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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    I currently have 7 Hot Dog Guy minifigs.
    Granted, six of them are sealed in the bag and in my BrickLink store, but still. Just imagine a whole lineup of Hot Dog guys in some sort of MOC. Craaaaaaziness.
    I also have 4 unicorns, all sealed.
    Oops, or yay?
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    What a fantastic time! I miss you all. I love you all.* I say that ever year. But hey, there was merriment, there was fun, there was friendship, there was building, there was a bit of everything. I will definitely remember this year fondly like I do every year.
    And boy did I had a good time with everyone! Granted, I didn't get enough time with everyone, and I like to take my "everyone" in separate chunks, but putting everyone together in the same place really makes BrickFair feel like a LEGO Christmas. It's those moments that really make it special, even if it's 2 AM in a giant hotel room with a cool drink in hand.

    BrickFair highlights for me include my SHIP being nominated for two Brickees (though I didn't win), meeting set designer Marcos Bessa who made a ton of superhero sets like the Milano (and even took a picture holding it on the set of the actual ship) and is a big X-Men fan, seeing the LEGO Brickumentary for free (everyone should see it), and getting lots of good deals and free swag (bubble helmets!).

    I also walked around with a huge BrickBadge, as usual. This was my 11th year going to a LEGO convention, and my 12th convention under my belt. (And I might get to BrickFair NJ this October, making a third for this year.) My BrickBadge looked something like this all weekend:

    It's actually a great conversation starter! People always say "you've been doing this for a while!" or something, and then a few other bricks point out themes I'm active in that they should definitely check out. This year I made a tiny Pharaoh's Labyrinth vignette which I think really adds to the pizzazz.
    We should really just make this thing two weeks long. We could actually plan movie nights that don't start at midnight, take plenty of photos, build to our hearts' content, visit DC, sleep in, and tell each other our deepest darkest LEGO secrets.
    Until next time, play well!
    *BrickFair theme tehe.jpg
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Steampunk fans! Have you heard the sweet tunes of the Steam Powered Giraffe? For the uninitiated, they are a steampunk-themed rock band (with a slight hint of folk), and at shows they even act the part of being automatons through their movements and way they talk with each other. They have all kinds of songs, from things about steamboats to pirates and suspenders to magic. It's not a gimmick, their singing is really good and the songs are catchy!
    So I immortalized them in LEGO for BrickFair's Steampunk theme:


    Furthermore, I'm bringing another new Steampunk build, utilizing the Pteranodon:

    And, almost surprisingly, there are more MOCs to come! I've been keeping busy the past couple of weeks, seeing as how I procrastinated on LEGO building for a while. Stay tuned!
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    This is a rant. It's about adults. Not adults like me, but adults much older than me who have some life experience and know what they're doing, and thus think nothing of the consequences on my psyche when conversing. Granted, I do know adults who have their life together--solid job, living on their own--but most of my complaints are coming because of even older adults.
    It's about conversation. And while I definitely dislike small talk, it's unavoidable. And while I'm learning how to ask small-talk-like questions that are actually meaningful, the same usual small talk queries are addressed to me whenever I meet new adults.
    The questions are simple: "What did you study in college?" and "What do you do?" (The latter meaning jobs and money, not in life in general in your free time. More on that later.) I understand that my answers are in my control. I'm living at home and underemployed. I believe in responsibility and accountability, and I hold myself to my societal shortcomings. Though adults are always kind in talking about the troubled economy and job market. But it falls to me. But what falls to them are the questions. Why ask things that remind me of my shortcomings?
    I understand it's easy, but even after that topic has been breached it remains the point of conversation. It's not like it's a lead in to other interests. Small talk like this would be so much better if we focused on, say, hobbies. "What do you do?" "Oh, I build LEGO creations and collect comic books." And there is so much conversation to be made going on from there. People are enthusiastic about their passions, and it allows the other person to continually ask questions and show/feign interest. And even if the job question has come up, my working in a bookstore is such a great lead for a deeper conversation about books. Everyone (mostly) reads! What isn't there to talk about in the world of books?
    Until such ends are met, I will just have to live with my problems, work harder in any job, and steer the conversation into something more favorable.
    Now, I know I have plenty of friends also living at home and not working in their field of study at school (if they even went to college). And I also have friends that are adulting better than I am either by making enough to move out yet remain underemployed or actually making a career out of their interests and studies. So I ask: What problems has everyone encountered? What have you done until better options came along? What kind of comments have been received; what kind of answers were given? And what is the best way to bear with the unbearable smalltalk?
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    You know what's great about having a friend who is extremely adept at making trades and scouring ebay for deals? He knows just how to grab something rad online. A few days later and bam!--Toa Lhikan Hordika puts in my hands the Collector, one of San Diego Comic Con's exclusive LEGO minifigs last year! (A trade, of course.)

