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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Flight was delayed by 1-2 hours, but eventually met Avohkah Tamer at the Dulles airport. Then we waited like 45 minutes for the hotel shuttle. Then we went to the hotel and met up with Takuma Nuva and settled into our room. Helped set up stuff and met more people. Came frustratingly close to winning Bingo multiple times but didn't. Other stuff that's kind of just a blur at this point.
    More set-up. Made an angry face for the combo build, but didn't win. Raided vendors for things. Won the AFOL Skyscraper (6' 8" tall) and the City set (4438) associated with such. Recorded the weekend's Bfa Plays BH with Takuma and AT then promptly forgot to publish it until Sunday night/Monday morning.
    More perusing of themes and vendor raiding and hanging out with people. Made a quick MOC from most of the TECHNIC 90° male connectors and triple female connectors and other pieces to display. Went to the LEGO Store and dropped $90 (and 3¢) on stuff.
    PUBLIC. Handed out maps and info to the line from 10-11 (dressed as MetalBeard). Immediately after grabbed my BioniLUG stuff and "prototype" piece (slim pickings, went with a chrome Hau). PUBLIC! Destroyed my legs in Laser Tag (still recovering), then played Cards Against Humanity until 2.
    More MetalBeard line walking. Then the BZP HF Parts Draft. Got some stuff I wanted and also all the big torsos just for the heck of it. PUBLIC! Helped with the tear-down after the public left. Won a BAG OF INSTRUCTIONS!!! at the closing ceremonies. The fancy dinner ended up going rather badly, with us getting there at 8 and then waiting outside until 9 because apparently the management was new and didn't know what they were doing. So it took forever and wasn't over until late, limiting our food options and generally leaving everyone less than thrilled. But we looked darn good. Then I was packing until 1 for a plane at 5 so you can guess how well that went. I ended up throwing away (most of) my MetalBeard costume because I just didn't have space for both it and all the stuff I ended up getting. I don't know who if anyone has pictures of it, or if they'll ever be shared publicly, so that's kind of disappointing, but I think I could easily make it over again if I had the materials, so in the end I guess it's not a huge loss.
    Overall it was an absolute blast and I greatly hope to be able to attend BFVA next year as well.
    A sampling of the people I met:
    Nuju Metru
    Avohkah Tamer
    Takuma Nuva
    Bionicle Raptor
    Also got some unnecessarily dramatic footage of a decent portion of the convention and other events with the BZPCam. I tried to get the entirety of the GBC as best I could while dodging around the public.
    Notable acquisitions:
    Garan (to talk to) ($2 at the yard sale)
    2x sparkly Avohkii (and 2x silver Avohkii)
    several TECHNIC Super Battle Droid parts
    silver Ignika
    many BIONICLE and Hero Factory masks and heads, plus Iron Man and Gorzan heads
    several black/red blended Keerakh staves and Antroz wings, probably for a future Toa Radiak build (to go with Gavla)
    Tunneler Beast and Rocka Crawler, plus Tentro (best Mixel) and baseplates for giant mosaic (from the LEGO Store)
    tons and tons of fun
  2. Bfahome
    Grinds his teeth a lot. Fan of the "Kubrick stare", usually while grinning creepily. Makes a low throaty growling sound at random times.
    voiced by: Ron Perlman
    Usually acts calm, but sometimes starts YELLING FOR NO CONCEIVABLE REASON. Often cackles while doing so, even if he's angry.
    voiced by: Mark Hamill
    Occasionally finishes talking much quieter than when he starts, then lashes out if the person listening couldn't hear him.
    voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson
    Has a tendency to use big words where simpler ones would work. Does this intentionally to underscore his intelligence and to annoy everyone around him.
    voiced by: Steve Blum
    Fond of the Batman tactic of disappearing at the drop of a hat. Doesn't talk much. Never faces away from anyone if he can help it.
    voiced by: Clancy Brown
    Always stares directly ahead, never moving his eyes, only turning his head to look other directions. Makes unnaturally smooth and fluid movements.
    Voiced by: Steve Buscemi
    Head always tilted to one side or the other, though not from a physical deformity. Makes wild eye movements. Constantly moving his mouth like he's talking, even when he's not.
    voiced by: Gilbert Gottfried
  3. Bfahome
    The LEGO Movie Videogame + DLC
    LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
    LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
    realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
  4. Bfahome
    … are more expensive than I originally thought.
    I mean sure, 2.5 x 2.5 ft is also a bit larger than I originally thought, but still. Gonna be a heck of a purchase.
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