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Status Updates posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. I understood the RIP and tear thing, just decided not to mention it.

  2. I was like "who is this kid?" and then I realize who you are and I can now say that yes, your MOCs did arrive yesterday. SO COOL to have the Kraata skeleton in my hands.

  3. I wouldn't quite call myself "normal."

    But thanks.

  4. I'm a humbug. Look at my signature!

  5. I'm currently having a blast with you at BrickFair09!

  6. I'm digging the banner. That would make a great poster.

  7. I'm guessing by your comment in my blog that you received the Zamor?

  8. I'm not quite sure what's up at the moment, if you're considering the comments in my profile.

    But personally, I'm white water rafting tomorrow, and I'm excited for prom next week!

    Et tu?

  9. I'm playing favorites, sue me.

    In other words, we got Bundalings in, now I want the other great MOCer I know in my contest.

    In other words, I most likely won't close the contest until you post an entry or tell me you aren't entering.


  10. I'm pretty sure the plural of Mecha is Mecha.

  11. I'm sorry, I still can't comment. But I am enjoying it! (maybe have a friend try to comment in it. I don't think there are any settings that don't let people comment.)

    Thanks for liking my MOCs!

  12. I'm sure we all need a vacation. That's great you're getting out of school. Any summer plans?

  13. I've seen that Atlantis set before too, and I love the fact that it has those black Kiina pieces, among other things.

    (Why'd you lock the entry?)

  14. IDK how much CNU has. It was probably 6 inches when I went out for breakfast in the morning, and haven't been out since. But the library is closed and dinner ended early. I guess now I have as much as you.

  15. IDK if classes are canceled yet. I guess it depends on how much melts Sunday, which isn't likely. I bet you have school off though.

  16. In answer to you Haruhi question in my blog, I'm not in that vid. My friends and I peaked over the heads of other spectators as this was happening.

  17. Indeed it is. Definitely worth looking into/buying.

    You know how a few of us have Dr. Horrible themed sigs? We're about to change it to Firefly themed, to continue the Joss Whedon thing. Feel like joining in?

  18. Is Onua Mistika's shield gunmetal, because I thought they were silver like Bitil's.

  19. Is that cartoon Doctor Who episode where he's out in the middle of Roswell a must-see? I wasn't too thrilled by what I did watch, and my mood sank when The Doctor said "Howdy." I'd rather just not worry about it.

  20. Is that Daniel Jackson in your avatar?

  21. Is there a sound quality difference between the 96 and 128 kbs?

  22. Is Torchwood worth watching? Is there a deeper sub-plot arch or is it just alien/alien-tech every episode?

  23. It /crashed/ your computer?!?!


  24. It keeps my enemies from finding me. All my friends know how else to contact me.

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