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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    At work on Tuesday we brought out a standee for Despicable Me to be put together.
    First off, this movie looks awesome as is and these things are only encouraging my wanting to see it. (Probably my #3 pick to see of the summer, behind Iron Man 2, which is behind Inception at #1.)
    Second off, before the standee, we received a flat package (more like a huge, secure folder) with four sticker sheets in it, about 4 feet by 2 feet. In it were 3 sheets of some "Despicable Me" wording and the minions floating about, but...the fourth sheet had about 25 minions, about 6 inches high, standing around, looking wacky, etc. These smaller stickers were promptly put onto the candy cases and bathroom doors for customers to see.
    I got to take two pairs home. Woot woot! I don't know where I'll put them, but they are awesome.
    (These guys)
    Now, back to the standee. I was doing the box office, so could not place my attention onto building the piece, which had six or more separate pieces that needed to be laid onto the back for support, but I was able to start on inflating three life-size (or larger than life?) minions. First I had to put about 8 pounds of water into their base, because a sound box then goes into essentially their butt. Once blown up, a nice punch in their eye(s) knocks them down, triggering the sound box, and they bounce back up snickering and saying "ouch!" in the only way those minions do.
    See? They are awesome.
    (On another note, however, marketing for that movie needs to fire someone for deciding to have customer interaction, rough interaction no less, with this thing. It's bad enough Mr. (and Mrs.) Potato Head is missing his hands for the Toy Story 3 standee (thing walk off), imagine what will happen with "oh hey I'm allowed to touch this!")
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I need to study more, that much is obvious. At least twice as much as I am now, and harder.
    But somebody please tell me I'm not incorrect in thinking (knowing) that college is not study study study 24/7.
    It really killed me one day in senior year of HS when a friend said "Ben's always busy." While I hung out (anime club and conventions, school newspaper), I was jealous, for lack of a better word, of my friends who did stuff on the weekends. Then at college, I no longer had to hide in my room studying all day or else my parents would ask if I had homework to do or make me feel like I had to justify what I was doing.
    But maybe I was too free.
    Anyway, don't suggest I make them try to see my view. Tried that tonight. They want me to study constantly and leave me with 3-10 hours of free time a week. (I guess I shouldn't mention the possibility of becoming student campus minister in the CCM...not to mention a few other things, like wanting a job. Good thing I didn't tell them about NaNo, though they're bound to find out when my friends and I do it in June.)
    (And once again internet anonymity strikes again, because if I posted an even longer rant for my friends IRL they'd all get worried about me.)*
    *Apologies to those few BZPers I talk with constantly that I know better than a lot of other people over the internet.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    I'm copying Velox in examining the books I've read in 2012. It allowed me to look back at what I've read this year, and a lot of that happened after I graduated. But I still got a few books in during my last semester in college.
    Best Books in 2012
    1) Best Book You Read in 2012? Like Velox, I can't choose just one. I like his system of choosing the top five, which is also hard:
    ~The Fault in Our Stars (TFIOS), by John Green--It's like Green takes all these wonderful ideas you had floating around in your head and didn't even know it and then placed them perfectly on paper to amaze you at how marvelous human conscousness is.
    ~Mr.Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan--Such a wonderfully written narrative with plenty of popular culture references for geeky Easter eggs. It's also nice to break away from the space operas, laser blasts, and teenage-death-love-triangles every once in a while but still read something not rooted entirely in reality.
    ~Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli--The characters are so drawn out from every day individuals you know (including yourself), I started to wonder what I would do in the main character's shoes, hoping, believing I was different enough at his age to make the right decisions.
    ~Sandman series, by Neil Gaiman--I restarted this series (having barely read volume 1 a while back) and am now 3 volumes in. It's absolutely fantastic the way Gaiman writes and crafts his stories.
    ~Every Day, by David Levithan--While not perfect, this book had me growing with the character, understanding the situation so well, feeling the pain and joy as they jump into a new body, and a new life, every day.
    2) Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going to Love More But Didn't?
