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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    I'd ordered a controller from Amazon so I could play it, and that arrived today, so I kind of had to buy the game now. Was hoping it'd go back on sale but oh well.
    I still think the tagline should be "It's okay, you didn't need that half of your car anyway."
  2. Bfahome
    I <3 parts daft parts but I have NO GOOD WAY of photographing this thing because it's all gunmetal.
    Head and shoulders of some bug warrior person. With three eyes.
    And they said nobody would want the torso armor, pfffft.
  3. Bfahome
    I've never really had trouble using them.
    I only really run into problems when I pull the tail directly back parallel to the top of the blaster, but at a steeper angle they work fine.
    I mean sure they're the weirdest launcher ever but I don't really see what all the big fuss is.
  4. Bfahome
    The episodes themselves were pretty good, but in terms of being a finale to the series, and possibly the franchise? I'm a little disappointed, honestly.
    The Colbert Report finale was miles better.
  5. Bfahome
    So the votes are in and I've picked the title I want.
    In the end, it wasn't one of the entries.
    A lot of them were fun and amusing, though! But my criteria was that the title had to be something that would fit me, was sort of personalized, and that I wouldn't mind having for a year.
    So I've decided that the winner of the prize is Dorek, for suggesting "bionicle fan sometimes at home", which became the inspiration for my choice: Not currently at home.
    Honorable mentions include:
    Chro - Fought zombies once
    Nuju Metru - Almost Bfamous
    Scanty Demon - Once arrested for everything
    Well played everyone, maybe we can do this again sometime.
  6. Bfahome
    I have a problem here. Two actually. Because of convention circuits, I now have two things: my choice of personal custom member title, and a six-month Premier Membership.
    I can't think of a title I want at the moment.
    I don't need the Premier Membership.
    (Try to guess where this is going.)
    So yeah, I'm open to suggestions. Best suggestion (as judged by me) from a non-Premier Member gets six months of not having to pay for a blog and stuff. Whether I use any of the suggestions or not depends on how clever you all are, but the best (non-PM) one still wins the prize.
    1. don't cheat
    2. don't make my job harder if you win
    3. entry period ends Wednesday Dec. 17 at 11:59:59PM East coast US time (any entries after this won't be counted)
  7. Bfahome
    You will hopefully understand this.
    Been working on this on-and-off since late summer, keeping with my usual tradition of underestimating how much left there is to do and descending into a whirling mass of rushed panic the week before I need to have it done. But it's done and that's one less thing hanging over my head.
    (This entry was written Wednesday night but is auto-publishing probably around noon on Saturday because this is a present for someone and I wouldn't want to have them miraculously stumble across this before then.)
  8. Bfahome
    Thanks to luck and insanely good timing, I got added to Coestar's subscriber Realm while he was streaming tonight.
    (He is my favorite YouTuber.)
    Don't quite know what I'm going to do on it yet, but it'll be interesting to see where things go.
    But for now, sleep.
  9. Bfahome
    From BZP and life in general. Kinda going through a depression thing maybe? Don't really know. Haven't had too much going for me, just lots of schoolwork, which conflicts with my already-limited work schedule. And a bunch of other things that have just been heaping on the stress since before the semester even started.
    Thinking about going jogging on Saturdays. I could probably use the exercise and I hear it helps you feel better about stuff.
    Speaking of segues, I decided that I want Tahu, Gali, and Pohatu from the new Toa sets. To be modified almost immediately most likely.
  10. Bfahome
    I know everyone and their dog has already rushed to blog about their thoughts on it (or post HILARIOUSLY SUBVERSIVE entries not quite about it), but since the past couple of days have been an utter disaster for me I haven't had time to keep up with any of the big topics and I am reduced to posting my thoughts here.
    I love what is happening.
    I love the mix of old and new character concepts.
    I love the mix of old and new story devices.
    I love that the legend appears to be a literal interpretation this time.
    I adore the sets, even the ones I don't care for much. They're a throwback and step forward all at once, carrying all the gorgeous new molds and recolors I could hope for and using techniques not widely used in sets before.
    I love the return of solid heads with transparent eyes.
    But mostly I love that this event has provided a small refuge of happiness from all the stress I've been under lately.
    2015 is still two and a half months away, but I am more than willing to wait for what I see.
    It's happening.
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