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Nuju Metru

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Blog Entries posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru
    My 9-year old brother wants to see the Dark Knight. While I'm extremely proud (Being the one to give him Joker Fever ), it's waaay to scary for him, and my dad won't let him see it. Now, he's really mad and frustrated.
    Anyone have any advice for things I can do to make him feel better about missing out?
    -Nuju Metru
  2. Nuju Metru
    So it turns out that a play I was gonna try out for today just got cancelled 'cuz the director didn't have enough money to get a place to perform it.
    -Nuju Metru
    EDIT: And for those who have been reading my novel, I have a new chapter!

  3. Nuju Metru
    Dontcha hate it when you happen to be in head-over-heels-in-love for the first time in your life, then you decide to let that person know how you really feel about them, and they reply that they're already sorta in a relationship, want to be "just friends," and tell you it'd never work out? And that they already pretty much knew the way you felt, so you've just humiliated yourself for nothing? And don't you hate it when, even after this, you still love them, just now with that terrible overbearing presence of their gentle rejection?
    Yeah, I hate that.
    -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru
    These are the initial designs for a wooden bungee-powered mechanical crossbow that I plan to make.

    If any of you have any suggestions for improvement, or any questions on how it functions, feel free to post them here. Please keep in mind that this is a preliminary design that I made in two minutes or so, and I want your guy's feedback so that it can be even better.
    -Nuju Metru
  5. Nuju Metru
    Today at school, we had an "emergency drill," to prepare us for natural disasters. I was randomly selected to be an "injured" student, who the teachers had to "rescue". I played the part of a guy with severe stomach pain, so I was forced to stay in my class, on the floor, with my legs tucked against my chest until they "rescued" me.
    It took them an HOUR.
    Pretty bad rescue squad. If it'd been a real disaster, I would have been dead by the time they reached me.
    -Nuju Metru
  6. Nuju Metru
    I made 12 easy bucks today at school. B)
    How? Well, I had some fudge that my dad accidentally ate, and as an apology, he got me a 8x8 inch block of massive, rich chocolate.
    I sold it in bits at $1 a piece.
    Thus, 12 bucks. B)
    -Nuju Metru
  7. Nuju Metru
    Well, our school has a very good Mock Trial team that I want to join/audition for... however, if I made it, it would be a HUGE commitment, and very time-consuming.
    D'you think I oughta try to join?
    -Nuju Metru
  8. Nuju Metru
    ...Is waiting for friday night to come - when the plays for next season of my youth theater group, and therefore the course of my life this coming year, are announced. Plus it's the first preview night of the production of "Into the Woods" that I'm in.
    On an unrelated note, BRICKFAIR
    On another unrelated note, I was about to say something but then forgot it.
    On a final unrelated note, I'm blogging now again because now my entries won't be buried under the many other blogs from the BZP Anniversary.
    -Nuju Metru
  9. Nuju Metru
    I've been taking photos and videos of my series of medieval/fantasy MOCs... In fact, here's a little sneak-peak for y'all:
    And it only gets better from there.
    (No, seriously, this little set is the smallest/possibly lamest of the lot.)
    -Nuju Metru
  10. Nuju Metru
    Myself and two other people each pitched in a dollar to buy a $3 giant thing of s'mores Pop Tarts at lunch today. The thing had in it 6 packets of two pastries.
    The first guy who helped to buy the stuff actually owed me money, so I got half of his share.
    The other one didn't show up to claim his lot at all.
    So I was left with 5 packets of delicious Pop Tarts.
    I sold four of them, first for a dollar a pack, then a dollar a pastry, then, in a climax of rip-off-ness, $2 for one Pop Tart. That's paying 2/3 of the original price for 1/12 of the original value. (What can I say... the customers were very hungry and desperate for Pop Tarts during class.)
    Yeah, I made a massive profit (about $5), as well as got to eat many a delicious Pop Tart, out of a simply $1 contribution.
    Can't help but feel sorta dishonest, though.
    -Nuju Metru
  11. Nuju Metru
    EDIT: Republished for new content - New Set Posted!

    Pictures of the last three sets will be taken soon!


    The theme is about these two wizards. Scallow is an evil Necromancer, and Charon is a good "Banisher," or someone who sends resurrected dead back to the world of the dead, to rest in peace and not be used as servants of Necromancers. Scallow, it seems, is a very competent Necromancer, able to summon and control mass armies of the dead, instead of only one or two, at a time. However, despite Scallow's skill, he needs some outside help to hold an army of the size he commands.

    So, the Necromancer does what nobody has ever done before; he tries to gain aid from one of the Greater Dead, the most powerful beings in the world of the dead. He ends up forming a pact with Xethrinn the All-Powerful, King of the Dead, who, unable to come himself, being too large in power to be summoned by any necromancer, sends to the world of the living his envoys, the demon Wraithra, who are essentially tendrils of Xethrinn's essence which he can control. With the Wraithra in his army, Scallow's force of darkness seems invincible.

    However, Charon, the good wizard, sees of Scallow's strength and power-hungriness, and immediately lunges into action. He makes the sentient races of the living (humans, dwarves, elves) see this problem, and together, all of the living world creates a gigantic alliance, which is led by Charon, due to his expertise in banishing the dead. Charon, as his first act as leader, commissions the building of may war machines, specially designed to be able to permanently re-kill even a Wraithra for good. He also assembles a squad of highly skilled engineers, military experts, warriors, and even the unexpected magical prodigy, to aid him.

    So begins a great war between life and death...

    (Just to clear up any possibility for future confusion, this is NOT an official LEGO line. These are my MOCs, which have been built as if they were a LEGO theme.)

    -Nuju Metru
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