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Blog Entries posted by Haku340

  1. Haku340
    Mutran Banners:


    Images of Mutran to make more banners would be appreciated.
    More coming soon.
    See the topic HERE
  2. Haku340
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «To enter all you need to do is:Get an image of some sort of motor powered vehicle Put an animal or Bionicle character in the image Add a caption that goes with the scene TO WIN:It must have a good vehicle (LIKE A BUGATI VEYRON!!) The Character must look out of place The caption must go with the scene AFTER WINNING:You get an award You get a banner of your scene Feel happy with your accomplishment  
  3. Haku340
    OK, I have an announcement underlined & colored red to make:
    Hello BZPower Blog Explorers!!
    I am planning on making an RZ comic series called the BZP Whales I need some help with:
    Making RZ Whales Co-Authors GIMP Backgrounds(these are needed for more than the comics). I would greatly appreciate help, so now, the Co-Author requirements:Must be able to use RZ well Must be able to use basic effects Must be able to make comics in a series when others make the other parts PM me ASAP!!! Haku340
  4. Haku340
    [NOTETOBZPSTAFF:] I am not talking about religion, merely about what happened in one of my most memorable moments ever.
    Ah man, scripture lessons at my school are so fun, especially the one where we did the "Save the Whales" campaign, the best of which was this:
    Scripture Teacher: What can distract you from *religious word erased due to BZP rules*?
    Lord Lachlaneg (yes, he's a real person): The Japanese whalers! (no offense meant to Japanese people).
    Rest of the people at our table: SAVE THE WHALES!!!
    Scripture teacher: How can we stop getting distracted from *religious word erased due to BZP rules*?
    People at our table: SAVE THE WHALES!!!
    Haku340: GO TO SLEEP!! *Place Fake snores here*
    Scripture teacher: What will happen if we get to know *religious word erased due to BZP rules*?
    People at our table: THE WHALES WILL BE SAVED!!!
    Haku340: I get to sleep with a whale!!
    Everyone there: HuH
    That ended there, and we got 12 tokens from it (3 tokens=1 Lolly) and there were 5 of us, so I went without one.
    We still continued our Save the Whales campaign, and it still runs today, but yesterday was the last day of term, so I won't have an update for a while.
  5. Haku340
    Well first entry, what to do...
    Ah! I know! I'll show you the pics I took today!!! That is, once they are on Brickshelf. DSCN0076 is taking a while, so first I'll talk you through them (They will have captions), the first two are my figure in "Phantoka Form" which I used Pohatu Phantoka's Arms, Kopaka Phantoka's Legs & Body & Photok's Mask, it is a basic Moc, but I only had my dad's Camera available for use, & he doesn't usually let me use that, so I only took, hang on, the tab I opened in Safari where I was uploading my Moc images says "Failed To Open Page"!!!
    OK it didn't work, I'll open a new Window instead.
    Now that that's running, I'll continue, these images are based on my epic The Legend Of Haku(340) (linked), now for the images!!!
    Toa Haku in Phanktoka Form:

    And from the back:

    A Robotic Matoran:

    Me with Kopaka drilling through my head (I Took This One For Fun):

    Thuggitren (My best Friend in the later parts of the epic):

    Thuggeriten From The Back:

    Thuggeriten Attacking Chirox:

    Thuggeriten Standing Near A Defeated Chirox:
    Antroz Preparing To Ambush Thuggeriten With Shadow Leeches:

    Thuggeriten Spots Antroz but...:

    ...To Late!!!:
    (The Makuta Don't know he's impossible to be defeated by shadow leeches).
    The Staff of the Leeches:

    The Next Image I Took because there's a nice view from the balcony outside my bedroom (where these images were taken):

    (Can Anyone Spot Centrepoint Tower )
    Thank you for looking at these images.
    For those comic fans, mine will be up soon. :tohu:
    (Click The bar At the top to see full size image).
  6. Haku340
    So in the light of the recent announcement of the return of BIONICLE, I decided to hop back on over to this place. ###### it has been a long time. Last time I was here was when the forum was still in its original visual appearance, before all of the old threads were deleted. For those of you that don't know me, I was a fairly active member of the Comics and Completely off Topic sections of the forum, and a pretty devoted fan of BIONICLE, though with a limited budget.
    The last time I actually made a post here was before I had finished my first year of secondary school (or middle school for you Americans). Of course, being a student of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (which is horrible, 0/10, would not reccommend), I will never be able to spend as much time here as I used to, but I'd be super glad to get back on board with some of the community shenanigans that go on around here.
    For those of you that know me for my Comics, other than what is on my Majhost, all the files are gone but I still have all my notes and story ideas if any of you are interested. I might get back into making them some day, because I really did enjoy making them, but for now this is just a place to kill time and enjoy one of my old favourite things to do.
    It's good to be back. Now let's go recover all those lost files, shall we?
  7. Haku340
    Here's a list of stuff I got for Christmas (Pics soon):
    Mongoose Rockadile:
    (My parents got it a while ago from a bid at the Melbourne cup week races).
    Squier Standard Stratocaster HSS:
    I was going down to Nowra a few weeks ago with TDKS for the drinks to commemorate the end of a Cricket series which was run by the Melanoma Foundation, but a few weeks before one of TDKS's patients in his Nowra clinic suggested we go to his son's music shop at Albion Park, so we did, then we went in, Had a look around, found the Guitar that I ended up getting, I had a look at it and picked it up, then we went back out to the car, but on the way, the owner (TDKS's Patients son) came and had a talk to us, he was very nice and told us that they let people pick up and have a go with the instruments in the shop, and that there was another level, so we went back in, went upstairs, looked at all the Percussion stuff up there, then went back down and asked the Salesman of the month, Andy, if we could try the guitar, I spent about half an hour playing it in a soundproof room, and loved it, and my dad asked me if I would like to get it, because as it was previously a demo model (and had a few dings in it) we got it half price, and the amp was $100 off and everything else was free. And for extra info I named it Lafayette, after Lafayette Circle, the place where I lived for the first 2 years of my life.
    Line 6 Spider 3 15:
    A 15 watt amp from the 3rd line of Line 6 Spiders, I got it $100 off because the shop was just receiving the New Spider 4 Line.
    Planet waves lead:
    Part of the free stuff I got with my Guitar & Amp
    Planet waves Strap:
    A $40 Strap for free!
    A Rockbag by Warwick:
    A Free Gig Bag!
    Came with Cleaning cloth from the shop
    6 Jim Dunlop "Big Stubby" 3.0mm Picks
    My friend uses these, I tried one of his and loved it.
    Free as well!
    And what I actually got on the day:
    Sennheiser HD 202 Headphones
    Crocodile Tears by Anthony Horowitz and some Vampire Novel (forgot the name)
    A Smash Lunchbox & Bottle
    A Shirt with a diagram of where all the pieces of a skateboard go
    A Beach Towel
    For Copyright Reasons, any of the Copyrighted names in this post I do not own or have any rights to, except the fact that I own the Product.
  8. Haku340
    Because my Mum's B-day is on the 6th we aren't even allowed to name Christmas, but the 6th has past so it's my family's start of the Christmas season.
    Also I finally have a copy of White Noise, my dad refused to buy it off iTunes and said he'd get the CD but CD came with newspaper which had White Noise on it! Bless you Sydney Morning Herald.

  9. Haku340
    I got Firefox, it's SO much better than Safari 4.0 Beta...
    I don't know why we even got Safari 4.0 Beta, I much preferred the old version of Safari.
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