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Everything posted by Geo_212

  1. Haha, yeah. Ever since I Played Burnout Paradise, I've loved racing games, especially combat racing, mainly because I never knew it existed :P I like RPG's and shooter games, it's just that a lot of them contain content that's really inappropriate.

  2. Yeah, Burnout Paradise is awesome, but I think DiRT 2 is still the best. I'm definately getting Blur when it's released, and there's also a game called Split Second that looks awesome, but they're both being released in 2010, so I must unfortunately wait...

  3. Man, I need to work on all these rules... I don't ignore them, it's just I really can't remember every single rule. I've only been warned once, I think, but it was a "false alarm". Anyway, I wish I was able to get Forza Motorsport, but evidently, it's only available for the Xbox 360...

  4. Hey, do you have any racing games? I have a PS3 and I'm just desperate to play with someone haha.

  5. I REALLY like racing games, but strangely enough, I don't enjoy watching races... Idk. :P

  6. Well that's okay, then. Only one other person I know has it, so I'm fairly bored when it comes to online play lol. Hey, do you have DiRT 2? That game is awesome beyond being able to describe how awesome it is :P

  7. Hey, do you have Burnout Paradise on Xbox 360, PS3, or PC? I Have it for PS3 and PC, in case you'd ever want to duke it out together xD

  8. I'm not a major fan of the WTR, but I probably couldn't survive without the GT Nighthawk. :P

  9. Finally! Someone who understands! I just bought Alive 07 and it ROCKS.

  10. Eh, heh... Oh. Thanks for catching that!

  11. YOU LIKE TOBY MAC TOO!?!? AWESOME!!!!! Hey, you wanna be buddies? I'm a Christian too!

  12. Hey, thanks Car Lover and Diamond Blade! It took me FOREVER to find Mustang pics that weren't copyrighted...

  13. Now where'd YOU go!?

  14. YES! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO LOVES MUSTANGS AS MUCH AS I DO!!! And, yes, I have heard, and seen pics of it! IT IS AWESOME! Have you heard of the SuperSnake? It's awesome as well! Hey, want to be my friend?

  15. Wuzzup? Thanks again for being my friend! I aint lonely no more!

  16. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying! And, also, I posted an avatar in the "edit avatar" section, but when I post, it appears in my personal photo thing. It's wierd...

  17. About Huki... Incredibly, I only spent $12.75!!! And, yes, that's with the shipping included... He's sooooo cool!

  18. Sorry if you're confused... I'm saying i think words like you used are fine, but curse words are not... Just to make things clear... :-)

  19. Ohhhhhh..... Thanks for your help! And, I don't not like "darn", or "Dang it" or anything... It's curse words... But thanks for caring!

  20. Hey, Diamond Blade! Thanks for being my friend! I used your avatar as a thanks!

  21. Until I figure out the message problem, you guys can use my AOL adress... Just please... No language(I'm not saying you use language, but if you do, please hold back...).

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