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Blog Entries posted by Resev

  1. Resev
    1. Wake up at 9 AM and dress in my snazzy new clothes.
    2. Make sure all my stuff is packed and ready to go.
    3. Have my PSP fully charged and fully loaded memory card, along with UMD movies.
    4. Make sure I have the traveling essentials: passport, plane ticket, reading material
    5. Call ahead to make sure there's no kinks in the plan and all preperations are taken care of.
    6. Have a nice lunch with family.
    7. Say goodbye to friends and family.
    8. Get dropped off at airport.
    9. 4+ hour flight to Canada (stops only to switch planes)
    10. Arrive in Canada and be greeted by the best person in existence.
    Thought I posted this entry afew hours ago ;^^

  2. Resev
    I bleached my hair several times... So that the blue color would finally show up. All for Halloween.

    I'll post pics of the blue hair later.
    Ich liebe blaues Haar…
  3. Resev
    Creationfest blew my socks off...
    All the bands were amazing!!!!!!!!!!
    I would show off all the pics of Relient K (excellent being in the mosh pit), Skillet, RED and other things that took place there, but unfortunately, the camera card isn't giving us da Pics! I'll post 'em whenever the SD card decides to quit being stupid >_>
    And in the time that BZP was down I:
    Was able to go camping at Cultus for a short while. Some Pics
    Got a better shift at my job.
    Bought (was spoiled by Ranna too) myself a new set of clothes.
    And managed to destroy my PSP!!! (It was the 1000 series and I'm surprised it lasted that long) So now I get to go shop for the new one coming out this fall!!
    Hope everyone else had as much fun as I did.
  4. Resev
    Man, Oh man I miss my LEGO Bricks back in Colorado. It's been a while since I've logged on here...Ever since I came back, it's made me realize that I miss MOCing a lot
  5. Resev
    Hey all...
    These past months/year I've had a lot of things happen, good and bad. I've made allies and then I've made enemies, lost friends and gained some. Cried and screamed to the top of my lungs. It's been really stressful with the transition and living with these new changes.
    I recently found out I'm the black sheep of my family and the family tree is looking like it could be trimmed...
    My mom's health is declining and she's showing signs of the disease/injury (C.R.P.S.) in her other leg now and it could spread further.
    All the stress has been effecting my sleep/health and I've been worrying about Ranna's injuries (her other arm has been injured now, thanks to her stupid supervisor at her job). It seems like the days are sifting by, like quick-sand. I'm finding more silver hairs on my head as the months go by.
    But it hasn't been all bad. With my new job and schedule, I've been able to spend more time with Ranna and help out with everything. Ranna's getting worker's comp and getting taken care of legally about her condition.
    Been debating on selling my car and getting a motorcycle instead. B)
    I've come up with a pretty cool costume that I could wear throughout the year and not look out of place. (Assassin's Creed related)
    Picked up an old hobby of mine and started my LED projects again.
    Ranna and I have grown closer in our relationship and I've become one of the family
    We're making plans for a future and it's safe to say we are going to make this permanent (AAHHH, THE BIG QUESTION!!!) Good thing I'm not afraid of commitment
    I won't say too much, but Ranna's finally getting her car (brand new btw instead of used).
    And I've been making enough money to fly back to see my family occasionally.
    Anyway, just wanted to say I won't be very active here, but can be contacted on Skype or Facebook (PM me if anyone's interested).
    I'll hop on every once in a while to check up on friends, but won't make any more entries unless it's super important or special.
    Keep cool y'all.

  6. Resev
    I announce the winner! Kallista ~ Little light, The apparently, awesome-er candidate
    Congratulations Ranna *bows* It was a pleasure to run against you.
    Perhaps I'll have the chance to challenge you another day, and win

  7. Resev
    It's Adderax's twin!

    (click pic for gallery)
    It seems I've gotten stumped with this MOC and can't come up with good enough legs and body/head.
    (I'm using this body to hold everything together to give a good idea of what it'll look like)
    Anyone got any ideas for what I could use to pull off a cool MOC?
    C&C appreciated

  8. Resev
    How about that Canadian gold?
    It was an intense game, and everyone played really well. (Although, the Americans looked like they were attending a funeral during the medals, IMO)
    EDIT: Btw, I forgot to post these pics I took with my iPhone.
    Gretzky lighting the cauldron
    The cauldron lit
  9. Resev
    52 messages to 121 all in about a month's time....
  10. Resev
    Guess who just got the new album from Disturbed!!! ME!!!
    Before it hits the stores, even B)
    And on another note: I'M ANGRY!!!! ....... My laptop broke, so I'm going to have to get it fixed... VERY soon.
    My laptop makes my clients happy and without it, I can't really run my small business. So yeah, anyway...
    *slurps some chilled, Canada Dry before going to bed*
  11. Resev
    I really hate being shy All it's done for me is mess me up on first impressions, making new friends and lost opportunities. >_<
    No more shy Resev from now on >.>
  12. Resev
    Your face was made to smile....
    Whenever I look at you I feel Happiness inside and want to mirror your smile back in hopes that you know how happy you make me....to return at least alittle Joy you've given me or made me feel.
    The Light from your smile is enough to feel me up when I'm in Dark times...
    It's like Joy is etched into every curve of your Beautiful face...
    Your smile is just one of many reasons why I Love you...Because it's so natural...you are Joy.
    And that's why I believe your face was made to smile....

    This is just a special message to a dear friend....Now everyone faint

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