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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    I watched POtC 1 & 2 this afternoon/tonight. I watched number three first, which kinda screwed things up. I love some of the quotes in there. And the music. I lol'd.
    I've noticed that whenever I put a little afterthought, more people comment on that than the actual entry. O.o
  2. Bfahome
    This is brought about by those threads about "What's the most noobish thing you've heard?" I'm sick of it. You can't honestly expect everyone on the face of the earth to know everything there is to know about BIONICLE.
    Bfahome ~Eranok~ Dorek ~Rohn~ -Zip_Er- Teebert Egotistical O' Dalek Dr. Cholie Kopaka Of Suburbia Kohrak Kal: Sonic Engineer EmpressWhenua Arch-Angel Bioran23 AngelFlame The Xaeraz/The Dr. Zephyr nara567 Xenogears Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar World Industries SK8R Midnighter -Kopeke- Shine Bundaling (currently -Taipu-) TOA MAKUTA NUVA ~The Toa of Twilight!~ Iceter Barrahkshi The Improbable Co'ath Lego Transformers Guy Banners:





    (If you have any more, feel free to post them and I'll add them. )
    Expect this entry to be bumped a few times.
    Any comments that can be interpreted as "newb bashing" will be deleted.
    Thank you.
  3. Bfahome
    It's on again. It's actually pretty cool.
    On a completely semi-unrelated note, what would be a good name variation if I were to join the FemFad? 'Cause it can't be "elle". o.o;;
  4. Bfahome
    I'm just full of entries tonight! <,>
    I before E, except after C, or when sounding like A, as in neighbor or weigh.
    Now you know the whole thing. Brag about it.
  5. Bfahome
    Science assessment today. We had to make an instrument (over the past couple of weeks) and present it to the class. We had to describe how the sound travels from the instrument and into your ears and how the ear works (it is NOT hammer, anvil, and stirrup; it's malleus, incus, and stapes >.<).
    It was due on monday.
    I built the instrument on sunday.
    I wrote up the papers sunday night (and monday morning ).
    We had to play a short song on our instrument twice (so our teacher knew we weren't just hitting random notes).
    There were 2 things that let me succeed at that: Improvisational skillz, and a good memory. Yup, I composed the song on the spot. ._.;;;;;;
    But I passed the assessment, which was the important thing.
    Now I gotta see what grade I got... >.>

    Yay for GIMP skillz! :'D
  6. Bfahome
    I made it look cool.
    Not custom.
    But cool.
    11 pieces not counting the actual head piece.
    But I can't attach it to a body in any way.
    Which stinks.
    Should I post it? (here or BBC forum?)
  7. Bfahome
    They're useful. They keep a lot of this language together.
    But it kills me to see them misused. >.<
    Contractions and possessive form* only, people!
    *Except for "it's" and "its".
  8. Bfahome
    Technically it's a new day (for me), so I feel no shame in starting a new entry.
    I hope archery starts up again soon. I haven't really shot an arrow since somewheres around October/November, and I feel deprived.
    I did go once to an indoor archery place, but it wasn't the same as shooting outside.
    It's an after school activity, but not run by the school. It's a Junior Olympic club (w/e that means ), and so we get certificates and pins for shooting well. One person from the club moved away in March.
    Anyway, I got up to a gray award, meaning I scored over 149 (150 or higher) on a 60 cm target within 30 shots. Happy.
    There was one time where my first three shots of the day, in order, were a 10, a 9, and an 8.
    We go behind/beside the school to shoot. Back in the fall, we discovered apple trees where we went. The apples were good. And it led to a rather interesting rant on the bus...
    Please come back.
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