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Gukko Force Captain

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Gukko Force Captain

  1. then why dont u have an avvie/banner

    BTW, which albums? I only have Viva La Vida, which is epic.

  2. *cries*

    i thot u liked coldplay tho

  3. OH NO!

    HE'S BACK!

    *attempts to hide graffiti*

    Heh, heh... hey TtW! :`)

  4. hey wat

    have you even seen watchmen yet



    The book is really good. Pick it up if you can. :)

  5. Yo!

    BTW, in your sig, it says:


    I believe you're missing a bracket near Jhon. ;)

  6. btw why is kows so angreh

  7. hey katie

    change ur name to the tee to kongu

    as in Kongu~t

  8. o noez now my comments r urs :o

  9. Is it just me, or is the Joker clapping faster than before? O_o

  10. wat u meen nub

    i dominated ur comments >:o

  11. lol

    also all your comments are belong to me

  12. a million dollars


    btw i lose

  13. Congrats, you've just earned yourself a Best Quote Evah.

  14. =D

    You know, there should be a book of Katieisms, as in "6" and the like. I would buy it.

  15. *cries*


    but a guitar (which i am getting) is sooooo much betr

  16. o btw did it come standard w/ your comp or did you buy it

  17. 500 cents i hope

    or rather i wish :`(

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