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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    I made second callbacks for the play! WOOT!
    Going to try out for the third time today at lunch.
    I'm totally pumped!
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    Okay, so for my contest, "Macs vs. PCs: the Showdown," Quite a few fine weapons were produced. Here's a list:
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    So, Chuck Norris, another Chuck Norris (with a Katana), and Mantax all fight, but because the twin Norris has a sword, he wins. Chuck the first and Mantax are eliminated.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    Next, the Alt and Ctrl-Z keys fight it out. Alt creates an Apple logo, but Ctrl-Z undoes it. This process continues until the keys destroy each other.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    PC sends forth their next supernatural being, God, as Linux puts forth Chuck the second again. These two battle it out, but ultimately, a tired Norris meets his maker. God is exhausted, and decides he'd rather be back in heaven , so he leaves.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    The Macs have only one weapon left: incomparable suaveness. Sensing a weakness, the PCs and their strong arsenal of Super-weapons try to take on Apple. However, as Incomparable suaveness isn't tangible, the Nuke and Death star can't to blow it up. The nuke tries, but explodes on thin air. Then, the Death Star sees the uselessness of the entire war and just goes back to a Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    The PCs still have a trick up their sleeve, though. They bring forth the Dark Matter generator, which promptly sucks Incomparable suaveness out of existence with a black hole. The Macs are out of it.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    During the battle between PCs and Macs, Linux grew a secret weapon: Beards. They then rally forth against the PCs with an armada of toasters, which put up a fight, but are ultimately destroyed.
    -Chuck Norris
    -Incomparable Suaveness
    -Alt Key
    -Death Star
    -Dark Matter generator
    -Flying Toasters
    -Chuck Norris with a Katana
    It's all come down to this: Beards vs. a Dark Matter generator. An epic battle ensues, in which neither combatant can gain ground. But, like many other electric things, the generator is battery powered. After almost ceaseless use, the Dark Matter Generator dies. Linux is Victorious!
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    It was awesome. About seven friends and I went out for burgers (and I bet SK knows where), which were delicious, then we went down to the park and hung there. One of the guys got lots of videos of me doing parkour.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    BZPower is like... HD, man. Whoa. Personally, though, I'm finding it a little tough in the transition between Mac and PC - I barely know how to operate some of the stuff on this computer. Meh. However, the breathtaking beauty of the graphics when I plugged in a little Age of Empires III more than made up for that. This is a change for the better.
    Being on break feels really good, doesn't it? I have actual time to make my MOCs, watch 4 episodes or so of House in a day, go to movies, and more. Zero obligation, at least for this next week, is golden.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    Which is better...

