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Status Updates posted by -JustGeorge-

  1. It's coming along like a comic I'm being really lazy with :P but i have gotten a few ideas for it...

  2. Nice personal photo Gav! i love that pic...XD

  3. thanks Lerman I'll make sure i do :)

  4. whats with the question mark?

  5. I feel so welcome! :D

  6. "looks like you need to work on you're grammar"


  7. *takes back and eats popcorn*i are being lazy with making comics and need some time off from BZP so i are letting the topic die out so i can start a new season,thats why(OMG that made no sense O_o)

  8. Statement: I R George

  9. Yeah,Gav i did get the comic and i approve,I've just been too busy playing KOTOR :P

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