managed to hop onto the shortest line: for dumplings. And oh my goodness, those dumplings were good.
    The line for sushi was the longest. Sorta figured that would be so. ._.

    Anywho, other stuff. Pretty much all the activities had lines to them. Yo-yo fishing had a fast-moving line, so I hopped on and managed to fish out a yo-yo balloon thing. However, my hook got messed up so it took me a while to actually get one.

    Origami was a fail. After waiting a bit, the guy I got didn't even know how to do the origami thing properly (it was a small leaping frog), and then we were rectangular index cards. In the end the frogs wouldn't jump. ;_;

    I also got to try on a genuine kimono/yukata, despite the impossibly long wait. It was tied pretty tight around me, and the lady commented that I was pretty skinny and had to add a card of cardboard underneath the sash. It was a beautiful outfit, but so restrictive in movement. I definitely don't want to get into a combat situation while wearing one of these.

    Then I checked out the toys tent, and there was a game to get a ball into a cup. It was handheld, so the ball was attached by string to a thing with three different places to get it into (looks like a hammer). I got the ball three times into one of the cups. I'm not sure what this toy is called, though.

    And finally I donated some money to planting cherry trees in the park and got a t-shirt~

    During the event there was a lot going on at the stage. Samurai fighting, shinobi dancing, children dancing, taiko drumming, people singing, etc. The fighting was pretty awesome, I have to say.

    Overall, a nice event, but a lot of patience is needed to get through it. Also, sorry about lack of photography. xP
  12. Disky
    Yesterday was the ceremony that announced the winners of the children's book scholarship content I entered with my friend (too lazy to dig up the entry on it). We didn't win, but one entry from my school won second place.
    The winning entry was a cute story, but the art wasn't very good. Still cute. I own the book, signed by the authors, cuz they gave them away free at the ceremony.

    The New York Stock Exchange, where this took place, is the fanciest place in the world inside. Seriously. And, finally a lace that can afford to give us genuine plates and cups instead of disposable ones for the food! (the refreshments they served were delicious - and RASPBERRY TEA 8D)

    After all that jazz my dad and I went down to the piers and chilled there, got ice cream, took pictures, etc. Twas nice.

    But now, it's just me and Tom Baker Doctor Who episodes. B)
  13. Disky
    As usual, I'm not writing long reviews of the movie. But it was pretty cool. The beginning had me in, then towards the middle it got slightly confusing, and near the end there was so much gunfire I was like "aaaah enough of this!". And I could not make out any of the Russian in the movie, so it's either that the actors have terrible dialects or I'm just terrible at picking the stuff out.

    But it was still nice.
  14. Disky
    So today I chilling at the riverside park, and it was rather fun, but I won't bore you with details. I found a broken fishing pole that I used for various adventures in the park, though.

    On the way home, however, I'm passing by an apartment building when half a loaf of bread falls from above and onto my head. I look up, no one's visible. I'm just like "Whoa. Bread."
  15. Disky
    Earlier today, the metal legend Ronnie James Dio passed away.

    He was one of the guys that got me into metal not too long ago, and I loved what few songs of his I had back then. To this day he is still awesome, and always will be. <3 I dressed up as him once, old readers of this blog might recall.

    Rest in peace, Ronnie.

    I now present the lyrics (as close as I can get them) to one of my favorite songs of his, and one of the first ones I heard from him. : Holy Diver.

    Holy Diver
    You've been down too long in the midnight sea
    Oh, what's becoming of me?

    Ride the tiger
    You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
    Oh, don't you see what I mean?

    Gotta get away
    Holy Diver

    Shiny diamonds
    Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
    Something is coming for you!

    Look out!

    Race for the morning
    You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
    Oh, we will pray it's all right.

    Gotta get away, get away

    Between the velvet lies,
    There's a truth that's hard as steel.
    The vision never dies,
    Life's a never ending wheel.

    Holy Diver
    You're the star of the masquerade
    No need to look so afraid!

    Jump on the tiger
    You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
    Some light can never be seen!

    Holy Diver
    You've been down too long in the midnight sea
    Oh, what's becoming of me?

    Ride the tiger
    You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
    Oh, don't you see what I mean?