    He looks good with the team, and by team I'm including the proper Nova, of course. And Drax has his signature energy axe.
    (A second thanks goes to xccj for grabbing me Rocket in his Ravagers outfit.)
    What is really cool about the Collector is the backing of the case unfolds to show a large image of him, scowling (the other side of his minifig head). Not that any sane LEGO collector would display this unless there was a safe way to do so, but it's a pretty neat bonus.

    But the exclusives don't stop there! I also have another benefactor: my manager who used to work at GameStop and snagged all kinds of extras for the LEGO video games. So now I have the exclusive Elrond figure and, better yet, Lex Luthor in power armor and, better yet, Plastic Man! Certainly exciting additions to my collection.
    What's next? Making a display case for all of these (and my other exclusives)!
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con is happening at the end of September, and I'll be going! So far it sounds like 55555 is planning on going too, but it'd be cool to hang with anyone else attending too. Hopefully we'll be getting a hotel to stay a night and attend two days (Friday and Saturday, unless he has other plans), so if anyone else wants to join us and keep costs down, let me know.
    Right now it's planning logistics with Fivey, figuring out what/if I'm cosplaying, and which comics I need to bring to get autographed.
    But until then, I'm eagerly awaiting the convention that is coming way too quickly to keep up with my MOCing schedule: BrickFair VA!
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    There are a few good memes floating around online. Philosoraptor is one such meme. And now he's come to LEGO:
    The PhiLEGOphy Raptor!

    (Cell phone pic with decently solid background at WAMALUG using a friend's raptor.)
    Make your own!

    Maybe more to come? Enjoy!
    (Totally stole that thought from a LEGO Movie character guide.)
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    On Friday, May 1, I had the fortunate pleasure of seeing and hearing Neil Gaiman, my favorite author, speak in DC. It was a fantastic evening, shared with Toa Lhikan Hordika, who has also been a fan and is slowly being inducted into more of his works as well.
    The format was different than what I've experienced before with author talks. This time around, people could write questions down on a note card before the show. So he comes on stage, giving his usual "Hullo" we all know, holding a stack of maybe 300 note cards. The entire night is just him picking a card and answering it, going off on minor tangents when it suited him and digging deep into his personal experiences to share his world with ours. In that way it felt like we were having a conversation with him, or a very informal interview, in which he's simply talking to us, for us, about pretty much anything.
    He even answered my question! I asked what I can say, as a bookseller, to parents that are set on not letting their kids read new and genre-filled books since they're forcing their kids to read arguably boring and uninteresting books (depending on the reader)? His answer ("Ah, parents," he says, and the audience laughs) was to handsell books with a passion so that maybe they'd allow something new to be tried. A good answer, of course.
    He had various touching moments, from recounting how many women said Coraline inspired them as young girls to be brave, to speaking briefly about Terry Pratchett and writing Good Omens together. He had advice about writing and living a good life. He spoke of adventures he had even when he didn't realize they were adventures. He made us laugh, fall silent, and take in his every word in only the way his voice can as he pauses every now and then as if choosing his next word to make sure it is perfect.
    He also read a few short stories from his new book, the anthology Trigger Warning, and a few pages from Good Omens and then told us which part Pratchett had contributed to. I was especially happy because he read the October Tale from A Calendar of Tales, which is my favorite. It is about a genie who appears for someone who does not want or need anything obtained through a wish, and is happy with their simply life and starts to befriend the perplexed djinn. (The whole Calendar can be read for free online.)
    It was unlike anything I've experienced, and even if I see Gaiman speak again it will no be anything like that night. It was an evening filled with humorous, heartfelt, and truthful insight into his life and his books. What a fantastic way to start the month.
    (PS, I recommend his books American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and his comic series The Sandman, for anyone interested in a starting point for his works. And then I recommend everything!)
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    I was cleaning up my room a bit and dug around in a few boxes. To my bemusement, I found an old Exploriens' box!