    ~Matched, by Ally Condie--I dropped it halfway through. John Green recommended it I picked it up and was surprised at how enthralled I was with it. Then I had to wait a week or so before picking it up again, and it was at that point that the story slowed down from the excitement I had in the first few chapters and lost its glamour. The pacing was off and things weren't happening, so I decided to take my useful time elsewhere.
    3) Most surprising (in a good way!) book of 2012?
    ~Stargirl--I had been resistant to reading this back in 8th grade, then picked it up this year and couldn't put it down!
    ~Mr. Penumbra's--I didn't know what to expect at first.
    4) Book you recommended to people most in 2012?
    ~I suddenly fount myself telling many customers to buy Mr. Penumbra's, because it's fiction with a hint of mysticism. I am also always recommending Looking for Alaska by John Green (which I read less than a year ago, at the end of 2011). It was the first book that got a few tears out of me (Stargirl being the second), and is excellent.

    5) Best series you discovered in 2012?
    ~The Giver Quartet, by Lois Lowry--I had read The Giver back in 8th grade (by choice, no class assignments to make me hate a book) and loved it. I bought the second and third "companion novels" to it in the summer of 2011. With the fourth novel, Son, having come out to wrap it all up in October, this was a great chance for me to reread a favorite book and catch up on the series too. Each one was wonderful in its own right.
    6) Favorite new authors you discovered in 2012?
    ~Technically I hadn't read David Levithan's work until this year. I read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Every Day, and am open to reading whatever else he's put out. But really, I started John Green's books around Christmas last year and he's definitely my favorite author. And I've met him!
    7) Best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new genre for you?
    ~Stargirl, because I didn't think I'd enjoy it, avoided it in 8th grade when my English teacher recommended it (I thought it was a girl book--surprise! It has a male voice narrating, and at my age I stop caring about that anyway), snuffed it when my best friend a few months ago said it was her favorite, and then picked it up anyway to see what the fuss was about. Now I can't stop thinking about how much it's touched me.
    8) Most thrilling, unputdownable book in 2012?
    ~Every Day, TFIOS, Stargirl--Because they're so good!
    9) Book You Read In 2012 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
    ~TFIOS--I'd been wanting to reread it every since I finished! Actually, my best friend and I are having a sort of "John Green book club," where we'll read Paper Towns, TFIOS, and then Looking for Alaska together (she hasn't read PT or TFIOS, or An Abundance of Katherines).
    10) Most memorable character in 2012?
    ~Stargirl--I'm in love.
    11) Most beautifully written book read in 2012?
    ~The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman--Between the art and the story, it's a work of brilliance.
    12) Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2012?
    ~TFIOS, Stargirl--Both had me thinking, choking up a little, and Stargirl especially left me emotionally scarred, in a good way that only a book can.
    13) Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2012 to finally read?
    ~Stargirl, Sandman--I explained my delay for Stargirl, and I wonder what kind of effect it would have had on me had I read it in 8th grade. I feel like I was meant to read it now. It had been hard to get into Sandman because I had to borrow them from the library, but now that I'm not in school that's easier. Plus they take longer to read than most comics.
    14) Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2012?
    ~Presently on my mind is a line from Green's The Fault in Our Stars: "I am not in the business of denying myself the pleasure of saying things that are true." Seems like a good philosophy.
    15) Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2012?
    ~Stargirl was pretty short. Everything else was around the 300-page mark, give or take. I'm about to read The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George, which is over 400 pages.
    16) Book That Had A Scene In It That Had You Reeling And Dying To Talk To Somebody About It? (a huh moment, an epic revelation, a steamy kiss, etc. etc.) Be careful of spoilers!
    ~There were moments when I wanted to call my friend up to discuss how Stargirl was ripping my heart out and stepping on it, then giving it back, only to repeat the process. But I wanted to keep the fact that I was reading it a surprise.
    17) Favorite Relationship From A Book You Read In 2012 (be it romantic, friendship, etc)?
    ~There are lots of solid friendships in John Green's books. I really liked the budding relationship in Stargirl.
    18) Favorite Book You Read in 2012 From An Author You Read Previously?
    18a) Favorite Book You Read in 2012 From An Author You Had Not Read Previously (and not solely recommended as seen in 19)?
