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Robin MebKohu

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Posts posted by Robin MebKohu

  1. Kairaz thought for a second, then he realized what his side was missing. "I SUMMON ZE MYSTEEKILL POWAZ OF WUN HUNDWED TOA OF ZONEEKZ! INITIATE OPERATION FACE ME!" "I always underestimate the things I wanna be, apologies will never be my game, facing the reality, facing by myself, all'n all its just another pain, yeah. Sympathy is never lasting, I hunger for revenge, pretending everything will be, pretending everything is going on and on and on and on and on...."

  2. Kairaz woke up... At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean... "Of course, Master iBrow sent us to the bottom of the Ocean, what's next, a giant ball of cheese? Oh well guess I should get started..." Kairaz took aim at ToD at went into full "TWIN FLAME SPIRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!" without the flame, of course.Would anyone like this to be gathered together in the form of a comic?

  3. Looks like we're gonna have to stop calling the Glatorian heads "Iron Man heads". :sigh:Srsly though, were these designed by Megabloks??? The BIONICLE/Hero Factory build never looks good with human heads. And blue Batman makes me wanna cry. Can't they at least make him black???Oh, and Hulk looks ridiculous. The head is just... miserable. Where's the fearsomeness of Hulk from the movies?

    Batman actually does have a blue suit now a days, Black has only been one of his suit colors(HE HAS HAD A PURPLE SUIT!). But, yes Hulk is pretty ridiculous, though I think that mostly because of the hands.

    This would have been a better series as Minifigs. As it stands, for us older fans, they are at best overprices packs of decent parts. I showed these to another guy at school who loves comic book heroes. He was very disappointed with them.

    They are going to be doing a minifig line on the side

    Captain America is the 2nd to worst (he's not in the pics but i saw one of him). My least favorite is Bat-Man, i mean really? WHY DOES HE HAVE WINGS, WHY DOES HE HAVE A BOW, WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY FAVORITE SUPER HERO?!! (i don't get mad often but i can't stand when Bat-Man doesn't look or act like Bat-Man in a series) let's hope there are minifig sets and there better, the only good thing i see is Joker's purple

    The Batman Beyond Batman had(admittedly highly different) wings. Plus they needed to give him some kind of weapon(though I imagine it as more of a double sided katana(he trained in Japan) than a bow).
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