    While this is the oldest box I haven't recycled yet (I've recycled everything except Bionicle canisters, which up until recently were used as parts storage), the oldest set I still have built is a RoboForce vehicle that is sitting on my shelf (gathering dust).
    The Exploriens are my favorite LEGO Space theme, but I suppose at some point in my childhood I felt the need to take this set apart but was never compelled to do so to the RoboForce one. At this point I don't really feel like I should, if only to keep a bit of my childhood around (as well as a variety of figs).
    Also unearthed was a tub of Bionicle things I didn't miss: Piraka spines, Kanoka, Rhotuka, Kraata, Zamor, and some torsos from 2008 and on. I reorganized my Bionicle collection late last year but never said, "huh, I wonder where those Piraka spines are." But, I know they have building potential. (I wonder if the Rhotuka and Kraata are worth anything in my BrickLink store....)
    Oh and I found the LEGO Club BrickMaster CD with Bionicle comics #1-25 on it! Now I can reread most of the story (seeing as how I have no idea where in my house the physical comics are, despite now wanting to bag and board them).
    Just another day in the life of an AFOL!
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    The Bricks Cascade LEGO convention took place this weekend in Portland, Oregon. After hearing from friends how it's worth visiting, this year I was able to see for myself!
    At about 200 AFOL attendees, it was a little small for what I was used to. But that meant a much higher chance of snagging deals, getting into some games and taking home some freebies.
    On Friday I played the Mixels Mix Up, where players combined two Mixels sets into something else (using all the pieces). I got third place in the judging (and more free sets)! And then on Saturday I got second place in the one-handed speed build with a City set! (No prize.) And since everyone was guaranteed to win a big set, I won the latest iteration of the Mos Eisley Cantina set! There were a few other perks due to support LEGO has started contributing to conventions.
    There were plenty of cool MOCs on display (pictures coming soon to the front page), some big, some small, and something that stood out in every theme. Keep in mind the con was "tiny" by my usual standards, but MOCs were still impressive both for the attendees and the public.
    Speaking of the public, Micah tipped me off that local Marvel Comics scribe Matt Fraction was visiting on Saturday. Due to my wishful thinking (wishful hoping) that he would, I wore my Hawkeye #3 "Because boomerangs" t-shirt, met him and had him sign it! (Majhost is down, so no pictures.) He immediately recognized the shirt to which I said it was my favorite issue. It was really cool meeting him since I missed out at New York Comic Con.
    For me, the main attraction has become less on MOCs and sales and more on hanging out with friends! Getting to the West Coast has different advantages than the East Coast, so I was able to see some friends I haven't seen in years, and some friends I haven't seen in months. Other members also attended, so making new friends was just another perk. You know who you all are. It was great to be able to spend time with everyone, and I think I divided my time appropriately (and hanging out as a group was great too).
    I also made sure I took some time to hike the famed great outdoors of Oregon. On Monday xccj and I hiked Eagle Creek and then stopped by Multnomah Falls. Due to the weekend's rain, all the waterfalls along the Eagle Creek trail were at full blast and made for some amazing scenery. Absolutely beautiful. It was great to be able to go hiking and get some fresh air, something I hadn't done in way too long.
    And now, another fun event has come and gone. I wholeheartedly recommend seeing if there is a LEGO convention or similar event in your area (even if going is a committed day trip) for any country. BZPower aims to have a large presence at many of the US-based conventions, discussed in our Event forum along with the goal to display your MOCs!
    My next big event will be BrickFair VA in August, but I plan on building some more between now and then. Events like this rejuvenate my inspiration to build something different and, if I really want to aim towards some awards, big and unique.
    Until then, leg godt!
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    And thus ends my third trip to the West Coast. I'll have a more nostalgic and 'miss everyone' entry soon (tonight during Flash and SHIELD?), but I miss everyone and had a great time this weekend at Bricks Cascade! (Pictures coming hopefully soon to the front page.)
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Remember how last summer I was seeking to get a hold of a red Kakama, and someone (Danny?) came through and helped me out at BrickFair? Well, here's why I had to have that mask:

    I had to. Just for the pun utilizing the mask.
    Sure, you can nitpick over the dark red parts or the red feet, but I had fun building him. He'll be debuting at Bricks Cascade this weekend as part of the Super Hero theme.

    More pictures can be found on my BrickShelf.
    With any luck, I'll be inspired to build a whole superhero team!
    BZPower Topic!
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    He didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked, but a custom torso extending its length and reducing the neck will better match his long arms (which have to be that way if I want the layered CCBS otherwise it won't look like encompassing armor) and fix that.
    But I don't think those changes will come before Bricks Cascade, which is a shame because there's a whole super hero theme going on. Luckily I just built another hero which I'll hopefully post quickly.

