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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    I have $80.
    I want a Raanu and a Vorox.
    Walmart still has Takanuva. I want him too, but I wonder if they might mark him down, or just take him off the shelf.
    I'd also like to play a guitar some time, I think it'd be fun (albeit cliche). Nobody wants to let some noob try their guitar though. =P
    Oh, and the little Tohu emote is going way faster on Firefox than he did on Explorer.
  2. Bitter Cold
    And the crowd goes wild!
    Exciting! I'm glad for clearer pics, but I can't help but wonder one thing: where do they come from?
    The popular belief, I guess, is that LEGO releases them to a select group of people and someone puts them online. But why does it happen over and over? It seems like they'd catch on. I see no reason for anyone but the set designers and marketing to see the sets before release, so why don't we see more leaked stuff, like progress reports and ad campaigns?
    The other option is that they release them on purpose. They want the internet crowd to get excited about them, because to new buyers they're just toys, but to fans they're developments in Bionicle style. Everybody wants to know where their favorite toy line is going. Maybe LEGO is doing this as a sort of hidden marketing campaign.
    Or maybe there's a spy out there who doesn't work in Sets, but steals images from the people who do. Maybe a hacker.
    I just don't see how leaked images could get out this many times and not get caught.
    Now for my thoughts on the sets!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I also disapprove of Raanu's hands. 
    And why are Tarduk's arms backwards!!?
    But the helmety weirdness of Berix is cool, and all the new old weapons are sweet.
    Metus is FAIL.
    Zesk is pure WIN.
    Skrall's weapon seems MOCy.
    Malum has a Krika arm..
    Hooray for LEGO CGI piece-warping!
    Umm..Tarix is FAIL.
    Strakk's body design is neat, but all those gimmicky new pieces...no. Also, weapon is FAIL.
    Are those solid-color Piraka feet I see on Vorox? He's all weird and stuff.
    Fero: Krika-head! Skirmix: Freakish and not good.
    I kinda like..some of them..
  3. Bitter Cold
    It became a zombie about two weeks ago? It moves slower than a dead snail.
    I think it has something to do with my mom's account using HALF THE RAM OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM right now, but I really can't say for sure.
    Also, Commander Boatshoes looks totally awesome, cooler than Baron Ransack von Joy or that motorcycle guy whose name escapes me. Granted, it took me an hour to get to that conlusion because of this freaking INTERNET...
  4. Bitter Cold
    They should make Metroid action figures.
    High-quality figures. Not as big as Toa, but similarly priced. Mucho poseability and durability. Maybe some metal.
    I would buy some awesome Metroid action figures.
    If I had a job.
  5. Bitter Cold
    (this is random)
    The picture of him on other TFA packages shows him with a yellow head. I don't remember the picture on his package, but his toy form's head is black.
    He's not great. But his paint apps are more consistent than regular Bumblebee.
    Also, here's some random pictures of him from a long time ago.

    (click it)
    I could have sworn there were more of them than that. Oh well.
  6. Bitter Cold
    I have to be in a family picture tomorrow.
    Family pictures suck.
    Especially with my family.
    Plus the only shirt I have without a picture or sarcasm on it is a sweater. Blech.
  7. Bitter Cold
    Yesterday we got an "automated message" from the School Superintendent. Turns out, there was a "catastrophic event" at the Elementary School. I think something underground broke because of old mine tunnels or something like that.
    Anyway, school's out for the whole district until further notice.
    You know what that means!
  8. Bitter Cold
    It's probably weird to use fingernail clippers on one's fingertips, huh?

    Also, if somebody can find me an image with a kid stuck in a pile of hay, that'd be great kthxbai.
  9. Bitter Cold
    Once I upload my pictures to somewhere, I don't need to have them on the computer anymore! =D
    Why did this never occur to me bef- *trips over Recycle Bin*
  10. Bitter Cold
    Vorox's tail/arm/whatever is placed weirdly.
    The red one's shoulder armor is placed stupidly. And it looks like we get a new axle piece.
    The black and red one seems pretty cool though.
    And Tarix! Tarix has what appears to be yellow eyes, a black hordika neck, and GOLD ARMOR! And Mata blue feet! Other than that, Tarix is completely uncreative and doesn't look that great, but cool pieces.
    If they're using Avtoran heads, that's fine from a creative standpoint, but they BREAK. But so do all the new square-y sockets.
  11. Bitter Cold
    If you never see me again, I died.
    I'm getting these short, shooting pains near my ribcage. It's like "AH WHAT WAS THAT" but then I feel fine. And then it happens again. But then I feel fine.
    My paranoia says I probably have an undiagnosed heart disease, or cancer, or there are assassins shooting me with tiny poisoned darts on strings and then pulling them out.
    If I die, tell ____ I love her.
    Oh yeah, and the school computer filter says STOP when it blocks something. As if it stopping you..didn't work..but you wouldn't see it if it didn't work..umm...
  12. Bitter Cold
    Someday, after some occurence causes this blog to stop being updated, someone will find this blog and wish they'd known about it when it was still active.
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