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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    So while I'm at school, I work at the on-campus composites center. I will preface my comments by saying I sweep floors and wash windows, so I'm not really bragging about anything.
    The facility has gained defense contracts from the military, is engineering cutting-edge bridge designs using lightweight carbon fiber tubes, and was just recently awarded $90+ million in federal and private grants for their proposed offshore wind turbine design.
    And this is hanging in the lab.
    Doing it right.
  2. Bfahome
    So I actually sort of built this IRL.
    I had planned on it for a while but due to some Pick-A-Brick mixups and lack of pieces available it hadn't happened yet.
    Then I realized I could easily substitute in some other pieces.
    so tadaaa
    It'll be done-done as soon as I can get the eyebrows and that white piece in black.
    Also I have this concepts folder on Brickshelf and when it becomes public you should check it out. I've been neglecting it for a while but I'm going to try to start posting things in it again.
  3. Bfahome
    The Skull Buddies' new armor piece makes a pretty neat shape when arranged in a circle. Very nicely rounded. Was trying to make like a demon nautilus or something but I've run out of ideas at the moment. I think if I had more of the inner components I could make the full circle, since I have eight of the armor pieces.
  4. Bfahome
    So I was thinking "Hmm I should post something highly original today" and then I thought "Oh I'll post an ask entry no one does that".
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