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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    100% of you will probably know of at least one of these franchises.
    Bonus cookies if you're fond of both.
    First, some more Avengers figs:

    -Namor (doubtful he's still an Avenger), Maria Hill (technically not an Avenger, but she's in the Secret Avengers title), Rogue (an Uncanny Avengers--protip: Don't read anything by Rick Remender)
    -Ant-Man and Wasp (she'll be updated with wings once I get the pieces)
    Now, who's had the pleasure of playing Munchkin?

    If not, well hopefully I'll remember to bring it to BrickFair, and we'll all have a blast!
    I wish I could fit the lady munchkin with something on her back too, but the armor gets in the way. I tried stretching a scabbard over it, but ehhhhh... I'm sure other pieces will come to my attention.
    I think I'll put these two on my brickbadge.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I really want every Avenger set. And that X-Men/Deadpool set (though Magneto isn't too impressive).
    Monetary-speaking, though, I shouldn't really get anything until I get an established job after graduating.
    Were I to, however, buy some, I would probably start with the Avengers Jet and get Thor, Black Widow and an unfortunately large-headed Iron Man.* Somehow getting Cap to would be cool (and maybe Hawkeye, Loki (for the helmet! Why doesn't Thor have a helmet? ) and the Hulk). Perhaps I'll also get the Avengers jeep with Loki. But my second purchase would be the X-Men helicopter set, definitely for Wolverine and Deadpool. (But where are my other uncanny and astonishing X-Men characters??? And where is Spider-Man and plenty of other DC heroes???)
    We'll see what kind of deals I can score.
    *Seriously, why didn't they just give him a normal head?
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    My LUG gets to display at the LEGO Store(s) in the area, and April was my month for Tysons Corner's LEGO Store in Virginia. While Marvel's Avengers Vs X-Men comic event was mediocre in the summer of 2012, I can't deny the inspiration it gave me:



    Topic here. Brickshelf gallery here.
    Can you guess which part is my favorite?
    The Avengers are fighting the X-Men because they want to apprehend a mutant (Hope Summers) who they believe might cause destruction to humankind if the Phoenix Force, currently on its way to Earth, has the chance to posses her, due to then nature of her powers. The X-Men would rather the Avengers stay out of the way and let them deal with one of their own kind. Things get nasty for 12 issues, which was about 5 issues too long (not to mention all the tie-ins).
    Still, the chance to make some X-Men minifigs that LEGO hadn't and then pair them up with several Avengers was something I couldn't pass up for the display. The kids visiting the store wouldn't care some of this stuff didn't happen or didn't look perfect like the comics, and the adults that might have read the comic series would get a kick that I made it out of LEGO in the first place. The LEGO employees there that night knew what it was and loved it.
    The next goal is to show off my SHIP at Potomac Mills, because their display is visible from all 4 sides and will fit a 103-stud long spaceship.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I didn't get a chance to cancel pulling Uncanny X-Men, so I got issue 9 today. Whoops. Looks like I'll get #10 as well because I can't stand having incomplete story-arcs. But that is ok because I was interested in seeing the Avengers come and help out.
    I almost canceled Wolverine and the X-Men, but decided against it. It's a favorite and the best X-title out, so I want to show my support. Plus it would have meant no X-Men comics on my pull, and I'm a big fan.
    We'll see if I get entangled in the skerfuffle of AvX. On one hand, I'm staying out of it (because Marvel events blah blah blah), but at the same time I wouldn't want to have a gap in my X-Men comic collecting. But the outcome is easy to predict. But for W&tXM, might as well keep that. (And I'll pick up some Vs for fun.)
    Then again, I'm trying to wane off of comics because as soon as I graduate college in 7 weeks I shouldn't be spending superflourous money until I get an established income. I've been waning myself off slowly (also in part because I spend way too much on comics a month as it is).
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    I was using ObjectDock, but then someone on Flickr uploaded their image with this dock by RocketDock and I immediately started using it. (Both dock sources have their advantages. I greatly enjoyed ObjectDock and it has its advantages over RocketDock, but this is simply cooler.)

