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Status Updates posted by -Tjm-

  1. Hows that comic coming gav?

  2. I have not had time to make it yet I will do it soon.

  3. Most likely not but you never know. btw did you add me on psn?

  4. hi how your comics coming?

  5. Cool av vahi!

  6. Your banner is to big you need the change it before a Moderator does.

  7. will there be more Kaya Nui Chronicles comics??

  8. no I closed it because I need to work on the movie and I need a break.

  9. Check out my comics and the the new movie preview!

  10. happy birthday!

  11. Just go to sub accont settings in the master accont. spelling...

  12. Welcome To Bzp! ;)

  13. I like "Vahi786: Matoran of doom"

  14. Hey how are you?

  15. Hey cordak check ot my new comics.

  16. Good it's almost done.

  17. are you going to make new comics?

  18. Aw will you open it again?

  19. Happey birth day!

  20. Maybe I don't know im thinking of leaveing bzp.

  21. cool, Oh and I can help you with sprite comics, I have own.

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