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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    Well, my chemistry teacher changed today permanently. Instead of the one I mentioned last week from the first day of school, I now have a different one that I know slightly better (she supervised a club I was in last year). Apparently the two teachers randomly swapped classes. The exact reason is known.

    Oh well, at least she's not seating us alphabetically unlike my other teachers. I'm always the absolute last person in the back corner because of my obscure name. ;_; Except in history - I was almost seated in the corner and my teacher asked me if the seat was okay, and I told him I couldn't see as well from there, so I'm closer up front now. And the sight thing is slightly true at least, though I've survived sitting in the back plenty of times in my life.
  2. Disky
    We watched this movie today in art class instead of having a final exam. My teacher said that she chose to watch this because of all the interesting design used throughout.

    And it was beautiful. Just beautiful.
  3. Disky
    I was at the dentist earlier today, just for a checkup. But then the x-ray picked up something funky and she had to treat that. So she numbed the left side of my mouth (that needle was scary ;__ and then took out some tools, like drills (they're insane, I tell you). She stuck five things in my mouth at once and used the teeny tiny drills on one of my teeth. For such a small thing that drill sounded so loud in my head. ._. But then there was this device that spun around and it was so quiet I was instantly calmed.

    I kept wanting to say something about what was going on but obviously I couldn't.

    Now that I think about it I have no idea what was wrong with me in the first place. I guess I don't understand Russian medical speak that much. o_O
  4. Disky
    It was beautiful. I really enjoyed watching it, despite not remembering the previous two films that well. Still brought me back to the good old days. <3
  5. Disky
    So on Monday, when I had a day off, I went downtown to Gamestop and all, to get my shiny Suicune. Went well.

    But while I was there, I happened upon several people dressed as cockroaches and dancing. Mostly square dancing.

    Now imagine normal roaches square dancing. ._.

    It was apparently meant to advertise something about dirty hotels. Regardless, they gave out free Purell that you could attach to your bag or keys.
  6. Disky
    So I'm back from a super fun weekend at the country house to describe what happened. I'll try not to make it too long, though.

    The drive to the place was pretty boring, and after settling in, everyone (myself, friend, her mom, and her dad) fell asleep. But the house itself was very pretty, surrounded by trees, and a dock that went into the lake was only a few steps away from the patio.

    For breakfast on Saturday, the family had leftover corn, so they took the kernels and made pancakes with corn. And they were delicious. After breakfast, my friend and I went down to the basement (which had the TV), and watched a DVD volume of Darker Than Black (five episodes). They were very good, and I"m going to continue watching it.
    After reading our books some, we drove down to one of the towns in the region and enjoyed a tiny art show, a mineral shop, and ice cream. Following that, we went apple picking at this orchard. 1/2 bushel of apples were obtained, though when I went back home I took only a 1/2 peck with me.
    We would have gone hiking, but instead went to this tiny beach on the lake and went swimming. Though I did have a flotation device, it was very fun and I learned one or two things. I'm not gonna save your life, though. =P
    While we had dinner, we had made an apple crisp and put it in the oven. However, we didn't get to eat it yet - we had to a play performed by Shakespeare&Company, Richard III. And it was beyond excellent. The actors were wonderful, especially when showing emotion. There was also some interaction with the audience during the play. And flying saliva from the actors. I should know - I was in the front row.
    Then we went home and ate the delicious apple crisp.

    Sunday wasn't as actionful, but we went to a fair in another town after my friend and I watched The Swan Princess. This was one of those fairs with the Ferris Wheel and carnival games and a ton of friendfried food. Of the rides, I went on the Hand Glider one, which was super fun. Others rides seemed a bit intimidating because I get sick easily. We also ate a pulled pork sandwich and maple syrup cotton candy. The cotton candy didn't have any whack coloring to it, and it was absolutely amazing.
    The fair had farm animals from nearby, including cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits and goats. In the petting zoo area, there was this small and adorable baby goat that everyone wanted to cuddle. But, of course, we could only pet and feed him. There was one animal that was a mix between a donkey and a zebra, and it was very cool. Also there were kittens <3

    On the road home there were bats flying over the highway. Not a swarm, but a couple at a time could be seem.

    Overall it was an amazing two-day trip, and I'm glad that I went. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat one of those apples we picked. =D
  7. Disky
    First I am disappointed that no one got the reference in the previous entry. You all need to go and read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.


    I think I did well on most of my midterms. In gym, we didn't do anything for half the time (woo relaxing) and for the other half we played a soccer game. He said we deserved to relax, with all the tests pressuring us.

    My English teacher graded our midterm right away because it was so short - I got a 99.

