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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    Looking at all these young whipper-snappers who are posting like crazy, I feel old and feeble.
    Am I a has-been member here? I feel like I do nothing anymore.
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    I'm a Co-Curator for the Comedies Critics Club, and I'm blogging now to tell y'all that we're in need of some good, skilled Critics to help review all the comedies that get requested by authors... If anyone is interested, you can PM me!
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    To all my wonderful friends here at BZP, I realize that I owe you guys a huge thank you that has not yet been said.
    Thanks to all the people here who made feel like I belonged. Shadowbolt, Mr. Spock, I owe you guys for a warm welcome to BZP.
    Thanks to everyone who commented on my art, which has inspired, improved, and involved me in the magnificent form of General Art. Taka Nuvia, MOSM, Cap'n Kopka, you guys are always giving me tips on how I can improve, and praising my artwork, making me feel like I have talent and skill.
    A Huge thanks to my loyal BZeatles, it's you guys who made this club so awesome! GFC, thank you for reminding me about Song of the Week whenever I forgot, and for making the Fab Four avvies, which are superb.
    Thanks to all the staffers and members who have corrected me whenever I accidentally broke the rules.
    Thank you so much, everyone!
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    They aren't making a DVD for our play. And recordings aren't allowed.
    Stupid copyright laws on The Sound Of Music.
    Hopefully my mom will get some illegal footage of it, tho. =P
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    (My commentary on blue/red pins and axles. The first person shall go unnamed.)
    One thing it seems some members on here will never really understand is just how small BZPower is in comparison to the entire BIONICLE fanbase. They don't appear to get that the opinions they hold aren't more important then those of young kids who make up almost all of the brand's customers. In fact, the views of these members are far less important than the views of the target audience. LEGO won't change its ways based on the complaint of one person, especially not when the vast voice of their primary buyers say differently.
    Complainers, it doesn't matter how much older you are than the TA, or how much longer you've been into BIONICLE, or how important you consider your opinions to be. At the end of the day, you just have to realize that the BIONICLE products aren't marketed towards your individual preference. LEGO is a business, not an organization created to appease yourself and the rest of the people who were target fans back in the "old days." It will do what is best for making a profit, firstly. You should feel lucky that we as a community get any say at all.
    So I say to all of those members out there who constantly whine about how LEGO isn't doing exactly what you want them to do, please, just stop your ranting. You're not going to make a difference. The only thing that you are succeeding at is annoying the heck out of those who accept the little or no influence we have over TLG.
    Thank you for reading.
  6. Nuju Metru
    BZPower is like... HD, man. Whoa. Personally, though, I'm finding it a little tough in the transition between Mac and PC - I barely know how to operate some of the stuff on this computer. Meh. However, the breathtaking beauty of the graphics when I plugged in a little Age of Empires III more than made up for that. This is a change for the better.
    Being on break feels really good, doesn't it? I have actual time to make my MOCs, watch 4 episodes or so of House in a day, go to movies, and more. Zero obligation, at least for this next week, is golden.
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    Hey guys-
    I won't be on for a few days (after today) because I'll be in LA. I think we're going to Universal Studios, and I've been lobbying for a short trip to San Deigo, and Legoland.
    If you're going to miss me, just PM me with a message titled "Welcome back." I wonder how many of you will do it... I can't wait to find out!
    -Nuju Metru
    Post Script: Be sure not to blow up the server while I'm gone...
    BZeatles Fab Four, if I'm not back by thursday, please host a song of the week in someone's blog.
  8. Nuju Metru
    Just deleted all those songs I hated from my iPod - and also bought the whole of Spring Awakening. Everyone says it's amazing, and from what I've heard, it's pretty awesome. Therefore, my music is now tidied up.
    On a separate note, life has been busy. But in a good way.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    Tonight's was our last performance. I'm sorry to say that it wasn't our best one. People's voices broke, causing other cast members to almost lose their straight faces, props were dropped, a piece of the set almost fell, among other misfortunes.
    However, there is a sinister explanation for why the show it wasn't as good as our matinee earlier.
    Someone said "Macbeth" while on stage. O.O
    I almost died of fright, shock, and horror.
    We finished well, though, and my death scene was at it's best. Very believable, so people told me.
    -Nuju Metru
  10. Nuju Metru
    Believe it or not, I actually ended up writing something! This is the prologue to a potential fantasy novel idea I have. I'm very happy I finally started, as this concept/world is one I've been developing for a long time.

  11. Nuju Metru
    Well, there's a possibility that I'm going to be able to go see the new movie at midnight when it opens with some friends... However, if I do, I need to decide on a character to dress up as.
    EDIT: I'm going for sure, as Dumbledore!
  12. Nuju Metru
    It's the first day of summer for me, as well as the first Thursday of summer.
    Therefore, I expect your SotW suggestions to be extra-good today.
    On another note, today is the birthday of a good buddy of mine, Master of Shadow Matoran. Let's all go wish him well here!
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