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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    If you're playing Humans vs Zombies, make sure you go to the entire opening meeting or at least get all the info that they presented.
    Because if you don't you might miss something important like how the OZs are unmarked for the first hour, have all your planning overturned about twenty minutes into the game, and get stuck as a zombie for the rest of the week.
  2. Bfahome
    Forgot to say what else I got…
    • Another awesome shirt*
    • Candy!
    • A bunch of random stocking stuff[ers].
    • The Office season 4
    • Into The Wild (book)
    • The Planet Earth DVD set
    • Some small-yet-notable paper glasses (similar to 3-D glasses) that make any sharp point of light look like a star
    • The Experiment 6th gen. (internet gift on another site from one of my friends)
    * Shirt says:
    National Sarcasm Society Like we need your support.
  3. Bfahome
    Just came from Biology.
    Since it's the day before break, we watched a video on the environmental importance of snow.
    It was called "Frosty Returns".
  4. Bfahome
    So yeah I was kinda sick reeeeeally early this morning. Was NOT fun. I need a way to tell my stomach "Hey, there's no more food in there, you can stop retching now".
    And now I'm craving Reese's Puffs and those Thin Mint Blizzards from Dairy Queen. >_<
  5. Bfahome
    Usual dance was usual.
    They didn't play either of the songs that I requested, but that was okay because they played 2 1/2 Daft Punk songs and Sandstorm.
    On a semi-related note, the Rock Monsters are smaller than I thought they would be.
  6. Bfahome
    I'm soooooo tempted to go into one of those topics complaining about how Bink hasn't updated the site yet and say it's like me demanding that my Glatorian get here now, because it's Monday. Even though it's 3 a.m.
    Also, by my calculations, reckoning, and past experiences, the site should be updated in about 6 minutes. well nevermind then
    Also, I should get to sleep.
    Also, I probably won't.
  7. Bfahome
    Seriously, those guys just refused to shut up about the Yankees.
    When I'm watching a game, I don't feel like hearing every aspect of CC Sabathia's trip back home or whatever.
  8. Bfahome
    With an octopus on the back.
    (well it was kinda cool…) (from Hawaii!)
    But at least I got one of the suspected two clothes presents out of the way.
    (but I only have two presents left [so far?]… >.>)
    Also: early to bed, early to rise! 'Night.
  9. Bfahome
    So last weekend our road flooded. Of course, the stream then froze over. So the construction people came to fix it etc. etc. But when the water level went back down, the ice stayed, so now there's ice down the banks and even a bit in some branches that hang down. I tried to get some pics, but Photo Booth isn't cooperating. :/
  10. Bfahome
    Also yeah limited time tonight cause my mom caught me not doing homework and owned my laptop. :/
    (I'm supposed to be typing up a lab report right now.)
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