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Blog Entries posted by Disky

  1. Disky
    I got sick yesterday, starting off with a whole ton of sneezing, and then my nose got all bleh. Today I got occasional headaches throughout the school day, and my ears are all messed up. It's hard to yawn as well.

    At least now I get to fuse different kinds of tea that I could use for my current state to create one great tea with an unidentifiable taste.
  2. Disky
    102%. That's my Global History test score. Second best in the class (103 was highest >__>).

    And I have my first meeting for Fencing club tomorrow. I'll be able to learn the sport finally! With these skills, I can get my.... revenge on a certain man.
  3. Disky
    So you see, my brother has this sheet of passwords from back in like 2002 or 2003 that he hasn't used in years. It wasn't just passwords, though - he also wrote down site URLs to remind him of them in case he wanted to check them out or look up something on them.

    So I was reading said sheet, and I noticed that he wrote "www.bzpower.com" on it.

    I was like, "Whoa," and then I showed him, and he was like, "Whoa." (he knows of my antics on BZP, but has no idea when he wrote the URL down)
  4. Disky
    This weekend, I should probably come up with some ideas for stories. So that over the midterm week and Thanksgiving vacation, I can actually get to writing. I haven't written anything not school-related for a while now, so I want to get back into that and improve some more.

    If you want you can give me some starter ideas for stories that I could build on or use for inspiration. =D
  5. Disky
    So I have been dead the past week or two because of the moving... my house hasn't had internet. I expect to get it back tonight, but who knows.
    But right now, I would like you all to provide me with some nice prophecies. Yesterday during a fire drill at school, my friend and I discussed how random numbers like to call our cell phones. Sometimes it's an advertisement, or a bunch of beeps, or actual humans. So we decided that if an actual person that we don't know calls us, we would tell them a random prophecy.
    Lo and behold, a random person actually called me five minutes later on the drill. So, rather rushed, my friend told me to say "The sky will fall." So I did.
    But I need much more awesome prophecies for next time. Make them up, take them from pop culture (Bionicle prophecies? The best.), whatever.
  6. Disky
    Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it.

    Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He also helped me pick out the gift (FMA-themed, mind you). Then I got myself a Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) cell phone thingy (it's really cute <3).

    After that I wandered around the city, went to the used bookstore but bought nothing, and then wandered around some 30 more streets before going on the train home.

    At home, I turn on the computer and go check out what manga series had updated. Sure enough, FMA has a new chapter. But, it's the last chapter of all time, and it's at least 100 pages long. It was a good ending, but this day has sure been freaky - hints towards the end of the series have been bombarding me the entire day.

    And then Dudebot and I cried together about the chapter. ;_;
  7. Disky
    admit that song is beautiful <3

    So the weekend was crazy awesome. We arrived at the camp lodge upstate sometime at seven (?) and had introductions, orientation, and pizza. We settled in, all that lazy stuff.

    Next day we did some "low ropes," which are team-building activities. For one, there was a tire suspended by rope between two trees and we had to get all the team members to the other side of the tire in a certain time. It was fun being lifted.
    Another one was a huge, smooth wall, and we had to get the team members to the top of the platform, where three at a time would stay and help the others up. Big boys lifted people up from the bottom, and some people up top pulled them up (camp staff helped with lifting the first few). We didn't finished, so I have no idea what the last people would have done. =P

    The next day, Sunday, we did the "high ropes," the extreme stuff. First obstacle was we had to climb a tree to a certain height (40 feet?). Starting from that tree and onto the next one was a long wire, and another wire above it. On the top wire hung several ropes to grab onto. So, with a harness on (thank goodness), I navigated my way shakily to the end of the wire (that really really short string no one can reach made it harder ;_, screamed a couple of times, and made it. Climbed up a couple of feet of tree, and made it to the zip line. They strapped me in, and without much hesitation I pushed off the platform and zipped. The only thing to say on this is "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
    After that I went and did rock climbing. I got halfway up a wall, and the rocks got sorta small and hard to grip or stand on, so I slipped several times. I started over once, but never made it to the top. xP Still fun.
    After rock climbing, I learned how to repel. A repel is when you get you slide yourself down, often used in mountain sports and stuff. There's a pulley system, and you have to ease yourself down to the ground from a certain height. It was interesting.
    I would have done the leap of faith where you just jump off a platform on a tree to the ground, but there wasn't enough time for me.