    ~A Princess of Mars--Very different and cool to read.
    19) Best Book You Read That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else?
    looking ahead...
    1) One Book You Didn't Get To In 2012 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2013?
    My top unread books of 2013 include: NW, American Gods, Ready Player One, Gone Girl, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and V for Vendetta. (Also Redshirts and Robopocalypse. (And The Dresden Files.))
    2) Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2013?
    The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, and The Goliath Stone by Larry Niven.
    3) One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging in 2013?
    Read more! I've made an Excel spreadsheet
    (Final note: The Batman graphic novel Hush by Jim Loeb is absolutely superb and the epitome of the Batman comics I have read so far (which includes Scott Snyder's Court/Night of Owls this year and The Killing Joke).
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    BZP has a tradition to doing certain things on the First of April. Over the years it has become expected, but I admit it's gotten me every time (except last year's note, which I'll post in a minute...)
    Anyway, IMO, the best prank BZP has done so far is VahkiPower. The best way to show you this is probably by linking you to Binky's brickshelf folder with screenshots of VP itself. This was fun, because I actually freaked out, which was fun, and for weeks leading up to it this mysterious "Hapori Dume" was hovering the forums, (he, BTW, has the highest post count, although he barely posted). Totally fun day, I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
    As promised, I have last year's prank news bulletin. (I saved it to my computer)

    Happy April Fool's everybody. (and if I were you I'd head over to T-Hybrid's Hybrid Haven blog.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    It's still early enough in 2016 to reflect on 2015, so let's talk about great LEGO sets from last year.
    Specifically, I will be drawing from my own building experiences. Admittedly, regrettably, I still have a few 2015 sets unbuilt. I don't want to become the AFOL stereotype of having hordes of boxes of unbuilt sets. These are not yet built because I thought I'd review them and then I never did and then I realized that Jurassic World sets and Quicksilver's Avengers set would never be on store shelves again after their initial run. But I doubt they'd make this list anyway.
    The list of my favorite sets stars off with General Grievous, who has a fantastic build and looks great on my shelf. That's saying something, because it's hard to be surprising with constraction sets nowadays, and because I like to think I cannibalize my sets pretty quickly after getting them if I'm in a building phase. But until I build a tan Bionicle MOC, Grievous is here to stay. People can argue about the price, but for the satisfaction of a 45 minute build that is quite intense, it's worth it.
    I also had the pleasure of building the Helicarrier with 55555 thanks to Toa Lhikan Hordika buying it and then we did a livestream to build it. Good times. It's huge, it's iconic, it has a great build. And I didn't pay for it but got to build it anyway; you'll have to ask TLH if it's worth the $350 plus motor pack. (I bet he'll say yes.)
    The Doctor Who LEGO Ideas is also worthy of a mention. It's got the minifigs, it has the TARDIS interior and exterior, and it's reasonably priced for a licensed set. Unfortunately it doesn't come in numbered baggies for staged building within the instructions, which means you are searching for parts a lot longer than expected.
    And finally, I can not forget the Millennium Falcon! It's iconic, has a great build, comes with great play features and hosts some great minifigs. I'll be keeping this displayed on my shelf for at least a year before realizing I need grey angled plates for something.
    These were my favorite. I build some more, but nothing as stand-out like these. I've already got my hands on a ton of 2016 sets however, some of which already look amazing, and some which can be criticized too. Now to find time to build some....
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    I would dare say that this past week has been one of the best and most invigorating weeks of my entire year. I feel fantastic unlike any feeling I've felt in a very long while.
    Because I've stayed off the internet and, generally speaking, off my computer.
    I've read a book in four days. A fantastic book (see tomorrow's entry).
    I saw my long-distance girlfriend three times this week.
    And other friends.
    Actually, yeah, that's about it. Anticlimactic, I know. But it's mostly because I actually plopped myself down to read for once, not having homework or other ties, and seeing Ashley (though I know two of my readers have it even worse than I do. <3 ) and hanging with other friends once being home.
