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Status Updates posted by ~ShadowBolt~

  1. Yep I got it, but it was 12:00 midnight when I got it. I just went to bed, but now I'm awake.

  2. You don't think you'd make a good blogger... Is that what you're saying?

  3. Why don't you use your blog? You're Premier after all...

  4. Oh, I see...

  5. Ah... You meant for it to be personal, but now you want to make it public?

  6. Did you find the Mistika? :-P

  7. *Grabs them and throws them back.*

    Maybe we should form up an alliance as TtW isn't here...

  8. Really? Thanks a lot! :-)

  9. *Grabs missles out of midair and then throws them back at S-N and TtW.*

  10. So that's three of us... Anybody else? :-P

    By the way, I do understand what you mean by different perspectives. The surgery and all...

  11. Really? That seems young to you? The normal age seems to me as anywhere from 3-7 years old... :-p

  12. Not as young as you think. I got mine when I was pre-teen and that was several years ago. ;)

  13. Y'know, I'm also deaf too. From what you're saying, I guess that you sign? Well, I don't but I do talk with a hearing aid & a Cochlear Implant.

  14. *Grabs chair in mid-air and slams it onto S-N WWE style.* :P

  15. *Grabs a bowl of popcorn and watches this fight in a chair. Also glad that he is immune to mutagen.*

  16. *Nova Blasts both Shadow-Nui and TtW*

  17. *Launches Shadow Bolts at S-N's back*

    Didn't see that coming? :P

  18. What power does it have?

  19. *Dodges boulder and shoots S-N with a Midak Skyblaster*

  20. *Uses a Mask of Water Breathing*

  21. *Calls you a coward* :P

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