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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Didn't get the LEGO Store job. Looks like I'll be working the same job as the past two summers.
    What's worse is there are reasons why this might be a good thing.
  2. Bfahome
    Since I have like a billion Skull Spiders now I made a tower. It's stacked segments of three spiders. They're in like a wheel shape that's held together by leg friction.
  3. Bfahome
    So I applied for a summer Brick Specialist job in February. Is it normal to not get a response for two months, or could my email have eaten the reply and destroyed my chances?
    (I got the "application submitted" auto-response, but nothing beyond that, no interview requests or anything.)
    Haha never mind, called them and now I have an interview scheduled in a couple of weeks. Woo!
  4. Bfahome
    I've been working on this Minecraft build for the past month.
    It was partly inspired by the cavern of pillars from the 2003 Rahkshi promos. Also partly by the depiction of Moria in the Fellowship of the Ring film.
  5. Bfahome
    (Now with less Minecraft relevance.)
    AvidyaZEN was streaming Distance this weekend so I hopped on for some multiplayer, and while I was a complete failure for most of the races, I actually managed first place on Corruption, beating my previous best (solo) time by over a minute. That inspired me to go back and get better in my solo runs, so I did. I've now moved out of the bronze age and have at least gold on every official track.
    Except Monolith. Monolith doesn't count. Monolith never counts. Monolith is awful.
    Also, HvZ is this week. Thinking of trying a socks-only run. We'll see how that turns out.
  6. Bfahome
    Wouldn't it be cool if it actually had some story significance where in the summer the villains steal everyone's masks (because that's one of the possibilities I see from the way the sets are) but then Tahu realizes the power was inside him all along, and this cool ghostly mask appears on his face and he comes back and saves everyone? And then their powers aren't tied to their masks anymore. I think that'd be a neat way of possibly introducing mask powers in a way that's consistent with the new story and probably easier to keep track of (rather than introducing both the character's powers and the mask's powers at the same time).
    I picked up my Lord of Skull Spiders today, which made me think of this. It's an okay set.
    Also, my blogaversary was five days ago, but I forgot because I was distracted.
  7. Bfahome
    This is a pretty cool thing that needs some support.
    Basically a big awesome VR music video.
    It's got under two weeks to get funded so if you like what you see pass the word along.
  8. Bfahome
    Breaking the trend of these entries having the name of the song in the title because "Emergency" is probably one of the clickbaitiest titles I could give an entry. Don't do clickbait, kids.
    Also because this song is relevant too, since it's been my signature for the past few months:

  9. Bfahome
    So I've applied to work at both the LEGO Store in Burlington, MA, and the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Somerville, MA. Basically just retail work, but it would be something a bit more personally interesting than what I've done that past couple of summers. A bit more consistent, too.
    And there's the plus of being able to see people I barely ever get to see because while I spiritually live in Massachusetts I've been physically stuck in Maine my entire life.
    Also, I just looked at the word "Massachusetts" for too long so it stopped seeming like a word.
    Anyway, here's hoping one of them hires me.
  10. Bfahome
    I've been considering placing multiple orders for sets I sort of want in order to get multiples of the Hero Pack polybag, but then I remembered what happened last time I received a promotional product with a Shop@Home order.
    A couple of summers ago, just back from the first BrickFair NE, I had a $50 LEGO gift card to spend. So I ended up buying Eris' Eagle Interceptor and the Iron Man set with the boat (don't recall the exact name and don't feel like guessing). Unfortunately, the Iron Man set was on back order, so I got the Interceptor first. It included the Chima CHI Battles set, which was a promotion I was unaware of. So that was pretty cool. But when I got around to receiving the Iron Man set, that box also contained a CHI Battles set. So I got two off of one order.
    So, just for the heck of it, I might try to order both the Lord of Skull Spiders and another set that looks decent and is back ordered, if I can find one. Worst case scenario I only get one polybag with the order, but if it works anything like it did last time then I might get two without having to pay for extra shipping.
    And having multiples would be good, for unspecified reasons.
  11. Bfahome
    Source: Distance
    Didn't know about this game until I saw Coe play it with Avidya and Pause, and it looked really cool so I bought it and I've been playing it and it's really fun and challenging.
    I think a lot of the challenge for me comes from trying to get used to gamepad controls, though.
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