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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Look at this picture.
    Here is the comment.
    Here's the comment before that one.
    Now, if we use logic, we can deduce that I made the one-thousand, three hundred thirty-seventh comment in GregF's blog.
  2. Bfahome
    If you have clicked a link in a sig that said something like "This guy hacked me!" or "I hate this guy!" and it brought up your profile, DON'T BELIEVE IT. It is a trick link that leads whoever clicks it to their own profile. It will lead me to my profile. It will lead you to your profile. No one else will be linked to your profile.
  3. Bfahome
    That was a heck of a day. <_>
    Turns out we couldn't actually walk onto the grass, just the warning track. And there were a looooot of people there. O_o
    Got some good pics.
    And some dirt off the warning track.
    As we were riding the subway, I was thinking that it's amazing how calm people can be as they're hurtling through an underground tunnel at Mata-Nui-knows-how-fast in a giant metal machine.
    It's weird like that.
    Oh, and me and my mom entered the raffle for the World Series rings. We were to get 20 tickets for us and a total of 12 tickets for a couple of my mom's co-workers.
    Apparently there was a little mix-up, and we bought a total of 42 tickets.
    'Tis a sign.
  4. Bfahome
    - Ignika
    o °
    - Lazer
    - Happy
    -Beaver (Me, according to Bioran)
    More to be added when and if I feel like it.
  5. Bfahome
    Gotta get mai special posted. >.>
    I just remembered BS01's gonna be down tonight. D8
    I'll have nothing to do. Y'know, besides sleep. But who does that?
  6. Bfahome
    Have I mentioned how much I HATE when people put that link in their sig in a negative sense, i.e. "TiSh guy hakd me!!1!!"?
    All it leads to is confusion and spam.
    By the way, I like this user.
  7. Bfahome
    Tomorrow we're gonna go to my cousin's graduation.
    Sunday we (hopefully) go to Boston for the Mother's Day thing at Fenway Park.
    Next Saturday it's "up and at 'em!" at about 5:00 to go to the state science fair.
    On a normal (yeah right) weekend day I stay in bed/ sleep 'til around 2:00 or 3:00 pm.

  8. Bfahome
    Some students from our school went to the nearby college to spend time with their mentors. I went. My mentor was sick.
    The food was great.
    I had a cheeseburger, two helpings of fries, some frozen yogurt, two brownies, and three gumballs.
    And it was freeee! Except for the gum, which cost me (gasp!) 75¢.
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