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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    I was researching ears, and I went to a kids' kind of website (actually had good info) and read the article. Quoted from the end of it:


  2. Bfahome
    Today was really sunny and warm, and I liked it.
    It shows that spring is FINALLY here.
    It's supposed to rain tomorrow, though.
    Find the hidden link!

  3. Bfahome
    I can't believe it. >.<
    My camera's batteries ran out earlier, so I put them in the charger to charge. I look back for them three hours later, and realize I left it sitting there in the middle of the floor. I forgot to plug it in.
    I feel better now.
  4. Bfahome
    Already? Wow...
    I'm done.
    To-do list:
    √_ 1. Build über-custom and freakishly cool MOC.
    __ 2. Enter it right off
    __ 3. Lose with 2 votes in the first round.
    I'm all set!
  5. Bfahome
    I wanted to do something.
    Problem was, I couldn't think of anything.
    An hour into school, I thought of the perfect thing.
    The only problem?
    So my idea was ruined.
    So, how was your day? ~Bf
  6. Bfahome
    Three cheers for Teacher Workshops.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... wait... how many times was that?
  7. Bfahome
    Yes, I got it yesterday.
    I've already taken some parts off to test, then put them back on. It's just too cool to cannibalize. *bites*
    An here's the awesome review that isn't mine.
    I am happy.
  8. Bfahome
    It's Spring!
    There's not supposed to be snow!
    Unfortunately, the laws of nature don't seem to apply in Maine. >.>
    Oh well.
    I can wait another month.
    Maybe. <.<
  9. Bfahome
    I had a test in Science today. I was all nervous, 'cause I didn't study. At all. As it turns out, most of the stuff I knew.
    Right now I'm supposed to be doing Science homework. Am I? No.
    Btw, I was wondering if it was possible to "put off" procrastinating. Think about it. "I'll procrastinate later." 0.o
  10. Bfahome
    ...all the BIONICLE references. Well, not real references, but you get the point.
    Whilst learning about sines, cosines, and tangents, our teacher gave us a neat way to remember the sides that correspond: "SOHCAHTOA". When you say it, it sounds like "soak a Toa".
    When we were learning to conjugate the verb "ir" ("to go"), one of the forms, the "yo" ("I") form, is "voy". So I figured that, if I wanted to say "I go Nui" en español, it would be "Voy a Nui".
    And in our spanish book, our teacher was kind of reminding us that "v" and "b" sound the same. One of the book examples was: "botar/votar"
    I swear, they know. They're out to get me. To drive me insane. But I'm too smart for 'em. I already am insane! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >8D
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