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Strawhat Luffy

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Status Updates posted by Strawhat Luffy

  1. sasuke sucks. In the manga Naruto is unstopable now

  2. yeah i watch some anime but mostly read manga. is it a manga?

  3. hi! I was wondering if u have been reading One piece lately the last few chapters have been great

  4. well i just read the new one piece chapter on onemanga.com and it was pretty good and yes fisher tiger must have been epic! i also like Naruto, Bleach, dective conan, eyeshield 21 and claymore

  5. yep i love One piece. I read the manga and currently have read the majority of the chapers including the newest one. Nice 2 meet you 2!

  6. thx for resizing my avvie

  7. it can be mean and sometimes rude

    Srry double comment

  8. i agree with two-face and choco-lover i dont care what he says about my mocs or other people's it the way he says it

  9. and that was about a month and a half ago if i remember correctly

  10. i agree with u two face and chocolvr13 how would u like it? Hmmm....

  11. holy cow last time i saw u u only had about 400 posts!!


  13. i was wondering if u made my self moc

  14. well i couldn't get on the computer till today and now that u posted a new topic it is not on ur profile could u link it to me and is it all right if i add u to my friends list?

  15. i just read ur comment in maxlios.boslo's profile and thx, also i think ur Toa_Ausar MOC is great

  16. i am not trying to be mean or anything but sometimes u can be a bit harsh...

  17. if u do BBC 50 can u PM me when the MOC is done

  18. hey are u continuing ur Zaku series i really like it please contact me

  19. whoa we almost have the exact same b-day

  20. well then i got a question for u so here it is: i was not on bzpower or community or whatever it was called but did people hate the nuva because it would make since everyone here seems to hate "clone sets"

  21. do u craft weapons and such

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