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Whooper Swan

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Blog Entries posted by Whooper Swan

  1. Whooper Swan
    Well just a couple of days ago I came up with this riddle. I'll post the answer next Sunday. Also, I encourage you to make your guess before looking at others' comments. Feel free to give thoughts on the riddle its self.
    There is One rich man with six who Follow him. What do we call this man?
    The people who get it win a cookie... or maybe another riddle. Seriously, another riddle will come.
    Good luck!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «A Millionaire  
  2. Whooper Swan
    Well my Bro found out not to long ago that he had an extra tooth in his gums. Today he had surgery to have it removed. He wasn't to worried, and they hooked him up to an IV and gave him anesthetic and oxygen.
    After words he didn't feel to great. His body... er... rejected the pain killer he was given. So yeah, that wasn't to awesome.
    But anyway he's better now.
  3. Whooper Swan
    I can't wait for the IBM challenge on JEOPARDY! tomorrow and the days after. It will be an incredibly exciting grunge match between two human beings at the peak of mental capacity and a machine with the entirety of scientific progress behind it.
    I watched NOVA and it just intensified the anticipation. All and all a very interesting episode of NOVA, however.
    So who's going to win? Place your bets people! I say Watson, because it was my original thought.
  4. Whooper Swan
    Super Bowl is tomorrow, and I am pretty excited. I only just got interested in football a couple years ago, so there is still some occasional things that I don't know about, or haven't heard of.
    Personally I'm going for the Packers. I'm not a fan of either team, but I have a preference for the Packers. Don't know why, just do I guess.
    Well, we'll see. Anyways, enjoy the show.
  5. Whooper Swan
    Well as lazy as I am I finally created my blog. I'm not done with the content blocks yet, but that shouldn't stop me from adding my first entry. Most people probably have no idea who I am, and I'd like to make sure none of you know who I was. (Seriously don't go finding out. That's all behind me now )
    Well readers --if there even are any-- how are you today?
    Also, I am required to ask what you think of that image at the top of my content blocks. What do you think?
  6. Whooper Swan
    Just posted this not too long ago. I think it is a lot better than the last one, plus it has a cool header which I'm planning to put as my banner.
    I also would like to note the SS awards, hosted by Zar. I recommend heading over there and maybe nominating a couple good stories.
  7. Whooper Swan
    Well got around to my second (Don't ask about the first. ) SS, and my thousandth post. I posted an epic for my 100th, and to post THIS on my thousandth seemed fitting.
    It's about an astronomer who becomes a little obsessed with his work. I wish I could describe it better without being paranoid I would give something away.
  8. Whooper Swan
    IBM did it. They won JEOPARDY!, so to them I say, good job.
    I mean seriously, Watson was amazing. 77-thousand-something, that's insane for just two days. He even supplied me with a view laughs at how stupid his answers were sometimes. The second game was more balanced than the first, but Watson still did well.
    To quote Ken: I for one welcome our computer overlords.
  9. Whooper Swan
    Me and my Bro (you know, that super awesome guy who just typed this statement in these parentheses) started on Homestuck a few weeks ago, and boy do I love it (I also love it ). We haven't gotten very far though, I believe we are deep into act 2. I'd like to be further on though.
    But yeah, so far it's great. Completely ridiculous and funny.
  10. Whooper Swan
    1: I predicted the winner.
    2: Some bad calls by the officials.
    I felt that some of those calls kind of made the game the way it was. Bad calls = loss of score. Commercials were good, my favorite was the Brigdestone Beaver.
    All in all, a very exciting game, glad I watched.
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