    Have I been on the computer? Yeah. But I've let my email and RSS overflow with unread messages that I can get to later. Instead I've read and hung out and slept in and done stuff and generally enjoyed myself! (We'll see how long it lasts.)
    No regrets.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    I strayed away from vendors most of the time (though next year I'm going to consciously allot some funds for sifting through parts bins for chunks of colors), but bought a few things that were on my mind and a few other things that popped out at the Yard Sale (non-vendors selling their stuff one/two evening(s)).

    Some of that was free, some of that was traded, and some of that was bought. Not a bad deal there though, and I'm happy with my yield.
    The crazy ax on the left is from Crazy Bricks' Munchkin stuff, as a prototype. Winners of my Munchkin card games Thursday afternoon also won a grey prototype piece! The specialty weapons are either from BrickArms (they have some cool sci-fi guns if you look past the young kids fawning over the military stuff), BrickForge, or BrickWarriors.
    I also got a Star Wars planet for a dollar, for another hot air balloon. I was also able to get a pack of the Studs trading cards which included a few favorite builders of mine, so that was a win!
    I don't know where that white smiley minifig head is from (help!), but I'm sure it's worth more than I paid for it.
    More BrickFair stuff to come!
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    I seem to have accidentally amassed a small collection of LEGO big figs:

    It's an odd bunch, towering over minifigs. But man, they look so cool! It's almost enough to make me want Mungus, Dogshank, and a Wampa, though not enough to make me shell out the cash. But it might be a new addiction.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    So I have exams this week. Actually, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow (good movie)
    So I might not be on. I shouldn't be on now.
    Today I had Religion and English 3
    Religion was harder than the teacher made it sound, but I won't fail it at least, I doubt.
    English was easy, as I had all the answers from a study guide handed out last week to study from, so I knew almost every answer before hand.
    Tuesday: French and Chemistry.
    Wednesday: Math and History
    Then I'm out! I have 18 episodes of Bubblegum Crisis to watch before I have to return them to my friends on Saturday.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    So, a couple of days ago I said I really needed a really big Hapori Tohu pic. Well, I got one!
    Big Hapori Tohu
    I think it didn't turn out so badly. I put him up as my wallpaper.
    So, please, enjoy, and use if you want. I certainly didn't make him for my self only.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Alright, I'll play.
    Though in a few days I'm going back to my "normal" signature.
    I have, however, been tempted now and then to just click the "don't view signatures" setting (assuming there is one, I forget, and I hope so), so depending on topic lag time I just might. Not like I pay attention to them anymore anyway.
    (I'd simply have Firefox not load images from Brickshelf/Majhost/Photobucket/what-have-you, but I need those sites (at least the 'Shelf and Maj) in general too.)
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    So, I went to the Lego store yesterday. The one near me, most likely not you. It is in Tyson’s Corner Center Mall, Virginia, USA, Milky Way Galaxy, this universe. PM me if you live close by.
    There I bought Toa Matoro, Brutaka, some Magnetic bricks, a Darth Vader Keychain, some peice bags, and some magnetic bricks. The two Bionicle sets are totally awesome! Perhaps I’ll post my own review on them...
    So, at the Lego store, there is a bunch of Bionicle displays. And around all of these are big glass cases of zamor spheres. But not the little green plastic marbles, but big, four inch diameter foam, plastic coated balls, in green and dark green. So I immediately start juggling them, then talk to the guy at the counter:
    Me: how much they are
    Him: They aren’t for sale
    Me: then why do you have so many?
    *I forgot to mention there were more than 350 of these*
    Him: that’s what Lego said. We can’t really sell them.
    Me: But you have so many!
    Him: Sorry
    Me: You could probably sell them for about $2.50 each!
    Him: yeah.
    Me: And Lego needs the money.
    Him: well...
    After that we get into a conversation about Lego’s money. Apparently they aren’t doing so bad financially wise. And Bionicle isn’t the biggest seller, it’s pretty much rounded out with everything.
    Oh, and more good news: Lego has extended their contract with Star Wars! It was going to expire in 2007, but now it's still going 'til at least 2011! I hope they make some new sets, and maybe some stuff from the books. Lego would do fine with an expanded universe series.