    EDIT: Also, this appears to be my 700th blog entry. Yay? One would think I'd have done something better for this momentous entry. But hey, I guess I'm just disappointing.
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    The task here it to make a matching Avatar & Banner set based on any Beatles Album.
    -Obviously the avatar and banner can only be BZP-appropriate sizes, no bigger.
    -The entry must clearly represent some Beatles album. If I can't tell what album it is, your entry will be disqualified.
    -No Beatles Albums that weren't produced while the band was together (Such as Love, Let it Be...Naked, etc.)
    -Using text to clarify your entry, or for any other reason, is also not allowed. (text that may appear on the image you use is alright.)
    -The avatar and banner must be matching, meaning that they represent the same album, and have the same color scheme (a good example of a matching banner/avvie set are my current Instant Karma ones).
    -Only one entry per person, but you are allowed to change your entry mid-contest, as long as it's before the deadline.
    -All entries that will be considered must be posted in this entry by midnight, Pacific time, on Wednesday, March 18th.
    -The winning avatar and banner will be used by me. Also, you'll be the first to have your name in a new "Contest Winners" content block in my blog.
    Here's a list of competitors so far:
    Gukko Force Captain
    -Black Oyster Pearl-
    Some Guy Named Snoopy82
    Hope to see some awesome entries!
  7. Nuju Metru
    Well, here's the deal. Over the course of my creative life, I've thought up a number of ideas for fantastical things in fantastical worlds to write about, to draw. But none of them ever really carried through well - either because the idea burned itself out, got tiresome, wasn't supported by good enough characters, etc. (What a wasted 55 pages I wrote for that one idea... it died because none of my charries were strong enough to hold up the epic scale of the story. Dagnabbit.)
    But now, after delving into my boxes full of past, and looking at some art from my fantasy world of 3rd grade, I have gained new inspiration from the old. It was an almost-forgotten universe, product of a trio of imaginative young boys including myself, created over the course of the year through countless recess escapades, drawings. Dragons and dragon slayers, wizards, goblins, mysterious forces, great empires, epic warfare - Somehow, the remembered ideas fill me with the kind of imaginative drive I haven't felt for years.
    Then, the most brilliant thought struck me.
    What would happen if I combine this concept from my elementary school mind with all of the other failed attempts of my mind of today? What if I find a way to finally create a world that I can call my own by picking the best of my own work and somehow fusing it all?
    I started to jot down notes on a virtual notepad immediately. I'm excited. I feel like this might actually get somewhere, a prospect that thrills me unbelievably. But I can't do it alone. I'd really love your guys' help on some fronts. One of those is the naming front. This is a quasi-european, quasi-medieval (in some cases, almost a medieval steampunk) world, with creatures from dragons to centaurs to winged elves. So I'd like to hear any names you can think of for that kind of world, if you're willing to give them. If you contribute them and I use them, I need you to understand that you will not be credited for the name. I hope y'all don't mind that, but I've never been good with keeping track of that stuff.
    Here are some things I would love some name ideas for;
    - "Goblins" species name; guttural, easy to remember, savage-sounding, not based on a real word
    - Goblin Prince/warlord names
    - "Bird-folk" (winged elves) Species name; should be elegant, stoic, simple if possible, not based on a real word
    - The Bird-folk are divided into two parts - names for those parts (should have similar root, but be evidently different, hopefully sound similar to the species name)
    - Place names (mountains, rivers, lakes, forests: it's all good, considering my map isn't nearly concrete yet)
    - Dragon Species names
    - A name for a guild of Dragonslayers
    - Personal names for any goblins, humans (latin/romanesque names), bird-folk, centaurs, dragons, wizards, anything you can think of. Just first, just last, or both names work great.
    - City names for any of above species
    - Types of undead spirits
    - Magical concepts/places
    Don't at all feel obligated to do all or even any of these if you don't want to - I'm grateful to anything you guys can give me. Thank you so much for reading and suggesting!
    -Nuju Metru
  8. Nuju Metru
    EDIT: Republished for new content - New Set Posted!

    Pictures of the last three sets will be taken soon!


    The theme is about these two wizards. Scallow is an evil Necromancer, and Charon is a good "Banisher," or someone who sends resurrected dead back to the world of the dead, to rest in peace and not be used as servants of Necromancers. Scallow, it seems, is a very competent Necromancer, able to summon and control mass armies of the dead, instead of only one or two, at a time. However, despite Scallow's skill, he needs some outside help to hold an army of the size he commands.

    So, the Necromancer does what nobody has ever done before; he tries to gain aid from one of the Greater Dead, the most powerful beings in the world of the dead. He ends up forming a pact with Xethrinn the All-Powerful, King of the Dead, who, unable to come himself, being too large in power to be summoned by any necromancer, sends to the world of the living his envoys, the demon Wraithra, who are essentially tendrils of Xethrinn's essence which he can control. With the Wraithra in his army, Scallow's force of darkness seems invincible.

    However, Charon, the good wizard, sees of Scallow's strength and power-hungriness, and immediately lunges into action. He makes the sentient races of the living (humans, dwarves, elves) see this problem, and together, all of the living world creates a gigantic alliance, which is led by Charon, due to his expertise in banishing the dead. Charon, as his first act as leader, commissions the building of may war machines, specially designed to be able to permanently re-kill even a Wraithra for good. He also assembles a squad of highly skilled engineers, military experts, warriors, and even the unexpected magical prodigy, to aid him.

    So begins a great war between life and death...

    (Just to clear up any possibility for future confusion, this is NOT an official LEGO line. These are my MOCs, which have been built as if they were a LEGO theme.)

    -Nuju Metru
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