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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    So I was thinking earlier this weekend about the "good ol' days" of my love of BIONICLE. And I wondered to myself, what's changed? Why don't new sets feel as awesome as they used to, so thrilling to open, so exciting to put together? Maybe it's because I've gotten older and more "mature." To those theories I say Bah. That can't be it.
    Therefore, I reflected not upon why things might've gone bad for me - but rather, upon what made them so awesome back then. The last time I remember feeling truly excited was back in the Phantoka days. I pondered about what things had made opening new sets so exciting before.
    The easy answer was that I didn't know what to expect.
    Before I joined up here and became web-savvy, I would only see new sets when they came out, no earlier, really - just that one picture in the catalog, which I always awaited eagerly, would be what I had to go on. These days, I'm exposed to in-depth reviews ahead of time, and pictures even earlier than that. I see exactly what the sets look like from every angle. And thus, that set loses its wonder. A few days ago, I came to this conclusion, and felt iffy looking at sets again.
    I've decided that I don't want to know, anymore. I won't read any new reviews, look at any new pictures - hopefully, those first looks I got, since they were brief, will fade from my mind if I don't let them fester. Hopefully I will, when I finally get my hands on one of the new heroes or villains, tear it open the packaging and pour out the pieces in joy and excitement, not really knowing what I'm getting.
    Next line, I'm going to try and stop myself from looking at anything before they come out. Let's hope for the sake of my inner child that I can resist temptation.
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    Was on [I can't let you mention that. -Valenti] for like two hours talking with all the people from the play, commenting on pictures and videos, posting stuff. Fun, yeah, but also very sad. I also spilled the beans to some of my fellow cast members about how I'm in love with the person who played Maria (Not giving a name). They all thought it was adorable and sweet.
    Then I watched Braveheart. Good movie, uplifting and spirited and gory as heck. XP Love my iPod touch.
    My dreams were predictably mono-subject. Her. Obviously. All the things that could've happened, all the ways she could have replied, if I had just had enough guts to tell her how I felt.
    On a semi-related note, I've been making a lot of life-related entries of late, a lot of them just me kvetching. It seems like all I can do in a blog entry these days is complain and mope. You can take this time to tell me what you'd like to see instead, considering nobody likes reading up on my problems. I'd appreciate your advice.
    EDIT: And also new blog graphics. THE WHO ROCKS
    -Nuju Metru
  3. Nuju Metru
    On a few topics;
    NaNo - currently at around 3900 words, going for 5000 by the end of tonight, so I can actually be caught up to date. The novel is coming well, just wrote the first chapter, and am happy with it. And I bid good luck to my fellow Wrimos, can't wait to see some of your works!
    Theater - closing in on the opening of Bye Bye Birdie. This week and the next are our intense rehearsals. It's a blast.
    RPG reboot - for the record, I'm in favor of the coming revamping of the BZPRPG. Fresh is good, as is the new blood we're bound to get.
    Giants - I still can't believe we won it all. I missed the victory parade that happened in the city today, though - I didn't think cutting school would be worth it. But the day sucked, so it would definitely have been.
    Other - Not much to say. Life is good, nothing to complain about.
    ...Alright that's it, I gotta get back to work. Byeo.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    Got myself some today at my local TRU. Unfortunately, I was unable to pick up the large 2011 Atlantis set that I had desired, but I did nab some other great stuff, including Stormer and Evo 2.0's.
    Dare I say, they are rather awesome. Definitely a whole new direction in the way of LEGO action figures - I like it. I await seeing some nice MOCs which will use the new joints in cool ways. Pretty much every part is new. These Heroes are flippin' sweet.
    On an unrelated note, yesterday, the cast list for my production of Les Miserables (best show ever) was posted. I am Thernadier. Mixed feelings on that, feelings which I don't feel like going into because the situation is complicated and I tried to write a lengthy blog entry about it last night but then my computer (still the PC, iMac isn't set up yet) died and took the entry-in-the-works with it so I lost heart in sharing said thoughts in said verbose manner. Anyway, there you have it.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    Problem is, I have a long rehearsal that day (3:30-8:30) as well as (most likely) homework. Odds are I won't write on that day, but I hope I can! I finally figured out my protagonist (thank you SOSOSO much, Lady K!), and with that, I think I'm ready at last. Don't expect to see much of me this month, I hope - if I'm on BZP and not writing, then I'm slacking and that's a bad thing.
    On an unrelated note, I saw the premiere of The Walking Dead with my friends tonight. That has to have been the most gory, grotesque, disturbing, awesomely violent 90 minutes of TV I have ever seen. It was surprisingly really well-done, too. I recommend it to those of you with strong stomachs.
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    I really gotta get cramming on NaNoWriMo before monday - there's a lot I have left to pre-write, like character names/backgrounds, and a basic plot outline. Hope I can get it all in time! And on a side note, I'm going to go see West Side Story tomorrow - looking forward to that!
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    So it turns out that a play I was gonna try out for today just got cancelled 'cuz the director didn't have enough money to get a place to perform it.
    -Nuju Metru
    EDIT: And for those who have been reading my novel, I have a new chapter!

  8. Nuju Metru
    Pretty much my whole rehearsal today was spent on the big kissing scene, which involved deep, soul-on-soul gazes, lots of me affectionately touching her face, smiling, holding hands/waists/shoulders, and being close enough that every part of us was touching.
    Not to mention kissing. Lots of that, too.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    Getting up on stage on an Opening Night performance! Bye Bye Birdie was a ton of fun, and I'm looking forward to a weekend of even more!
    In terms of Nano, I dunno if I can do this. November happens to inconveniently be the least free month I've had all year, and I'm now, what, 9000-ish words back? Not looking too hot, is my novel. :/
    -Nuju Metru
  10. Nuju Metru
    Hey Lewalew;
    You said it wouldn't happen, but here we are.
    We have won.
    Giants have won.
    You were unexpectedly wrong. Logic was wrong. I respect your having clung to it for so long; "it" being reason and sanity, but the time has passed for that. It's time to jump aboard the insanity ship, and hope and pray and watch as my team, against all logical odds, will maybe even win it all. Join us, and be a believer...
    -Nuju Metru
  11. Nuju Metru
    I've decided to host a contest. The task being set before you is to build a re-vamp of Toa Nuju Metru.
    -Only LEGO parts may be used (Majority of which MUST be technic, not system)
    -No Photoshopped/digitally edited pictures of ANY form
    -All participating entries must be in by the 26th of September
    Hope to see some great entries!
    -Nuju Metru
  12. Nuju Metru
    Fool you?
    Here's a limerick;
    There once was a guy named Bob
    He liked to eat corn on the cob.
    But when he played baseball,
    He had quite the face-fall,
    He couldn't pitch even a lob.
    -Nuju Metru
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