    Gotta get away, get away,
    Gotta get away, get away,
    Holy Diver!
    Sole survivor!
    You're the one who's clean!
    Holy Diver!
    Holy Diver!
    There's a cat in the blue coming after you,
    Holy Diver!
    Get away, get away, get away,
    Holy Diver~
  16. Disky
    Today at school, the Foreign Language department held the annual International Food Fair. Being a freshman, twas my first time there, and it's pretty cool. Students bring in food from various nations, the main focus being on foods from the countries that the school teaches languages of - Japan, Italy, France, and Spain (or anything Spanish in general). They were open during lunch periods, and the last two periods of the day, the French and Italian classes 'cleaned' up the leftovers by eating them up.

    During my lunch period, I went down and there so many people you could hardly navigate. Dx I also had my art project with me, and I used the cardboard backing for it as a tray for my plates of food. And my bag was heavy, too. But, I got some Japanese and Italian food, and a French dessert, and ate with some friends. I saved an onigiri to eat in science class. Onigiri is pretty awesome <3

    Since my Italian class was the last period of the day, we went down to 'clean up', but the French class before us ate everything that was left over. ;_; However, my Italian teacher (he's alive, btw) let us leave early. =D

    Otherwise life is good, but I need to think of what to make for Brickfair in terms of MOCs. Time to build is slowly running low! D:
  17. Disky
    So did you know that with four chords you can play many of everyone's favorite pop songs on the keyboard? =O

    The Axis of Awesome did so at some show (look up the video), and I was like "whoa." The four chords, credit to Dudebot here, are E Major, B Major, C# Minor, and A Major. Of course, I don't understand much about music in such a manner, but it's still pretty awesome.

    Speaking of music, I've been getting into Vocaloid lately. I want to make fanart for some of the songs, like Len and Rin's "Prisoner" and "Paper Plane." But I feel I should get some form of art markers first, like Prismacolor or Copic (Copic is more expensive, I believe), and then master them for these pieces. Maybe I can do so in the summer?

    And more music stuff! Random, nonsense lyrics of the day:
    I'm a magician, Spencer,
    A furious magician!
    Are you proud of your country?
    Are you proud of your country?
    I bet you are, you pretty little boy,
    Sitting up there in your high chair,
    Demanding more applesauce.
    You've already got enough applesauce, Spencer!
    There's plenty of applesauce on your plate.
  18. Disky
    I went to that used bookstore again, and checked out what they had. I got two volumes of Gon (volumes 2 and 6) and a volume of something I don't know. I don't know it because it's in Japanese, so I can't read the title. If anyone knows Japanese and would like to read the title for me, just ask and I can scan in the cover.

    Aaanyways I feel artistically mehh. I have a project in art where I have to illustrate a thing from a combination of sentence starters and nouns from the chalkboard. I chose "Daughter of Atomic Particles" (though it should really be subatomic particles). I started the drawing, but I have some problems with anatomy I have to fix. And perspective on this will be a pain. My friend also requested a bookmark from me. I have also been long working on a fanart for Alice Human Sacrifice (Vocaloid song) but I can't find free and alone time to work on it. One reason why I can't wait until school and testing is over. =D

    Durarara!! is an awesome show. Just amazing. <3 Leader knows how crazy it is.
    @Blade - one of the characters actually has something similar to Novia's anger, where he gets supa-strong. =P

    And, I have worn my Torchic hat all week to school, and I've gotten used to it now. Might not match my outfit all the time, but it's still awesome.
  19. Disky
    Today I went to the Sakura Matsuri at a botanical garden in my area. Sadly, the cherry blossoms were not in bloom - in fact they had withered, in a way. But that didn't spoil the fun. =D

    At the main stage where the not-in-bloom trees were, when I arrived at the beginning, there was a rehearsal of a martial arts dance going on. The drums were very loud, and the person with the flute played next to a microphone, so the sound was sometime deafening. Some pics - 1 2 3
    Elsewhere in the botanical garden, these women were dancing (to no music). It was very mysterious.

    The botanical garden also features a Japanese pond and garden. There's huge coi in this pond! =O Some highlights are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 There was also a Tea Ceremony rehearsal going on just to the side of the pond.

