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Gukko Force Captain

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Gukko Force Captain

  1. asdfgh

    how much was photoshop

    me waaaaaant

  2. So, you like Wicked? My sister does too, and she saw the musical.



  3. I JUST saw that you posted a new epic. Omnomnom.

  4. omg

    9900 posts =O

    If you go TtW on me, I will DESTROY you. D=


  5. Hey! Welcome to BZPower! :)

  6. Hey thar! :)

    I noticed you temporarily used one o' my banners. Thanks! =)

    Oh BTW, my mom loves Star Trek, and I think it's pretty cool too.

    *waits for movie*

  7. i help

    Sorry, I don't have Photoshop.


  8. >>

    You like Coldplay, huh?

    Well try this (temporarily)


    go chris martin B)

  9. Hey katie make an avatar for urself lulz

  10. u ran over a beever meenie

    da beever society will destroy u nub >:(

  11. Thank you for supporting AR. New chapter up! :)

  12. Finally, new AR chapter!

  13. So, is the Photobucket thing working out? Or does the Joker have to kill them?


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