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Chaotic Being

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Status Updates posted by Chaotic Being

  1. *On the other side of the planet, so do I*

  2. I vansished, remember?

  3. Fine, Krazor spheres and missiles.

  4. Those are all fake, ya know? *I pull out:* 2897 ways to kill a random deranged dude that uses Krazor spheres.

  5. *I rub my nose, then vanish*

  6. Dude. You don't know what it does. It wipes out everything for 10 miles on.

  7. *I dodge it, and turn to face you* *I then cross my arms* *This means I am charging up Chaotic Oblivion*

  8. *I fly back at you and use Chaos Strike, punching you over and over at lightning speed*

  9. *I block them easily, and knock you off the wings*

  10. *I catch them and throw them back*

  11. *I blast all the Chaos Turrets to smithereens with my Chaos Energy Blast* *I then LITERALLY rip the top of Krazor Cave off.*

  12. *Am blown back by the Nova sphere and crash to the ground* *I pick myself up off the ground painfully and glare at you* *I then go Chaos Form*

  13. *I knock it aside, but as I do it opens and the acid burns me* *I then land and fire a Chaos Energy Ball at you*

  14. *I fly out and blast you with Chaotic Fire*

  15. *I block it with ease* Chaos Strike!! *I puch you a thousand times at lightspeed*

  16. No! Not the Nova Poke! *Let's loose Supernova Poke*

  17. *Bats it aside easily*

  18. That happened to me too. I feel your pain.

  19. The latest chapter was a little weird, but good.

  20. Nah, but they do have explosive Madu.

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