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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Since it's the most wonderful time of the year, I figured I'd celebrate with prizes. Or, prize, singular.
    So, what you do is guess a number between 1 and 13. So the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Pick one, guess it. You have until the close of Sunday, Eastern US time, to pick a number.
    Once entries are closed, I'll RNG a number, and then of the people who guessed that number I'll RNG a winner. Winner gets a Hero Pack, with its fancy transparent pumpkin Mask of Fire and scary scuttly Skull Spider.
    - One entry per person
    - You're gonna have to give me your shipping address if you win
    - I guess you can change your guess until entry period is over, but I don't think that'd help you that much
    - No cheating
    - No pointing out that the Mask of Fire isn't actually a Hau, it's a good pun and you know it
    Violation of any rule is grounds for disqualification. Especially the last rule.
    Good luck.
  2. Bfahome
    Or close enough. Made a haphazard Kylo Ren costume so I'm wearing that today.
    Also I've been busy playing Humans vs. Zombies all week. So that's why I have danger tape tied around my arms.
  3. Bfahome
    I'd abandoned my first build because I didn't like where it was going and started a second one, so I decided to try to turn the first one into a fusion between a Mandalorian helmet and a Great Matatu. My main build is still getting priority though.
  4. Bfahome
    The Skull Buddies' new armor piece makes a pretty neat shape when arranged in a circle. Very nicely rounded. Was trying to make like a demon nautilus or something but I've run out of ideas at the moment. I think if I had more of the inner components I could make the full circle, since I have eight of the armor pieces.
  5. Bfahome
    I have been listening to Road to Jupiter constantly for the past couple of weeks. It's just such an amazing album. Some of my favorite songs are Atlas+Road to Jupiter (most of the songs segue into each other but this is the best) and As Stars Fall, but my favorite song hands-down is Lakes. I want it to be played at my everything.
    I greatly advise you to check out the whole album, maybe download it and listen to it in full seamlessly (on Bandcamp there's a delay between songs that sort of ruins the flow). All of Wolfgun's music is either free or name-your-price, so if you don't feel like you can pay for it you can still download it.
    Also, if you like Drum & Bass covers of English folk tunes, give Scarborough Fair a listen as well.
  6. Bfahome
    - Seems like it's basically Firefly for kids
    - Decently animated
    - Steve Blum
    - The Inquisitor is literally Admiral Zhao
    - Sabine fulfills my "character with cool helmet/mask" quota
    - Some model designs look a bit silly (Wookies, lightsabers, Darth Vader)
    - Seems like this one group is the center of all activity in the galaxy
    - Not only do I really want to make a Mandalorian helmet now, I also want to give it all kinds of cool functions
  7. Bfahome
    I think my project over the summer (or at least part of the summer) will be making a Code Lyoko themed level in Distance. I'm finally starting to wrap my head around the level editor, and even with the relatively limited simple shapes I think I can make it look relatively decent.
    Last night I tried to make a bit of the Desert Sector. I think it turned out pretty well, considering, but it's really just a start.
  8. Bfahome
    18x18, made as a quick side project while I work on the big one. Front, back.
    It is currently in the possession of Coestar, who I randomly decided to make it for. Never done any fan art or sent in anything to anyone before so I decided to try it in a medium I'm familiar with.
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