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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    I got confused or lost three times today.

    In the morning, when I got out he train station, I went the wrong way and ended up running four streets back and then continuing when I noticed the numbers were increasing instead of decreasing. xP

    Second time was in Starbucks. I had no idea I had five quarters instead of four so I almost had to trade in my drink for another one I could actually afford when the dude pointed out the amount of quarters and I was like, ">___> right... did not notice that."

    Third way was me going on the wrong side of the train station. Almost ended up going on the wrong train until a friend's mom met up with me and told me I was probably going the wrong way.

    jeeez something was wrong with today.

    Also science test tomorrow ;_;
  2. Disky
    diskmaster859 (17:46:46): hmm what should I blog about...
    DaLeader13 (17:47:08): I can't blog till I finsh DX
    DaLeader13 (17:47:16): Blog about me
    DaLeader13 (17:47:22): Make me feel special
    diskmaster859 (17:47:28): Fine
    DaLeader13 (17:47:36): Yay

    So yeah here's your entry, Leader.
  3. Disky
    This weekend, I should probably come up with some ideas for stories. So that over the midterm week and Thanksgiving vacation, I can actually get to writing. I haven't written anything not school-related for a while now, so I want to get back into that and improve some more.

    If you want you can give me some starter ideas for stories that I could build on or use for inspiration. =D
  4. Disky
    I discover BZPower right when I should be finishing my cosplay for Comic Con/Anime Fest tomorrow.
  5. Disky
    So I watching an anime, Tokko, right?
    And I finished all the episodes.
    I disliked that ending for some reason... :/ A bit sudden, and left you at a cliffhanger.
  6. Disky
    So sometimes, I ponder too hard about a certain word. I think about it, repeat it in my head over and over and over, try and spell it out several times, fit it into sentences, etc.

    And the longer I think, the less the word makes sense to me. I start to not understand the meaning, correct spelling, usage, existence, and other aspects. "Disturb" and "yet" are some of the latest words I've pondered about. And, for no reason I know of, large words don't really get pondered about in such a way.

    What a strange habit I have.
  7. Disky
    So in art class, we started on our midterm, and we need to finish it by Friday. The entire class was silent, and everyone felt too awkward in the silence to pipe up. We're usually very chatty.

    So, I need to focus somehow on my drawing. Since we can listen to music, I put on my headphones and shuffled my songs. First one I got was "Never Gonna Give You Up." When it came on, I jumped in and was impressed with myself.

    So rickrolling oneself can be very useful. =D
  8. Disky
    Today I got this brilliant story/character idea while walking down the street and flapping my arms randomly while listening to "Arigato" by Home Made Kazuko.

    now to find time to write this out...
  9. Disky
    So the past few days, there was very summer-like weather in my area. We even broke a record in temperature. O:

    And today, the temperature crept back down to normal, along with a bit of rain in the morning and some light wind.

    However, during the warm days, not many people went to the ice-cream trucks for, well, ice cream. And today, after school, on this chilly day, I saw half of the people I know with ice cream, and some in the process of buying it. So I bought some myself.

    And it tasted better than usual.

    Why is this so? O:
  10. Disky
    It was crazee. For my first party with high school friends, it was pretty crazy.

    Okay so I got there with a friend and everyone went downstairs into this little area of the apartment building's basement. It was kind of like an apartment only waaay smaller. Like, there were three rooms and a bathroom and they were all tiny.

    So we got in there, put on some music, got out fruits and chips, and danced. Some highlights were my Rickrolling them, "Bye Bye Bye" being played over and over, rap, and all your classic, cliche party songs.

    The cake that was had was red velvet, and it was delicious.