    (Yes it's a terrible photo but it's a WIP so ha.)
    I've been itching to use that mask for Iron Man's gold/black armor since October.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    I learned how to knit three and a half years ago so I could make a Fourth Doctor Scarf from Doctor Who. I recently picked up the knitting needles again to make my own Jayne Hat from Firefly:

    How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don't you think?
    It's actually a tad smaller than I'd like, so I think I'll make a second, better one over the summer.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    I built a few small things to show off my early-received Bionicle pieces at December's WAMALUG* meeting (remember?). While that's not much to brag about now, I still enjoyed breaking out the Bionicle pieces and trying a few things out, and at the very least making use of new masks, weapons, and ideas.

    I had been wanting to use Gali's new golden mask (especially on red), and saw this as a great chance. (Hand design borrowed from Bundalings.)


    You've heard of Figbarfs? Fiddling with minifigs to see what gets made? Think of these as Bioni-barfs.
    And I've been doing a little bit more building too. I should have some new stuff for BrickFair!
    *My local LEGO Users Group
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    As I see my mom's classic Winter Village display, I'm suddenly regretting not collecting the winter sets LEGO makes just like these. This will have to do:

    Because really, that's an impossibly absurd amount of snow.
    (This almost as great as me putting a TARDIS in the Creche under the tree.)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    As you may know, LEGO and DC Comics released 22 variant covers for their comics in November to promote LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. I, of course, had to have some of these for my collection! Here's what I was able to snag:

    (^Link. Also: Flickr.)
    Some of these are gracing my collection (and will look great when/if I frame some favorite covers), some are being donated to the BrickFair charity auction, and some I'm saving for sale/trade later (or now, PM me).
    Some of the variant covers paid homage to covers that appeared a few years back:

    And just to be clear, only these variant covers are LEGO-ized. The contents are the exact same normal art as one would find in the regular cover comic.
    While variant covers are most certainly an easy gimmick to boost sales and perhaps gain new readers to a title, sometimes the price is right and the cover is cool enough to accept that. (What I won't do it pay way too much for a cover.) LEGO did this with Marvel last year for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, and I was able to grab two (donating Wolverine to BrickFair's auction).

    What's next? I'll continue to collect and build superhero minifigs from all my favorite titles!
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    You know when you're working on something cool hoping it never gets usurped by official things? Well, I just want to go on record as having made Green Arrow, Cyborg, Supergirl, Captain Cold, and Hawkman minifigs.

    Seriously though, I'm becoming obsessed with making my own figs from DC and Marvel comics, and have a list of 20 more I want to make. Good guys, bad guys, known or obscure. And as soon as I figure out water-slide decals, they'll look even cooler.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    I built a Toa team back in 2008. They've appeared at BrickFair many times since then, but I never posted them because I always wanted to do something more with them. Enough procrastinating though, I'm not solid on some of these names and don't have backstories for half, but I like what I've built (though will probably experiment with CCBS shells, especially with the Water Toa's torso).
    I've put pictures on BrickShelf and Flickr.

    The team itself is composed on six Toa who were the last surviving members of their respective teams. They've banded together with a new destiny as a new team. My goal while building was to give them some similar characteristics (due to my building preferences), but make them all different given their origins. I gave them all Rahkshi legs and Mata feet since those are my favorite, but after that anything was fair game.

    Lekia, Toa of Air, nimble and wielding a boomerang.

    Korou, Toa of Earth, inspired by other diggers.
    (Rahkshi legs on the arms here instead, but those are arguably more powerful on Onu-Toa.)

    Kapiro, Toa of Fire:
    Kapiro likes to make a solid flame sword and, when necessary, spirals of fire. (His mask of telekinesis helps with this.) He has also forged his own backup blade (just in case).

    Koji, Toa of Ice:
    Koji fought to his last breath--before being wrapped in a cocoon of ice. While the rest of his team fell while defending their home island from an invasion, he released a nova blast of ice, first drawing in the cold to make the surrounding area molten hot, and then releasing a wave of ice that enveloped the whole island, stopped his enemies, and encasing him for a millennium in ice. When he finally thawed and emerged on a new island, where he would meet his new team, the ice had become a part of him and his armor.

    Roxoro, Toa of Stone, as tough as they get.

