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Blog Entries posted by Resev

  1. Resev
    You have the cops called out on you, because you look like a group of terrorists, or armed and dressed to kill- militia.
    The cops were cool about it though, even joked around with us after a few questions (Although, in their cruisers, the had some pretty powerful rifles O.o)
    My airsoft team & I, and two other teams had to pull out Saturday and lose our location, because we were scaring residents in the nearby district.
    So now, we have to pick up and find a better location/play at the other team's fields
    On the brightside of things, I've been looking for some abandoned buildings to perhaps make HQ, And some of the most epic battles happen in the rain.
  2. Resev
    Well, another awesome poll has started *points to the right*
    And this time, there gonna be shorter than the last.
    Also I've jazzed up a few things and added some more content blocks.
    PS: I'm thinking of entering the BBC, but I'm having trouble finding inspiration from my music.
    Anyone got any good song ideas?
  3. Resev
    Well, we got the moving truck today so that means we're all set to start the trip up to Colorado.
    We'll be leaving Wednesday around 3-4 PM and it will take around 14 hours to get to our apartments =/
    So that means we'll be driving through the night and should arrive at around 4 AM or so.
    I'm not sure when we'll have the internet up, so I'll be missing from BZP for long while maybe
    I might be able to log on with my PSP to give updates but I'm not sure exactly when I'll be back.
  4. Resev
    Around 48 hours ago, I got word my parents were in a car accident and the car rolled over, totalling the vehicle... My dad's fine, but my mom got the worst of it.
    Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
  5. Resev
    Creationfest blew my socks off...
    All the bands were amazing!!!!!!!!!!
    I would show off all the pics of Relient K (excellent being in the mosh pit), Skillet, RED and other things that took place there, but unfortunately, the camera card isn't giving us da Pics! I'll post 'em whenever the SD card decides to quit being stupid >_>
    And in the time that BZP was down I:
    Was able to go camping at Cultus for a short while. Some Pics
    Got a better shift at my job.
    Bought (was spoiled by Ranna too) myself a new set of clothes.
    And managed to destroy my PSP!!! (It was the 1000 series and I'm surprised it lasted that long) So now I get to go shop for the new one coming out this fall!!
    Hope everyone else had as much fun as I did.
  6. Resev
    Good news all!
    Thanks to Dimensioneer, I'm back in Premier action
    And I'm done with moving for quite some time (I hope it stays that way O.o I don't think I can afford it anymore)
    As stated here, I made it safely.

  7. Resev
    Being allergic to Poison oak/ivy...
    I've never seen so much skin come off before O_O My left wrist is covered in the awful rash and it's scabbing up.
    Luckily, Ranna found me an extra strength rub that absorbs the oils and whatnot, so it should be feeling better.
    NOTE to self: Never play airsoft without long sleeved BDUs.
  8. Resev
    I bleached my hair several times... So that the blue color would finally show up. All for Halloween.

    I'll post pics of the blue hair later.
    Ich liebe blaues Haar…
  9. Resev
    Forgot to post this.
    It's too dangerous to ride on the streets now, what with all the snow and ice we're getting, but it's still awesome as ever. B)

  10. Resev
    Finally got to see Heckboy2 The Golden Army the other night and man, it was AWESOME!
    Del Torro really knows his stuff. Lots of hilarious lines and scenes and plenty of action
    Best character in the movie was Prince Nuada (the dude had mad skillz, just like Kroenen)...too bad he died >_>
    All in all, awesome movie.
  11. Resev
    Voting's/Semi-finals up O.O .......So many good MoCs......Don't know if....I'll make it.......
    Thanx to all who voted (or will) me anyways
  12. Resev
    I'm blue (Da Ba Dee Daba Dy)
    I'll try and get some pics of what I'm talking about (Blue temp. hair dye = fun)
  13. Resev
    Finally, after 3 weeks, I managed to beat Uncharted 2 to lol (lately, it's been hard to find time to play games)
    This was just as good as the first and IMO, it's better. The cinematic effects and elements really made it stand out from the normal video games out there.
    I highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys shooters, adventure, or multiplayer games.
    And Jordboy... We need to play again sometime
    BTW Happy Valentines Day everyone! I know mine was
  14. Resev
    Boxes!.....the boxes are everywhere!!
    I'm gonna be alot happier when this move is over with.
    My room looks like a warzone & alot of my stuff might have to go into storage which I'm not too happy about.
    Hopefully, everything will work out & all this stress'll be over.
    It's gonna be different living in an apartment.
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