    I think the best part was at the very end, though. So I call mom and dad, who are waiting in the Starbucks at the corner right next to the house. I tell them that I'll be there in a minutes. When I announce my leave to everyone, we made a plan to all go out, and cha cha to Starbucks. We were pretty loud. xP
    So we get to Starucks and I'm dismissed. But it's not over yet!
    They had decided to go around the entire block, so by the time I exited Starbucks I met up with them again. So they all turned around to the direction I was going, and we marched down the street singing "When the Saints go marching down!" or "Weeeee are the champions, my friends..." and more. When we reached the end of the street, we huddled together and sang "We Will Rock You," and then had a huge hug before my mom pulled me out of the crowd and we finally left.

    Woooo good times

    *points down to previous entry/character content block with Lelouch for feedback*
  11. Disky
    Congratulations! You caught a wild Mareep!

    But, like [most] trainers, you wish to evolve your Mareep. Yet you hate fighting wild Pokemon and other trainers, or you just suck at it. What do?
    Simple! Let's start by shaving some of the fluff off your Mareep and standing it on its two hind legs. It looks taller now!
    The blue isn't attractive, though. Let's dye it pink, and make the silly yellow fluff a brilliant white! And the yellow sphere on it's tail just has to go, so you instead attach a blue one.

    Wow! Looks much better now. In fact, let's call it Flaafy. But it's not good enough yet.
    Shave off all the fluff. All of it. You can make a nice garment with it, anyway. You're kind of favoring the yellow again, so you dye your Flaafy yellow. However, you make the chest and stomach white for the sake of aesthetic.
    Attach a red jewel to its forehead, and change the tail's sphere to red to match.
    Now, take your Flaafy to the gym, and let it work out a little. When some muscles form, you'll have a nice, larger Pokemon.

    Amazing! From here onwards, you call this Ampharos!
    And that, my friends, is how you can evolve your Mareep! No long, difficult adventuring needed! All you have to do is buy the materials in town and work right at home!
  12. Disky
    Today in Fencing club we arranged flowers! For one and a half hours! =D

    But getting onto why, the Fencing and Soccer teams held a fundraiser where they sold carnations to people. $2 for the first flower, and $1 for additional flowers. You could have it sent to a person anonymously or whatever. And all of them had little messages from the senders, they were so cute.
    So we had to arrange the bouquets of one flower, some were of two or three flowers. And then staple the messages on.

    One of the best messages: A teacher sent another teacher a flower, writing, "Come eat cheese with me."
  13. Disky
    I saw it in 3D today. I loved it a lot, surprisingly. <3

    I also tried peach bubble tea today, and it was really good. Only, the guy put so many fruit chunks that every time I took a sip from the straw, I'd get more solid fruit than drink. xP
  14. Disky
    I'm walking down the street, and it's raining (yes I have an umbrella). I think, "Hey, I bet no one wears bags over their heads against rain anymore!"
    One minute later a guy with a bag tied over his head (with his face left open) ran by me.
    I love these moments in life.
  15. Disky
    I finally finished reading the books, and it was a fantastic adventure.
    I'm just disappointed that I read through the last two books in three days. Although fast reads are exciting, I wish they had lasted longer.
  16. Disky
    My internet at home is back!
    And apparently faster than it was at my old apartment.
    So that means it's time to catch up on whatever I missed~
  17. Disky
    99.5 on my global history midterm, 99 on English midterm, 95 on science midterm. =D

    My art midterm will take a while. In fact, I haven't worked on it since Tuesday. The school is having all the art classrooms make a mural thing that they'll hang up in the wall this Friday, so I've working since last week with a few people to get that done. We have all the artwork for it, which the whole class worked on, but now us "committee" people (as my teacher calls us) have to put it together. It's looking awesome. However, that means my midterm is going to be held off for a little while. And if I end up bringing it home, that means I'll be dragging a huge piece of wood with a 15" by 22" piece of paper attached to it. Dx

    But I'm feeling pretty good right now, so I can go crazy about my art midterm later.
  18. Disky
    I hear Bionicle's gonna be discontinued. Not that I'm heavily affected by this. But still a bit saddening.

    Anyways, I'm running out of stuff to blog about that's not about life. Cuz life is boooring.
    *in before "blog about me!"*
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