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Status Updates posted by Iceter

  1. Right now, I'm working on my Chapter Seven. Of an Epic that started back in around August/ July. XD And MeNOL just closed on me. >_

  2. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm actually just about to Post Chapter 7, which is part 1 of 4 of a mini-series of Chapters. (Iron Siege and Rebirth)

  3. Is that you? I think it is, because you told me about that Hordika Post a few days ago...

  4. I think that it's awesome that you could go visit Greg a LEGO. I put this here because I don't post very often, so I hope it's okay that I don't say in the Topic.

  5. Very happy belated birthday.

  6. Yes, in fact. I just Posted a new Chapter a couple days ago. It has a shiny thingy being cut in half. =D

  7. Hi, Zev. I haven't talked to you in a while.

  8. Thanks, Zev. And hi to you too.

  9. YAY! :happydance: *Takes both of the cookies, both the one that Mezzilak gave me in MH&H3, and the one in my Comments*

    Mwahahaha! Thanks, Mezzilak, and good job on second place again! =D

  10. XD Thanks. I'm plannign to change it soon, but to what, I don't know. perhaps my Gorast Crop rsting on my Shelf of Bricks and on my Computer? XD But it's been a while since I got a Comment... Thanks. :)

  11. Hi, Masketh-Kahn. :)

  12. O_o Oookaay...

  13. Oh... XD I thought you meant something in your epic, and I was thinking "I didn't say anything..." ...and I realized what you were gonna do. XD

  14. I'm serious. Don't even joke about it...


  15. Thanks, Avlok. And seriously, stop with the "Wassup" Comments. I'm really getting tired of them.

  16. You're our 40,000th Member!Apparantly, there are now 40,005 Members. You are no longer the newest! =o

  17. *Mind snaps from all the "wassup" Comments.* XD

  18. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Deletes all of the "Wassup" Comments from everyone's Profiles*

  19. Why....? ;_; Why all the "WASSUP"s? ;_;

  20. Hi. You're KolSkywalker from BS01, right?

  21. I know. I made my Personal Photo a Danska Sprite. ^.^

  22. Thank you! =)

  23. Do you want to e friends? You seem nice, and I already added you to my friends. :)

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