    Also, he is a member of WAMALUG, (WAshington Metro Area Lego User’s Group). He had a display of his latest work, just for the Lego store. It’s this factory, empty, (I guess night) and there is this janitor cleaning up. Behind him is this orange spider thing creeping up from under the grates. Really funny, but I didn’t bring a camera.
    We also get into a conversation about Brickfest, and he’s going to be there. Yay! Two years ago I saw his work of this cathedral. But what made this church stand out was that there were statues/saints lining it, like a real cathedral. But these saints were all grey minifigs! Pants, shirt, arms, hands, head, headgear, everything. Some had beards like the Dumbledor and other wizards. Some had spears. But remember: They were all grey!
    So, my experience was great there today. And I wore my BZPower shirt I made just an hour before. I’m going to wear it to BF this year. Of course I’ll post pictures after my vacation this weekend.
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    I built a few small things to show off my early-received Bionicle pieces at December's WAMALUG* meeting (remember?). While that's not much to brag about now, I still enjoyed breaking out the Bionicle pieces and trying a few things out, and at the very least making use of new masks, weapons, and ideas.

    I had been wanting to use Gali's new golden mask (especially on red), and saw this as a great chance. (Hand design borrowed from Bundalings.)


    You've heard of Figbarfs? Fiddling with minifigs to see what gets made? Think of these as Bioni-barfs.
    And I've been doing a little bit more building too. I should have some new stuff for BrickFair!
    *My local LEGO Users Group
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    All this quibbling over a reboot or a continuation of the Bionicle story has been getting overdramatic, IMO. I feel I have a much more simpler take on it that doesn't negate the 10-year story we've all deeply loved:
    Think of the "reboot" (as it will inevitably be) in terms of an alternate universe (despite LEGO probably not ever admitting it's like that or doing a "crossover."). Look at Marvel and DC comics. They all have a main universe for most of their stories, but then they've branched out to other universes with the same/similar characters but with a few different traits in their characterization/portrayal/origin.
    For example, many Marvel stories take place on "Earth 616." This is essentially our own universe but with superheroes. Every now and then we see someone hop over to another universe, with changes like other people being alive/dead that are dead/alive on Earth 616 or the social status/business position or someone (like a bad guy) being different. In 2000 Marvel started a comic book line called with the Ultimate universe, the Earth 1610 version of Marvel heroes. Things were different, but similar. Fans could enjoy the different stories now able to be told without worrying about continuity or repeating the exact stories (though sometimes the original story is retold with a twist somewhere).
    DC Comics currently has Earth Prime and Earth 2, and every now and then we see Earth 3, or Earth 23, etc. Earth Prime is our Earth but with heroes and stuff, and Earth 2 currently has experienced a slightly different timeline. While there are many heroes that are recognized, they are vastly different from the Earth Prime heroes we know. They are getting entirely new stories without risk of rehashing things. Similar elements still might appear though, just with little tweaks.
    So, I expect the same kind of treatment from Bionicle. We're going to see many similar things that remind us that yes, this is the Bionicle world we feel comfortable in. But we're also going to see many new things, from character armor* to bad guys and goals. Some of that is obvious with the whole "Mask of Creation" thing, some of it just might be wishful thinking in the hopes for change, familiarity, and some changes that are rooted in the familiar. Takua might not be the Herald of the Mask of Light, for example, but we might see the Avohkii pop up eventually. See what I'm getting at?
    While a continuation of the story would be a great way to take what we know and grow with it through new stories, seeing a reboot will still take the familiar and still make new stories. And it makes it accessible to new fans ready to take in the new mythology.
    *Armor/looks isn't that big a deal. Superheroes change their outfit looks all the time. Even the Toa Nuva did it in 2008.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    In all honesty, I can not complain about the concept. I remember back when the Mask of Light movie came out, and I thought it would be awesome if Lego sold hands (like in mask packs) so I could give Tahu Nuva hands. And back then I just outgrew the target audience.
    But I can, however, complain about the design of these hands. They are huge, aren’t they?! I don’t have any yet, so I can’t say, but they look longer than I would have designed them and the + hole is placed in the wrong place, based on where a hand, fist, and grasp would be on an old joint.
