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Angel Beat

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Angel Beat

  1. Angel Beat
    One negative thing today. The Seraphim album I ordered appears to be out of print, which sucks, because I was looking for it for quite some time.
    On some lighter notes...
    My latest order, which consists of 3 BoA albums, is on its way and I'll expect it some time next week, just like my other order.
    And I just sent my application for the global BoA fanclub. Gonna transfer the money Thursday because I'll have more time for it then.
    Aaand,... I'll be pre-ordering 2 singles this week, one by BoA, and one by the TRAX.

    Well, this concludes my entry. Cya around on BZP and don't forget to vote for Join the Inika, MDT Style!
  2. Angel Beat
    Just another day for me, aside from the fact that I got out of bed at 6 pm due to RL issues and the like.
    Nothing life threatening or anything, just what is "usual" for me these days.
  3. Angel Beat
    Er, as you can see, I've found the option to add custom content blocks to my blog. Heh... Dang.
    I sent the money to the guy who keeps track of the BoA Fanclub finances and I'll soon send an email for confirmation.
    Oh, got my neat little package today as well. You know, the one with the hide and Ayumi albums and the BoA dvd... It was a day early!
    Listening to hide's album, called Ja, Zoo, and it sounds awesome. Those songs are definitely going to be in my Xbox playlist, just like the Ayumi Hamasaki remixes.
    So that was another good day for me... But I'm friggin' tired.
    G'nite and see ye around on BZPower~!
  4. Angel Beat
    Soon there'll be an official global BoA fanclub and I want to join, surprisingly. But there's a little problem. (As always. ) It appears that I need a passport to be able to join the club and it also appears that they don't accept payment through PayPal and such, which is bad. I think I'll have to do it through check or money order. :wakeup2:
    Don't have access to either of them.
    There's no problem in getting a passport though, but it takes a while for one to be created. And I only have 25 days left to join. That means I'll have to be fast. I should get my money this week, so I'll have enough to do just that and I'll be able to finally buy something from The List.
    On another note, I've entered the AC11 contest and I hope I'll get past the prelims for once. Got beaten by a darn Bohrok/reindeer hybrid last time. <.<;;
    As for music, I've found out, thanks to Princess Kex, that Shinedown is a good band, so I'll be listening to their music more often. Orbital's pretty interesting. Gotta check up on their music as well. Also got more Maki Goto songs, and most of them are pretty good. Some are pretty goofy though...
    That reminds me.... I'm still waiting for Ai to arrive. It's a cool album by Taiwanese symphonic/gothic metal band Seraphim.
  5. Angel Beat
    USS Angae: This vicious little ship is an Ushaan class escort with nacelles taken from the Saber class.
    USS Starkiller: And here we have the original Constitution class vessel, which was unlocked through a special promotional code.
  6. Angel Beat
    Hi, been a while.
    I still visit here occasionally, but I've mostly been busy with stuff like Star Trek Online, Warframe and watching OutsideXbox, Outside Xtra, Eurogamer and Dicebreaker.
    Speaking of which, I went to EGX Rezzed in London in April to meet a bunch of new friends, and watched livestreams of the above, and went to meet and greets with them (aside from Dicebreaker, which didn't exist yet).
    Cripes, they're lovely people to meet and chat with.

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