    The food at the camp was awesome. Taco lunch was epic <3

    So yeah =D

    And I watched Bleach: Fade to Black last night. Awesome movie. =O
  8. Disky
    The Principality of Sealand is a micronation off the coast of Great Britain that was originally a sea fortress of sorts. A former Major founded the 'nation' and declared himself prince, living on the micronation with his family. In 2006, there was a fire in the fortress that ruined most of the nation, but they are rebuilding.

    Not bad. Not bad at all. They've got plenty of the stuff most nations have in terms of government. Of course, on such a location they have limited access to resources as well.

    They even have a shop! I now have the urge to own an "I <3 Sealand" t-shirt.

  9. Disky
    How come when you run out of Pokemon in a battle and hence lose, why do you black out for that one moment?

    And when you lose to a wild Pokemon, how do you just 'drop' a set amount of money (if I recall correctly that's what happens)? Shouldn't a trainer be more careful with their cash?
  10. Disky
    So remember that children's story writing contest I entered? In today's weekly student bulletin at school, there was a section that mentioned myself and another girl that got in. Everyone was like "yay" until we realized that my friend who illustrated my story and the partner of the girl I just mentioned were both not included in the bulletin. But my English teacher called the office, and hopefully they'll fix it in the online version. =D

    My friend in science class also somehow obtained Russia's (Hetalia) character CD from Japan, and let me borrow it for the weekend, mostly for the instrumentals. It's pretty cool, and has inspired me to draw a bookmark. As if I don't have enough to draw already (thanks for the pressure, Blade =P).

    And my dad is magical. He has this tape that is the same color as a normal, boring brown package. So since he has a package he needs to send, he found some random big box from a blender or something, and just wrapped it up in this tape. It looks just like a normal package, it's crazy.

    Also guys why is four-chambered heart more advantageous than a three-chambered heart? Cuz I have no idea D:

  11. Disky
    National Novel Writing Month is in ten or less days now, and I'm still not ready for it. ;_;
    I have yet to title my novel, for one.
    I also need to name my locations (though Blade is helping with that... maybe).
    My characters need a little fine-tuning.
    My plot has some holes that need filling in.
    And I still need to get all my music set up.
    This is going to be one fun and stressful month...
  12. Disky
    Happy New Years, everyone.

    This decade was sure a crazy one. Let 2010 continue the craziness.

    Although I will miss saying '09 or '08 or '07 and stuff like that. I can't imagine saying '10 or twenty-ten after all these years. :'<
  13. Disky
    Congratulations! You caught a wild Mareep!

    But, like [most] trainers, you wish to evolve your Mareep. Yet you hate fighting wild Pokemon and other trainers, or you just suck at it. What do?
    Simple! Let's start by shaving some of the fluff off your Mareep and standing it on its two hind legs. It looks taller now!
    The blue isn't attractive, though. Let's dye it pink, and make the silly yellow fluff a brilliant white! And the yellow sphere on it's tail just has to go, so you instead attach a blue one.

    Wow! Looks much better now. In fact, let's call it Flaafy. But it's not good enough yet.
    Shave off all the fluff. All of it. You can make a nice garment with it, anyway. You're kind of favoring the yellow again, so you dye your Flaafy yellow. However, you make the chest and stomach white for the sake of aesthetic.
    Attach a red jewel to its forehead, and change the tail's sphere to red to match.
    Now, take your Flaafy to the gym, and let it work out a little. When some muscles form, you'll have a nice, larger Pokemon.

    Amazing! From here onwards, you call this Ampharos!
    And that, my friends, is how you can evolve your Mareep! No long, difficult adventuring needed! All you have to do is buy the materials in town and work right at home!
  14. Disky
    So this weekend, my dad and I went down to the storage in the basement of our building to set up a bike rack and store our bikes there to make extra room (for a table which'll have my own computer :3).
    So, there was a futon mattress there and my dad had to move it to make room. It's a very crowded room, you see. This is approximately what happened:

  15. Disky
    So we were waiting for the bus at the stop on the street. An elderly lady comes and nearly bumps into one of the guys in my group, and scolds him three times about how he was in the way.

    Except the street was nearly empty except for us so she had plenty of space to pass through.

