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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    I wanted to do something.
    Problem was, I couldn't think of anything.
    An hour into school, I thought of the perfect thing.
    The only problem?
    So my idea was ruined.
    So, how was your day? ~Bf
  2. Bfahome
    Technically it's a new day (for me), so I feel no shame in starting a new entry.
    I hope archery starts up again soon. I haven't really shot an arrow since somewheres around October/November, and I feel deprived.
    I did go once to an indoor archery place, but it wasn't the same as shooting outside.
    It's an after school activity, but not run by the school. It's a Junior Olympic club (w/e that means ), and so we get certificates and pins for shooting well. One person from the club moved away in March.
    Anyway, I got up to a gray award, meaning I scored over 149 (150 or higher) on a 60 cm target within 30 shots. Happy.
    There was one time where my first three shots of the day, in order, were a 10, a 9, and an 8.
    We go behind/beside the school to shoot. Back in the fall, we discovered apple trees where we went. The apples were good. And it led to a rather interesting rant on the bus...
    Please come back.
  3. Bfahome
    Hi, I'm Bfa, and I don't know a dang thing about coding.
    So I'm looking for someone to help me with something.
    I'm thinking of using an Arduino UNO in a project, and I would like to be able to use TouchOSC to control it from my iPod. The little snag that I'm hitting is that I have no idea how to even begin to do that.
    (Okay, that's a lie, I made a TouchOSC layout for the buttons and toggles and stuff. But from there I'm clueless.)
    My goal is to have buttons that I can touch that'll activate individual LEDs (or toggle them on/off) as well as ones that I can push to run programs in the Arduino. Basically something to flash the LEDs in a set patters or let me control them individually.
    Does anyone know how, or know anyone that would know how, to go about doing this?
    (I kind of want to have it done within the next two months.)
  4. Bfahome
    *is suffering from iWithdrawal*
    Oh btw my aunt sent me and my mom each a $100 check in the mail for our trip.
  5. Bfahome
    So I was thinking "Hmm I should post something highly original today" and then I thought "Oh I'll post an ask entry no one does that".
  6. Bfahome
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «If… 
    Skrall is the name of the tribe.
    Individuals in that specific tribe are referred to by the tribe's name.
    Tribes are mixed gender.
    Skrall can be a she. :3
    If you don't know what I'm talking about then you don't know what I am talking about.
  7. Bfahome
    It goes further than you ever would have guessed.
    The "DU" is clearly a cyclopean awesomeface with a sunglass on; . A conglomeration of "o]", :U/, and B), if you will.
    no doubt this somehow relates to 2012 =__=
  8. Bfahome
    My two-year-old MacBook wakes as fast as your new sooper-mega-advanced PC that you had someone flown halfway 'round the world to test.
    Thought you might want to know that.
    Even though I still don't understand how that's a valid argument for one computer over another.
  9. Bfahome
    Just got back* from one of their shows in Portland. It was awesome, I suggest that anyone within a five hour drive buy
    tickets and see them.
    Seriously, Imperial March. Remixed and techo-fied. Live.
    *an hour ago
  10. Bfahome
    Was better than the last one I went to, I think.
    A lot of the stuff was the same, but there were a couple of changes and additions that weren't there before. Most notably of which was a quick Michael Jackson tribute that actually wasn't drawn out or overbearing. During their "electronic jumpsuit" performance (see here to see what I'm talking about), Jason (the one you see on the right) changed Matt's (on the left) suit, and when he "tested" one of the triggers it started playing a small part of an MJ song, and he did a short moonwalk. They got much applause for that.
    I got some videos of a couple of performances, but they're too big for Photobucket. >_>
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