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Yahi Toa of Sun

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About Yahi Toa of Sun

  • Birthday 09/10/1992

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    A little to the left...to the right...
  • Interests
    Mostly games, Lego and Bionicle, films (especially the POTC trilogy), Sonic, writing my own fan-fics. The list goes on. Of all the games I've played, Halo 3 has to be one of my all time favourites for how easy it is to drive in it (most other games, it's better for any other players to keep me away from the driver's seat of anything fast). I actually even enjoyed the driving parts more than some of the fighting. I'm quite a big fan of rpg's and tend towards those more than rts or beat 'em up games, with the Dynasty Warriors series being one of the only beat 'em up games I like. I also have a tendency towards MMORPG's, but the only one I play often is Runescape, being the only one I have a paid membership for is the reason for that. As for films, my favourite series' have to be POTC and LOTR. I also like Mask of Light although it was a friend who owns it and I've only ever seen it once, and I've never seen the other two but intend to. Not much more I can think to say. Hope y'all enjoyed reading ; ) .

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