    People these days. *shakes head disapprovingly*
  16. Disky
    I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less.

    And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P

  17. Disky
    Although I already got 100 for the last marking period in art class, nothing's ever over.
    I was assigned with two other people (one is a horrible artist btw) to create the Senior Painting that will be unveiled at graduation. The biggest thing I'll be doing is the actual painting of it, as well as correcting any anatomy problems on the people, perspective issues, etc. We have less than two weeks to finish it.
    I also have my art class Senior Project, which I'm not sure what I'll do it on yet. Although my teacher loved one of my pictures so much she'd count it as the Senior Project, I want to make a new piece.
    I also have several characters from my stories and from RPG's I want to draw out, along with other random artworks to finish off.
    Aand... Next school year I'll be going to an art high school with three studio classes a day, if I recall correctly. For four years!
  18. Disky
    Today, the city held a snow day. As mentioned earlier, it could mean the end of the world as we know it now that my city has had two snow days in a month. This is the Prophecy - and only you can save the world!

    You and your companions set out for the Park on this day, a place of nature built by Elves, I guess.

    You enter the park, and it is packed with snow, at least a foot of it. Walking is difficult, and your legs have a higher chance of getting tired in this environment.

    On the first pathway, you encounter a Fallen Tree. Luckily, it is easy to hop over. Unfortunately, directly after this tree is another Fallen Tree. You go under this one. You notice that along this pathway, many trees are missing or broken. The snow seems to have gotten deeper.

    You encounter another Fallen Tree. This time, you weave through a curtain of branches and twigs to get across. Down below you, you notice children play in the snow nearby a tree that is sulking under the weight of the snow. The scenery looks nice.

    Eventually, after passing several more fallen trees, you leave the first pathway and hit a crossroads, with a Castle peering down at you. You assume it is one of the ancient Elven castles. and admire its beauty.

    You choose your next path, and head down that one. You encounter a Wild Cat. With the intent of hunting it down, you approach the wild cat. With an evil glare at you, however, the wild cat makes its escape, and leaves behind a Decoy. Tricked by its cunning tactics, you abandon the hunt for the cat and continue your journey.

    As you continue, you reach another crossroads. On the rock wall between two paths are several icicles. Along the fresh snow of the pathway, you read an inscription, "Demons lurk," "Hello mortal >," and more such messages. Suddenly wary, you decide to equip Icicle, a deadly weapon.

    Well, maybe not.

    Unimpressed, you toss away icicle and equip Greater Icicle. Now you feel ready for the journey ahead, and choose a pathway. After going past more scary messages, you turn on the path. Now, you encounter an Ice Wall. Look at all those beautiful weapons on it, sadly it's too high for you to reach.

    Past the ice wall, you notice that various children have constructed a Wall out of snow and ice bricks. They must know of the demons too, and have created a barrier against them.

    You continue walking, and meet Epic Snowman. Snowman tells you the direction that you must go in in order to fulfill your destiny, whatever that may be. You scoff at Snowman, and head off towards the direction he pointed. As you walk, you observe the snow-covered Tree of Wisdom, planted by those Elves long ago. And then...

    From the treetops, a Ray of Hope shines down at you! You suddenly feel confident in your quest to save the world, and race ahead.

    On a Tree, you notice green Ivy growing up on it. The Elves must still dwell here, you wonder. Nearby this tree is a Gate that is mostly blocked off by snow.

    As you trudge onward, you can feel the snow and sleet slapping you against the face, the only part of your body that isn't covered by an article of Clothing you equipped before this adventure. The snow, however, is more cushioning to your step, rather than having you fall through just as you step on it.

    You try to go down a staircase to go through a tunnel, but the stairs are covered in snow and ice, and a Fallen Tree in in your way. Disappointed, you continue on.

    You pass by a More Graceful Ice Wall. It's very pretty, though the icicles on it are weak. Good for throwing knife substitutes, though.

    Right near this ice wall is a tunnel, so you go through it. Your voice echoes in this tunnel, and you are temporarily shielded from the snow. Once you're out, there is nothing noteworthy. Just snow.

    You struggle to go down a last flight of stairs, before you finally exit the Park.

    You realize the Prophecy is a lie and this entire journey was pointless, so you go home in shame.


    This was my day, only in a more... interesting way.
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