    I hope Lego decides to re-examine the hand and redesign it, but that’s probably unlikely to happen.
    Quote of the Day: When you're in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    For Arpy's contest.
    Bionicle Yo-yo
    Yes, that is official Lego string.
    Pic of bottom
    Pic of back

    Quote of the Day: Once I see a jogger smiling, I’ll start to consider taking it up myself.
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    I had to drive back to college on my birthday, yesterday, but that was fine. I got to see my friends and celebrate my birthday both with them in the evening and with my family in the morning. My mom made birthday cupcakes for the family breakfast (with my school logo on them) and made a Firefly/Serenity themed cake for my friends, considering how obsessed we are with it. (My friends too pix but have yet to give them to me and here it is! The cake was awesomely detailed. It had Serenity's logo in the middle, two pairs of "hands of blue," a brown coat, and a firefly, with the border being the Chain of Command. My friend absolutely loved it! And, being homemade, it was delicious, and my friends agreed.)
    I got gifts that morning from my family: A $50 Harris Teeter gift card (there's one right across the street), Gavin DeGraw's Chariot, and...Vorox! Oh, sweet TAN. (I feel that the only way to speak of Vorox's TAN is with capitalization.)
    He's a great set. I built it when I got back, in my friend's dorm, and replaced those blue three-length round rods with black ones before I started building. (Then after building him I made some modifications using only the set to replace those three length ones with two length.) Best of all was that, by building it in my friend's room, it brought back a lot of memories for him of building with Lego and even the first two years of Bionicle. (I guess that means he reached a dark ages. I'm sure I can fix that.) So I showed him Crustaceous and my Ice Toa for my epic and he was impressed with those.
    Back to Vorox. Om nom nom. (That was taken with my phone's camera. Not the best, but worked for here.) The brown/TAN marbled isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Yes, it means you can't MOC them into a solely TAN MOC, but they look cool nonetheless. The black ones on Skrall are going to be especially useful and I can't wait to see this piece reused and recolored. I know I need to buy another Mata foot and Metru chest piece, and probably AvToran limb, but I don't know if I really need a second one, as cool as 5 more TAN Metru legs would be. The launcher is cool too, but not every shot will be perfect and it probably varies with each piece, as the Malum I tried shot well, but mine is mediocre. The flat chest is weird, but it could be worse. It is weird, though, to see a solid color toed Piraka foot.
    Classes this morning weren't too bad. I woke up for my 8 AM and both of my two classes/teachers (I have one more from 10-11, then I'm done for Monday and Friday) seem to be good.
    Anyway, it was a good birthday. We also watched The Dark Knight! (Which, point of interest, I am listening to its soundtrack right now.)
    Quote of the Day: Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    It just so happens to be Bundalings the Bunny's* 18th birthday!
    That means:
    1) He can buy dry ice.
    2) He is an official AFOL!
    (and 3) A bunch of other things... bah.)
    Also, a few things about myself:
    -Someone get me a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!
    -(J/k. I will not go out and drink certain beverages tonight, because I walk against society and their expectations of what someone should do on a day like mine. I just don't see the point.)
    -Actually I've found a recipe for a Whovian-themed beverage appropriately named for The Doctor's "magic wand." I'll have to make that someday.
    *Say his name outloud. I hadn't until BrickFair one year and it's so weird.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Grah. Not feeling so hot. But you know what? Life's going pretty well anyway. I shouldn't complain. "It was the best of times and it was the worst of time," as Dickens says. So you know what? Here's a related random picture to comment on and hide whatever I keep bottled up inside me:

    Shoot, I should have bought some marshmallows while at Teets* today. I did, however, pick up a four pack of Jones' Cream Soda. Mmm...
    *What us college folk call Harris Teeter, as there is one right next to school.

    Quote of the Day: It's like two scoops side-by-side in an ice cream cone...
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    Product placement can seem pretty obvious in some TV shows (like the Milk Duds in The Big Bang Theory), but last night's Chuck made it acceptable, as an art.
