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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Not for me, it's just that lots of things are happening today!
    First off oh no it's Friday the 13th, I was so unlucky that I got an extension on a homework assignment that I didn't know was due (well it was for the whole class but still).
    Third, it's Christopher Hitchens day, woop woop woop.
    Fourth it's just Friday in general and I've been tired all week so yay.
    Fifth it looks like the Sox are finally picking up. I don't care as much as I used to, but still it's nice to see.
  2. Bfahome
    New for me this game are my two Stryfes. I got the Stryfes when they were going for about $6 at Target recently. They've been gutted and motor-swapped, so now they're loud and stupid powerful. I decided to keep them running on AA batteries, though, because running them on 7.4 volt LiPo packs probably wouldn't be HvZ-legal. Same for the 11.1 volt ones. Gonna go through a lot of AAs, though.
    I'm hoping I can finish my Rapidstrike/Stupidstrike rewiring tomorrow, so I can use it.
    I also made hip holsters for the Stryfes from one of the boxes they came in. If I combine those with the back holster for my Roughcut, I can look really stupid!
  3. Bfahome
    It was very underwhelming.
    Whereas last time the humans had carry a "tank" all the way across campus and hold a point for 5 minutes, with 30-second stun time for zombies, this time the point was much, much closer and the stun time was one minute.
    Eight humans survived, so I guess technically they "won", but I don't think it was a very good setup.
    Heck, the first two missions were easily twice as hard.
    Also I borrows a battery-powered speaker from another guy in the dorm (who was human) and strapped them to my chest so I could blare Half-Life music during the chase. It didn't work that great, since the music kept cutting out (probably an issue with the cord). I'll need to think of a better setup next time.
    Also next time I'll certainly be giving my Alpha Trooper more love, since it didn't see any use this time and with elite darts it's a darn good blaster.
  4. Bfahome
    Making some redirects to some MOC topics. Now they're easy to access with just a simple URL! Will probably do this from now on, if I remember to at least.
  5. Bfahome
    So I went to an event for the Boston Uprising (Boston's Overwatch League team, of which I am a fan) and was one of the raffle winners to be part of the 3v3 mystery hero matches with some of the players. I was on Blasé's team and we won against NotE's team. I got play of the game... as Bastion. It was hard because the controls were not set up the way I was used to and also the game was in a different language.
    Anyway hung out with friends got some autographs and had an all around nice time.
    (I'm the one on the left. [Hence the shirt lol.])
  6. Bfahome
    I guess one of the few perks of a retail job is that sometimes you can buy things like this for nearly half off.
    I'm building it one bag per day and I'm tweeting it out as I do.
  7. Bfahome
    Remember how I painted my Alpha Trooper to look like Rainbow Dash? Well the paint job was awful and peeling so I sandblasted it off. I'm going to try doing it again. I'm also prepping my Retaliator-barrel-mounted Maverick amalgamation to get painted blue, because right now the barrel is blue and the Maverick is yellow and the epoxy is light grey and it doesn't flow together at all.
    I also did some sanding and a bit more resin work on the
    oh ho ho wait you guys don't know about that yet
    at least, not fully
    But you will. Believe me, you will.
  8. Bfahome
    Ordered a couple of Roughcuts on Tuesday (a friend and I pooled our orders) and they arrived today. I made a quick back sheath for mine, and plan to improve it later, but already it works decently. The blaster itself is excellent. It shoots everything but normal streamline darts, and the prime is nice, smooth, and easy. It's hard to slam fire it quickly, though, because of how the pump handle is set up. Ranges look impressive, and the way it functions is just all-around fun. Would recommend.
    Same friend took Maverick and integrated it into his Longshot (then painted it black, red, and gold, named "Jericho" due to the Iron Man color scheme), so I had him help me integrate one of my Mavs into the Retaliator barrel extension that I never use (Longstrike barrel ftw). He didn't have enough putty at the time, so it's just a quick job so far (actually, the Maverick fell off, since the putty didn't have a good enough grip). I plan on making it better, then painting the Mav blue with the obligatory white highlights.
    He also had a broken Vulcan bolt, so I took one of the plastic handles of that and hot glued in onto the slide of my Retaliator so I could top-mount rail accessories while still being able to prime it. It actually makes it a heck of a lot easier to prime in general. (I did this one a while ago, actually, but I feel inclined to include all the big mods I've done so far.)
    tl;dr: Retaliator is great for modding, every arsenal should include a Roughcut
  9. Bfahome
    Because of that topic. Had ideas.
    2001: Animus Vox
    2002: We Swarm (covers the Kal story too)
    2003: Bad Wings
    2004: Fistful of Silence
    2005: Becoming Harmonious
    2006: Skullclub
    2007: Carry The Sun
    2008: Fortune Days
    2009: Warrior Concerto
    2010: Can't Kill Us
  10. Bfahome
    This is a pretty cool thing that needs some support.
    Basically a big awesome VR music video.
    It's got under two weeks to get funded so if you like what you see pass the word along.
  11. Bfahome
    654 lines of (probably badly written) code, a planned 16 LEDs, and a week and a half to wrap it all up in an awesome little package.
  12. Bfahome
    I survive a day longer than the previous semester.
    This time I've made it past Wednesday (which was sock day!), and I'm going to start using the Pyragon tomorrow. I look forward to the mission, because I missed the first one on Tuesday due to a chemistry exam.
    I imagine it's going to be a bit more difficult, though, and I'll probably get zedded judging solely from the current trend.
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