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Everything posted by Doomcaliber

  1. Yeah....the two toa kimra(which are now turaga) are the two surviving members out ov all kimras that died. And i got the book ov the final battle. The ending creeped me out.

  2. Hey tahkeh, i've finally posted my topic ov my mocs, check em out.(if you want)

  3. Hey auserv, i've finally posted my mocs. And a topc ov it. Check it out.

  4. I is finally a seeker!

  5. No dude...I meant my new mocs i just opsted in maj, not in my topic. You dont expect me to post mocs with different names in a xairos/nocruss topIC.

  6. And I finish putting more mocs including the creepy demigod.

  7. You mean dulaia? yea..dulaia is a female.

  8. And my topic, i posted my mocs.

  9. I posted my topic, go check it out.

  10. Hey auserv..about the link thingy when you said to click on the lil geen buton, where IS the red button, are you reffering to the ookmark button

  11. How do you make a link to the pics?

  12. Hey cheetor, go check out my maj, i finally got my self(toa) pic, and makuta. The name is xairos13.

  13. Hey tal. gocheck my maj, i put toa xairos and my makuta. Uhhh unfortunately. it is kinda rotated thou, as long as you can see it though.

  14. Ohh...can't wait to see it, i like the idea ov making a matoranized makuta. MIne is just an icarax like makuta,, if you would of seen it, it wou remind ov a revamped icarax.

  15. SO can i atleast tell how it looks?

  16. Good luck with it scar.

  17. I can only describe it thou, still don't got a camera.

  18. How about a lava barracuda, or a 70 feet infernal eel

  19. what happened dude?? in biofcentral you never replied back, there are lots of new bands i can recommend to you.

  20. HOLY BLASPHEMY....er...i mean ohh synosis, it reminds me of the idea of krakua who looks like it wears an organic suletu but doesnt...lol awesome dude, alo can't wait to see your tank.

  21. I see you've chaged your pic. I that a nuparu mask?

  22. If you guys wanna know when he's been back look on his last active info!!

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