    (Left to right: My Computer, my personal folder, My Music, my external HD, separator, Firefox, Songbird, MS Paint, and Word Perfect)
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    My current alert tone to tell me I have a new text message is a lightsaber turning on. T'is awesome.
    Also, my current ringtone is the Star Wars theme. Before that it was the cantina tune (which is probably cooler than having the generic SW theme) and I also have the Imperial March (for when my mom calls) and the Indiana Jones theme (which I used to use as my ringtone). When a certain friend calls I have it play the Portal Radio tune of "Still Alive."
    (Gone until Sunday night.)
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    So now that this new BBCC is up, I'm figuring out what to enter. I don't have enough time to make a totally new MOC, plus then I'd have to take apart stuff I'm sending to BrickFest PDX 2007.
    So I'm entering one I'm sending to BF. (It's still on my dresser, so I have time for touch up and photos. Actually, I'm changing something to make it better, so now it will look better at BF too!)
    Looking at the MOCs entered, this will be an interesting contest. IMO, I'm MOCing something that I would like Lego to make, but also something that BZP would vote on. (so I'm not doing anything really crazy and enormously complicated) (then I see a quote about "what Lego could make into a set" and seeing how they want simple stuff, this might not pass. But I figure in the end it will come down to what MOC looks best/coolest and the theme will be ingored (that happens right? I don't follow it...))
    I've been looking at the competition, and there is a wide variety. All I can say is there are some really good MOCs there, and then some people that take a pre-made body and slap limbs on like they are colorblind.
    Yeah, that's my thoughts. I guess I'll finish the touch up on Wednesday and then get pix in before the deadline.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Didn't get online Friday night upon returning home. Moving out was exhausting! (I went to bed at 10:30!)
    Didn't go white water rafting on Saturday either. The river was 8 feet high and it needed to be 4 feet to be safe. Doubt I'll get to go when they reschedule since it will be hard to get a weekend-day off of work.
    Didn't go to WAMALUG either unfortunately because I had to do some yard work that "couldn't wait." Too bad too, because I have to MOC some Space stuff for a display and I have some pieces to pick up. (8 black viking horns!)
    Did get to see my best friend for a few hours and show him and my family Firefly (or at least the first episode). He enjoyed it, I'm pretty sure, but my parents want a few more episodes to decide if it really is a great series. Hopefully they'll be convinced.
    Speaking of parents, being back home, and rules and whatnot, I left the house at about midnight when they were in bed so I could drive my friend home! And not a word from them in doing so! So maybe they were asleep...IDK, but that would be perfectly normal at college so it'll be interesting how things go for the next few months.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Ah, today I had some time, so I loaded up Bionicle: Mask of Light, the computer game.
    I played some of Kopaka's and Lewa's levels, and had a good time. (I'm kinda tired right now, or else I'd probably be using some ! and smilies)
    Anyway, it brought back some good memories, about the Toa Nuva (see previous entry) and having the power to control the first Toa team we knew.
    I'll most likely be unloading it soon to load up Lego Racers.
    PS, I should have been studying for exams
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con is happening at the end of September, and I'll be going! So far it sounds like 55555 is planning on going too, but it'd be cool to hang with anyone else attending too. Hopefully we'll be getting a hotel to stay a night and attend two days (Friday and Saturday, unless he has other plans), so if anyone else wants to join us and keep costs down, let me know.
    Right now it's planning logistics with Fivey, figuring out what/if I'm cosplaying, and which comics I need to bring to get autographed.
    But until then, I'm eagerly awaiting the convention that is coming way too quickly to keep up with my MOCing schedule: BrickFair VA!
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con happened last weekend, and I went with 55555 to join in comic merriment, find some deals on comics, and meet Bionicle comic artists Stuart Sayger and Pop Mhan.
    We succeeded in all three.

    When it comes to the comics, I found some deals on Skottie Young variant covers! I didn't think I'd be able to afford the Young variant for Doctor Strange, but it was only $3.33! I also got Charles Soule to sign the She-Hulk variant, which was an awesome run and ended too soon. And when I handed Louise Simonson the cover with Apocalypse on it, she exclaimed, "Now THAT's Apocalypse!" probably in reference in Fox's poor choices in limiting Oscar Isaac's potentially amazing movie performance this past summer. (Louise Simonson created Apocalypse in X-Factor #5 in 1986, which is a feat unto itself because for a woman to be in comics and to create an iconic comic villain back then was unprecedented.)
    The Supergirl art is by Mike Maihack, who is awesome.