    Makoa, Toa of Water
    Makoa is only partially healed from being infected with Visorak venom. While she was able to get the cure before being permanently transformed into a Hordika, the rest of her team was not so lucky, and she still has flecks of her Hordika side in her armor and mentality. A fin resides on her back and blades on her arms, along with her "shark's tooth" stinger. Furthermore, she has a bit of a taste-for-blood temper, which is especially present when moving through the water.
    (This was my first attempt at a movable waist, but I need to implement it better.)
    I realize since these MOCs are 6+ years old, CC for something where my skills have changed is a moot point ("It seemed good at the time"). But I don't mind small tidbits anyway. Mostly I just wanted to finally post these officially, before I change them. (I might also dismantle a few to make way for new MOCs. "Kill your darlings" and all that.)
    And a reminder, I've put pictures on BrickShelf and Flickr.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    The good news is I organized by bookshelves that I've improved the storage capacity, mostly by stacking mass markets up and putting hardbacks behind other hardbacks. (Sure, I can't see all the mass markets at once, but I've put the important ones on the top.)
    The bad news is I will probably just have to lay any new books out flat on top of stacks rather than spine out.
    The good news is I probably shouldn't be buying any more books anyway?
    The bad news is I have about 60 unread books.
    The good news is I'm working on reading books I believe I'd be inclined to give away/lend which means they won't be on my shelves then.
    The bad news my structure of reading every day in 2013 kind of fell to pieces in 2014 with LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, LEGO building for a March display and then BrickFair and then a non-existent January 2015 display.
    The good news is I want to change that and read every day and hopefully knock out a bunch of those books!
    The bad news is I'd feel kind of bad not reading books given to me as gifts or books I've bought (so, all of them), which means I'm not going to just ignore some in favor of others.
    The good news is: books!
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Showed off some things at WAMALUG yesterday. LEGO comic covers, custom purist minifigs, and some experimentation with the new 2015 Bionicle parts:

    I also got to hang out with 55555 after, continuing to prove that meeting people from the internet isn't a bad life decision! (Seriously though, kids, be careful.)
    More photos to come!
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Way way way back (like two years) an AFOL made a Kickstarter project for LEGO trading cards, called STUDS, to showcase various renowned builders in the fandom and their MOCs, among other aspects like conventions, publications, and achievements.
    Through a few LEGO conventions I was able to collect a handful of cards from people who had contributed early and had their own card(s) or packs to sell. Fun stuff! They finally made them available to the public and I eagerly ordered some (splitting shipping costs with a LUG friend and 55555). With some luck and a bit of trading I've got some cool stuff:

    On the back of the cards is a short bio of the creator/thing. My favorite is Paul Lee's LEGO Avengers card, which I'm showing off in the middle of a sheet. I also obtained 4 of Nathan Sawaya's cards. I've had a few things like Cajun's card and Norbert's card. After getting lucky and getting a signed card (by Bram Lambrecht, who I think was at BrickFest '06), I realized there were quite a few here I should have had signed when I first received them. Oh well.
    Some of these are just plain cool (Cole Blaq's Dragon, Mark Borlase's Hoth), some of them are from people I know personally (Dan Rubin's mech and Cajun's HR Giger), some I've met briefly (like meeting Megan Rothrock at NYCC for her LEGO Adventure Book we have at work), and others for other reasons either IRL or online.
    My goal is to put these on my wall like a poster to show off some cool LEGO art. (And I've got a few I'm still willing to trade, mostly in those last two pictures.) I'm quite happy with these additions to my LEGO collection.
    (PS, Arpy is hidden in one of these cards!)
  23. ChocolateFrogs
    Chima has some great humanoid, anthropomorphic animal characters, and the sets are really cool too.
    But we all know LEGO could do more. We've seen snakes in Ninjago. Atlantis had some great aquatic life minifigs. The Collectible Minifig Series has had their fair share of animal figs. So let's see the exploration and go deeper into the jungle:

    Not only can we dive deep with some stingrays (and sharks, which I don't have), but buzzing around with bugs makes sense too. Mosquitoes and other creepy-crawlies found in the jungle.
    But let's not stop at things like snakes and lizard-men. Embrace mythology and throw in the legendary Lost Griffon Tribe (and maybe search the maze for the Minotaur, but watch out for the Medusa (or rather, don't watch out)).
    And of course, let's have some samurai pandas.
    Time to make some Chima MOCs?
  24. ChocolateFrogs
    Man, that Toa Lhikan Hordika guy is awesome. Especially when he (and Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, maybe?) decides to send me a LEGO set not found in the USA! Realizing I desired the micro Tantive IV (with Alderaan globe) from the last LEGO Star Wars Micro Planets series, which was not released in the states, he kindly set me up with one!

    Sure, he builds up his own LEGO collection bit by bit, but then making sure his friends have some cool additions to theirs as well? It's great knowing he's got me covered with the little things.
    I love all sorts of micro sets because it lets me show off some cool ships and vehicles without having to break the bank (and find shelf space) on the larger ones. Plus building in microscale is so fun because of all the details implied by clever uses of pieces.
    My current lineup of micro (and midi) Star Wars ships and vehicles:

    (I've also got a micro Batman Tumbler I'm debating giving to my brother or keeping for myself.)
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