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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    (last entry about this I swear) (probably)
    So… I entered the thing.
    Here's what the final design is.
    Chose three colors of shirt to display it. May as well show what it could look like, since they usually come in multiple colors.
    So yeah, rate it up and share it around if you're so inclined. Here's to another shirt.
  2. Bfahome
    I recently updated iMovie because it promised support for high-resolution and high-framerate videos. After updating, though, I discovered that I would have to update past OS X Mavericks to actually get the update with this support. So I grudgingly updated to macOS Sierra, missing El Capitan by a couple of weeks. The end result is:
    - My battery life has plummeted, and the recharge time has skyrocketed.
    - My Safari was automatically updated, which I had specifically been avoiding because the new Safari UI is garbage.
    - The on-screen volume control indicator is now completely opaque rather than mostly transparent, which is great if I want to adjust the volume while watching something!
    - Sticky Keys no longer recognizes a single push for clicking; previously I could hit the command button and then click a link to open the link in a new tab, but it no longer recognizes this as a command-click.
    But at least it allowed me to update to the latest iMovie with all those cool features, right?
    - iMovie no longer allows custom title fades, so every bit of text will fade in and fade out in the exact same way.
    - iMovie no longer supports 4:3 exports, so if you want to make a 4:3 video you have to export it in 16:9 with black bars on the sides.
    - iMovie no longer allows you to simply highlight portions of the timeline, taking away an easy way to delete portions of a clip.
    - iMovie no longer has little pop-up windows for the clip editing features, instead sticking them all in a little bar over the playback window. So I can't even easily tell how many of those survived the update.
    So yeah, if Bfa Plays ends up looking a little different and weird for the rest of its run, that's why. And if I never want to update my software or OS again, that's also why.
    e: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Turns out the update didn't overwrite the old iMovie, just replaced it. The old version is still available to use, it's just not immediately obvious. So only today's episode will look weird.
  3. Bfahome
    Won this at the premiere of The Force Awakens as part of a charity raffle done by the local clan of the Mandalorian Mercs. Finally got it today, because I was on break and had a friend pick it up for me instead.
    I like it, but find the posing to be a bit difficult because she's not a force user so you can't do many "hand outstretched" poses, which is a bummer.
  4. Bfahome
    Hey look, it's more Wolfgun.
    Since it's Halloween, here's some music that's at least marginally thematically appropriate.
  5. Bfahome
    wrote up a whole entry about how I wanted to enter this BBCC but couldn't because my convention circuit returns arrived a day later than they were scheduled to and by that time I had to devote all my time to finishing my Halloween costume for a party that was tonight, but my computer has not been on very good speaking terms with the internet lately and the entry got eaten so here we are
    it's a Kylo Ren costume and it's infinitely better than the garbage one I made three years ago
  6. Bfahome
    Really excited. I plan on filming a lot of it, and I've already duct-taped my little Vivitar camera to my Rough Cut (will be moved to the Pyragon later).
    Also on Saturday my friend and I went to Goodwill and got matching suit coats, hats, ties, and sunglasses for like $14 each total. We're wearing them around campus today. Lots of weird looks, which is the fun part.
    I also got a Triad, which I keep stashed in the inside pocket.
    If I weren't feeling so sick, this might be the highlight of the semester. It probably will be anyway.
  7. Bfahome
    I've been doing a lot of walking and a bit of jogging recently, and coupled with that comes a lot of time listening to the few music albums I actually own. I've long had the feeling that The Glitch Mob's music fit very well into the world of BIONICLE, and I've also had the notion of how I'd like to see the first three years of the BIONICLE story adapted into a proper film trilogy. So from this I've decided to go ahead and just write up a film treatment of the 2001 story as a start.
    I have no experience doing this and all I have so far is a list of the major events in the story as it was, but I'm really interested in working out a way for all the different plot lines that were spread across lots of media to come together in a coherent narrative.
    (Really the most interesting one to do would be 2003, and I already have some senses about what that would be like, but first things first I guess.)
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