    While I also found some great deals on comics and graphic novels (I jumped into the Valiant universe this weekend, buying some graphic novels from the Valiant booth which had some excellent salespeople to get me started), I also added some value to a comic I owned: Getting the first printing, first appearance of Spider-Gwen certified and quality rated by the Certified Guaranty Company. The 9.2 is Near Mint, and this particular issue will fetch me over $100 when/if I put it on eBay. I'm quite pleased with myself.

    Finally, I got to meet Stuart Sayger and visit with Pop Mhan again (met him last year). Sayger was awesome to chat with, and 55555 and I spent almost an hour interviewing him for BZPower (news story coming soon) and chatting about Bionicle and artwork. He's so cool, and really passionate not just about making comics but about being a part of Bionicle history! He and Mhan signed some comics for me, which may or may not be made available to members to obtain in the future. He was also selling prints, so I bought a few favorite comic characters drawn in his unique style.
    When I pulled out Bionicle V2 #5 and opened it up to the first page, where my Piraka Fusion creation was, I asked, "What can you tell me about this?"
    He said a kid built that, won a contest, and mailed it in to him to draw to appear as part of the story. I was that kid, I told him. And he flipped out!
    He was ecstatic to meet me, who built the model that appeared in the comic for a page. He started asking me about my building style and what I remember from the contest (this coming after questions about his art style and his memories from the Bionicle art job). And before we left, he said he wanted to get a picture of me with the comic! That pretty much made my weekend.
    Unfortunately I did not get to all the authors I wanted to visit to get comics signed. Which is ok, because the panels I attended instead were the real value of the convention experience. Deals and lines for autographs are other perks of the entrance fee. What is really important is to not set high expectations to get everything signed, but take the opportunities if presented. Right now my first thought is "don't bring anything to get signed next year" (which my back will appreciate), but I'm sure I'll have second opinions on that by then.
    Until then, I'll have to figure out how to show some of these off in my room!
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con is coming this weekend, and I am getting more and more pumped with anticipation with each day!
    On Friday I'll be hanging out with 55555, and on Saturday I'll be going solo unless a friend actually replies to my texts.
    There are plenty of exciting panels happening, so it's just a matter of if I can get in to see the awesome comic creators talk. So I guess it's a matter of getting in line in time. There's a talk about the 90s X-Men series New Mutants, one about comics as myths and working mythology into your story, Mark Waid talking about writing great characters, a spotlight on Waid and Charles Soule, looking at the science behind superheroes and their powers, and more!
    I also hope to get a handful of comics autographed by some favorite creators, like Mark Waid, Scott Snyder, and Charles Soule:


    That's five issues by Charles Soule, two by Greg Pak, two by Scott Snyder, two by Mark Waid including my Kingdom Come graphic novel, and a few others by some more cool comic creators. And eventually I'll get some of these signed works of art framed.
    I'm hoping to get some cool works of art in Artists Alley too. So we'll see what happens by the end of the weekend.
    And I'll be back in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. A beautiful part of the city!
    If you're going too, drop me a message!
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    (Pictures below!!!!!!!!)
    So this past weekend my Boy Scout troop took our annual Memorial Day/Weekend camping trip to the Northern Virginia Gun Club (Gun Club (GC))
    Anyway, weeks leading up to the campout, we have gun safety classes. After that we get there Friday night and leave Monday morning. We shoot .22 calibers, .30 calibers, black powder, shotgun, and archery.
    But instead of telling you how much fun I had, I'll show you pix of the range, me shooting, and our 20 foot fire we built on Sunday night!
    Quarters I shot with the .22
    Our Fire (I'm first on the left, closest to the fire)
    The fire before it was lit
    Me pretending to light the fire (because we lit it with a "match"--a stick with a shirt on the end
    My staff with the fire (because we all built it. That's the match in the far right guy's hands. I'm in the tie-dye light blue shirt)
    Me shooting a handgun
    Me shooting a .22
    More of me shooting
    A pic of my friend shooting next to me (so I put this in to put him online!)
    The range
    Another pic of the range
    (these not including the shotgun range)
    The folder when public, with more pix
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, I don't feel like saying much at the time, but I will be doing some posts about the barraki.
    There have been some commplaints, so I will make my first comment on this:
    I like the nuva leg in the white one's set. (sorry, don't know names yet) For some, this is a new piece, or at least they don't have it yet, if they are new. Also, I've been thining about a nuva leg as a arm for a while now, and wouldn't mind it in some different colors.
    Some call it unoriginal, I call it using resources and being different. It's not like each set comes with five of them.
    What I don't like is the black legs on him. I would really like to have rahkshi legs in each color. but here is lego not making any white. (don't think I'm flaming lego, they are great, I just want some variety)
    Well, that's my 2 cents now. I'll do more on other sets later.
    note: if you disagree with me, please don't flame and please post an organized opinion.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    I posted this in T-Hybrid's blog, and thought it was interesting enough to blog on. Basically my plans on Barraki.