    Chuck has a long history with Subway (being their #1 sponsor, so much so that when the show was in danger of cancellation fans showed their support by eating at Subway frequently. I know I would have if I had been a fan back then), so it's no surprise to see it appear in obvious places here and there. But last night, with Big Mike (BM) describing how delicious his Subway sandwich was (emphasis on the breakfast burrito bit) with the banter and description between him and Morgan, it was practically written into the script so well and so cheesily that it wasn't as bad as other product placements can be (I'm looking at you, Myka Bearing and your Twizzler cravings despite not liking sugar or whatever in season 1 of WH13).
    Gotta love Chuck.
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    So I was thinking it'd be cool if there was some holiday Anime stuff out there, and I know there is, but I was thinking of things that could be made.
    You know Hat and Clogs in Bleach? (the guy in the top right) Here's the holiday idea:
    Take his green and white stripped hat, and bring it to a point like a Santa hat with a white fluffy ball at the end.
    I'd totally wear that to anime club! And December cons! And maybe everywhere else too!
    Quote of the Day: *continues meditation*
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    First, Ca' has some interesting notes on proporions.

    Emphasis on wide-shouldered.
    And ToM Dracone mentioned it in his review of Tanma:

    Where I'm going with this is that I really think the designs in sets need some look at human proportions. Granted, the Bionicle aren't human, but their current 11 stud wide shoulders is ridiculous.
    Look at the Toa Mata and Metru: their shoulders were 7 studs wide (once you put on the joints, where their arms moved.)
    The Hordika were about 9 studs wide, but considering their monster nature I'll give that to them. Plus, 9 studs isn't bad if you can pull it off successfully in a MOC. (Which I've seen, and done.)
    If it were up to me, and it is when I MOC, the waist would be 5 studs wide (as it always is. But the 4 studs wide people use is fine too) and the shoulders 7 studs wide (or 8 or 9 if permitted).
    I think the Toa Inika, Mahri, and Phantoka would look a whole lot better if they had smaller shoulders. (Especially Kongu Mahri and Pohatu Phantoka) Heck, the Phantoka had the chance to make a new body that had smaller shoulders, but they don't.
    Regarding the Piraka bodies, the Piraka are freaks and bad guys and can look weird to make them scary. I'm unsure about the Barraki, as they used both, but, again, they are bad guys and mutated, so maybe it's OK. But 5 studs wide waist and shoulders isn't first choice.
    Quote of the Day: You have the right to read; use that right, then act accordingly.
  23. ChocolateFrogs
    So, yesterday was Spirit Day at school. Besides wearing school t-shirts and other blue and sliver clothes (school colors), some people decided to die their hair blue. My friend did, and...
    so did I!!!
    Yeah, that was fun. I can't wait until the next spirit day!
    Oh, and here's another shout for the Lego Master Builder Event going on at Tyson's Corner Mall this weekend.. Please discuss in that entry (I'll be there sunday afternoon)
    (Ah! Blue! What about green???)
    And this seems to now be the official "post your crazy hair" blog entry. Let the competition begin!
    (seriously, that'd be awesome)
  24. ChocolateFrogs
    While I am typing this, I have blue hair. I do not normally have blue hari.
    On Teusday, I wore a robe, my jeans inside out, and used a hiking backpack at schoo. That sure was wacky.
    Tomorrow, I'm going to dress up as if I was a teen in the 70's.
    It's Spirit Week! That week before Homecoming, where the school does crazy stuff. Teusday was Wacky Tacky day, and is one of my favorites. I got ton's of open mouths and stares using my big hiking backpack for the day.
    (Wednesday we had the PSAT )
    Today was Spirit day. Basically wear a school shirt, or dress up with the school colors (blue, grey, silver, white) Ton's of people died their hair, including me. It was totally fun.
    Tomorrow is Decades Day--dress up like the designated decade. Freshmen-50s, Seniors-80s, fill in the gaps. I'm a junior, so I dress up from the 70s. I'm basically going to wear my Star Wars shirt. Wish I had some bell bottoms though.
    So, that's spirit week. How have your's been?
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