    And for all you Brickfair people - my dad finally signed me up to it, and the check was sent today. So I'm officially going. ^^
  8. Disky
    sleepover was fun and had yummy food

    But on Friday, one of my art classmates had pretty severe boy problems, and was barely able to paint. Her friend (also in my class) went up to her, and he said that she shouldn't hate herself for this because the world has six billion people in it, in which she's only met a few, and that among those six billion, one person would be just for her.

  9. Disky
    Today was pretty awesome. School was half-day, and everyone was in costume. As an update to how my costume came out, the hair was insanely random and failed to properly spike. But it was still nice. :3 My friend also lent me her faaaaat Pikachu to use and "capture" with my Eevee.

    A highlight of the day in school was a peer from middle school, from the drama department, dressing as my History teacher. He taught the class for the day, and my teacher was in such conflict while watching himself being accurately depicted and seeing his flaws and quirks. xD

    My friend from Texas visited and dressed as the 4th Doctor. She knitted the scarf herself (she's making me one too), and she knitted the sweater herself, and she sewed the coat herself. She is amazing.

    Another one of my friends dressed as a Rubik's Cube that you could actually spin, but only the top two parts.

    After school, we went to Build-A-Bear (my first time going), and it was really fun. They had dinosaurs to dress up! I also took a little soft heart from there that will give to someone who is amazing.

    Later, there was just myself and the Texan friend and her dad, and we went to art museum and freaked people out while looking at art. One bust in the Greek and Roman art section looked like Voldemort. No lie. It really really creeped me out. The description for it was simply "bust of a man" or something like that, but that's not the truth.

    Friend and I cried when we had to part ways though.

    Overall, I am satisfied and extremely tired. I will edit this post with some pictures later tonight or tomorrow afternoon (wow, I actually took some!), especially of Voldemort.

    EDIT: Added two pictures. I would add more, but I have to see if other friends have better images than I do. Especially of the Fourth Doctor outfit.
  10. Disky
    Now that I've calmed down a bit from the weekend and studying for exams, let me tell you what I did Saturday night.

    I was at my friend's place for her birthday and a sleepover with a few people, and her parents got us tickets to show called Fuerza Bruta. It's not a show you sit down and watch - you're standing, looking all around you, walking around, and dancing. It's just amazing.

    The first part mainly had to do with a business man of sorts on a conveyor belt. He would walk normally, push past other people on the belt, sit in chairs, or run and go through walls (made of cardboard and paper). It was interesting, and had a lot of dramatic music.

    The next part I liked: they pulled a silver curtain around the entire area we were standing/watching, and while some stage hands shook the curtain insanely, these two women on harnesses ran and danced on the curtain, with all these different colored lights. Seriously, sideways stuff is just awesome.

    After that there was a lot of tossing cardboard and styrofoam and paper confetti at the audience (us). And I mean a lot.

    Following that, another awesome part of the show started: There was a thing hanging above us full of water (like a pool with a transparent bottom and not a lot of water), and four acrobats started swimming and doing stuff in the water while we looked up at them. It was really impressive, and despite the neck pain it was worth looking. Just beautiful <3

    And the final part was a clown-like guy in a really high place with a hose of sorts, spraying water down on us. After some sprays, techno music, and dancing, it started to shower from the ceiling and we all got reaaaally wet.

    That was probably the best Saturday night ever.

    Totally unrelated: I have an mini-obsession with Fai from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. <3
  11. Disky
    FINALLY my city is actually having a snow day!

    So my city barely has any snow days, the last one my people recall is when I was in third grade or something. And we kids have always been jealous of everyone around us in schools in other cities and counties who get a snow day or at least an hour delay when one flake of snow falls. But no longer, for we are catching up! (though not for long >__>)

    But yes, it brings me joy. Although the rest of my family will also be home tomorrow, so I get no free time to sing terribly and draw whatever without my bro criticizing >(
  12. Disky
    I'm back.

    an homework lol ;-;

    Will write a huge entry on weekend upon completion of homework.
    EDIT: Just noticed the Bleach movie so I'm watching that. Plus I'm reading FMA. Woot excuses for no entry. =P
  13. Disky
    e. e. cummings (lowercase to respect how he likes to write) is a poet who experiments with grammar and breaks the rules of the English language.

    I want to hug him because a poem of his that we read and deciphered in English today gave me a story idea.

    I want to kill him because a little bit of rage instinctively boils up in me when I see bad grammar. And since many of his poems are all not proper grammar, you can guess how much rage I've boiled in my pot.
  14. Disky
    So I'd been finding images for the past week so I settled for these.
    Banner's slightly blurry but I like it still.
    And lyrics match theme. =O But I don't remember exactly who said that quote above the banner, but I'll have to live with that.
    Luuucy <3
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