    So, that's what I'm hoping for. Between late Chritsmas gits, my birthday soon, and then me buying stuff, there it it.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Ambidextrous: Adjective: Able to use the left and right hands equally well
    this MOC is named so because he can use each leg equally well. Basically he doesn't have a front or back, left of right of his waist. He doesn't need to turn his legs, just his free-turning body and walk off in that direction.
    His function is that his claws snap together when "trigger" is pulled. (and he can use each claw equally well)
    So, here he is!
    (click for larger image)
    funtion image
    folder when public
    I hope you like it!
    so, vote ChocolateFrogs' Ambidextrous in BBCC 38!
    Topic here
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Don't you just hate it when you get ideas for the current BBC Contest after they stop accepting entries?
    Just had one of those moments.
    PS, I entered this into Bunda's Blog Based Contest, in which you were supposed to use very little custom.
    The Infected Toa
    The other Toa
    What else I had in mind (But it's too custom on the arms)
    Yay or nay, not considering customness?
    Quote of the Day: You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    If you remember, I started growing a beard in February. After two weeks it looked like this.
    I didn't talk about it much after that. I think there are pictures of me at eight weeks, but those aren't too good.
    Then, at twelve and a half weeks, I had to remove it (or felt like it? It was getting unwieldy. I had stuff to do. It was fun while it lasted). It looked like this.
    (And like this.)
    And then, in all her awesomeness, Nukaya worked her magic:

    And presented us with Paul Benyan and his blue ox Babe.
    Beard: Feb 4-May 3, 2011. It was bittersweet returning to normal, but I think it's for the best...for now.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Two weeks ago a friend said he wanted to see me with a beard. (Granted, I think he wants to see a mountain-man beard, but that sounds a little excessive for me, despite my Boy Scout persona.) I saw no reason to fight this notion, thought it would be fun, and thus did not shave the following morning. A week later I cleaned up the underside, and it looked pretty good (and a certain girl mentioned in this blog a few days ago agreed, not to mention other friends).
    Now it is two weeks later and I have a picture! This was taken while some friends and I went to see the hilarious Catholic comedian Judy McDonald.

    I shall keep it for another week and a half so my family and old friends see it when I get back home for spring break, and I suspect I'll continue to keep it as long as I (/the girl with any luck) like it.
    I need to start trimming it a little though so certain parts stop poking my lips, and to keep it under control. Short of using some tiny scissors, I am not sure how to do that, but both a friend and my dad have razors with guards, so maybe those will work.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    So this is what my backyard looks like right now (except it's dark)
    Now, that may seem great, but I really want Anime Club tomorrow at school, and this might cancel school. (yeah, I'm wierd. So shoot me. But I'd rather just have anime club than the whole school day, duh)
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Spoiler alert: Once you graduate college you suddenly find plenty of time to read books that have been on your list for years, because homework is nonexistent!
    While I read a lot over the summer, fall and winter, I have only just recently been pushing through books left and right. Being ambitious, I hope to read 40-60 books next year, including, but not limited to:
    The Cassandra Project
    American Gods
    Ready Player One
    Gone Girl
    Cloud Atlas
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    World War Z
    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
    Night Circus
    The Dresden Files
    Any strike your fancy? What in particular is on your list for next year?
    (New year's resolutions include the usual: read more and build LEGO more)
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Did you send any crabs with your BrickFair box and might any of them be these:
    Because I have them and I do not know who they belong to. And I need to mail out MOCs before I leave for school, so by the end of the week.
    Also, I need David Cunnington to PM me about $5 you said would be in your box but I did not find, Matthew Nealing about not finding $10, and Michael H about that too. BE HONEST.
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