    After the garden, My dad, granny, and I got some bento lunches. 1 2 3 They were delicious. <3

    In the visitor's center, there were some examples of Ikebana flower arrangements. They were very beautiful. My personal favorites were: 1 2 3

    Finally, we went over to the J-Lounge: an area of J-pop culture, such as manga, anime, music, etc. After checking out the tents, getting a ton of fliers, and staring at Gundam kits, a show began.
    The show was Uncle Yo, an anime stand-up comedian. He was brilliant. He sang an FPS version of Caramelldansen, James Cameron's Avatar became a Blizzard joke, Lelouch Lamperouge sang a song only to be interrupted by Light Yamagi, they both got owned by a cupcake, cupcake went Super Saiyan, he commented on some recent events that suggest a battle between Earth and the Moon, he criticized Hetalia, and he finished off by singing the Sailor Moon song with Mario Bueno.
    After that fun, Mario Bueno sang various anime openings. One from Durarara!!, one from Code Geass, one from RomeoxJuliet, one from Dragonball Z, and one from Gundam Seed. It was awesome.

    Can't forget the cosplayers. Characters from Naruto were the most common thing I saw people dressed as. There was a random dude in all white who wandered around the whole park making clever comments on the surroundings. After Mario Bueno's singing, there was a Iron Cosplay competition (kind of like Iron Chef - you get 20 minutes to dig through fabrics with your team and create a costume), but I didn't stick around for the end.

    I also bought a Torchic hat. In fact, I'll wear it to Brickfair. It should help you guys find me. B)
  20. Disky
    Today after school was fun. I went with some friends to the Apple Store near my school, but it was closed until 5:00 PM for a little tidying up. The reason was because there was a long line outside the store of people waiting to buy the iPad. But the staff outside said that if you're not buying an iPad, you'll be let into the store at 5 anyways.

    So we chill until 5, which wasn't for less than an hour. We got there just as it opened. Funny thing is, for like the first twenty people on that line that stepped in, the employees clapped. When we walked in there, with all that clapping, it felt like we were royalty. ._.
    I checked out the iPad, it's actually really neat. I wouldn't mind owning one. In fact, I logged onto BZP with it, and BZP looked beautiful as ever. <3

    Then my friends went crazy with Photo Booth on one of the computers, and I was forced into it. woohoo~

    And I've been doing so many things in the last hour or two that I can't think straight. I've had the "Add Entry" tab open for at least an hour to write this entry. Aaaaah.
  21. Disky
    My Italian teacher got into an accident and broke his leg, now he's not coming in for at most two weeks. Apparently, now my class is going to have a substitute (who is very awesome) who will mostly give us assignments from the textbook that my Italian teacher told him to assign. While it's cool, I miss my Italian teacher.

    Got my report card, and I have three 99's. Kinda scary.

    And starting today until around May 12, I can sign up for next year's classes. Math class with probably be Algebra II/Trig. English is no big deal for signing up. In the sciences, I should be automatically programmed into Chemistry. Global history continues on for another year. Foreign language, I can choose to continue taking Italian, or not take a language at all. I'm continuing Italian, though. =D
    As for the arts, I'll be automatically put into the next studio class (sophomore year it's Basic Graphic Design and then Oil/Acrylic). But then there's another thing! I can take Ceramics in the fall and Printmaking in the spring, or Printmaking in the fall and Ceramics in the spring. I've decided to go for Ceramics in the spring, because the spring semester is longer and Ceramics is more fun. Also you can get injured in Printmaking, so that's not cool.

    Oh and today there was this epic picture of a T-Rex head replacing the head of some businessman in the newspaper, with his hands in a kind of T-Rex-ish pose. I cut it out and kept it. B)
    The other week I had found a picture of a very excited Joe Biden, too.
  22. Disky
    I feel like Sisen with these crazy dreams. (=P)

    But yeah, two nights ago I had an interesting dream. It was set in the real world, and everything looked like it does here, but the people were changed. There were three main groups of people: Zombie people, people totally under a trance, and people whose personalities have been flipped.

    The zombie people just moped around, although one guy who looked like a farmer chased me and tried to kill me. I lost him the first time, and the second time I gave him a really weak punch and he just fell over and didn't respond. Weakling.

    The tranced people were under some sort of spell, walking around ignorant of their surroundings. Most commonly, they would be walking up and down staircases. Be it spiral stairs, normal stairs, or just two steps, they constantly walked up and down them. I do not know of the significance of this.

    The third group was the strangest to me. Many of the people I knew suddenly had personalities opposite of what I knew them as. To watch them interact was pretty interesting.

    All in all, dreams freak me out.
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