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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    So I got this idea from somewhere, and tried it out.
    It's pretty easy too! I'd say two drops of food die (I used blue) for every cup of water.
    What is it?
    Blue Ice!
    Another pic
    And this has nothing to do with ice, but there was blue frosting around my dad's father day's cake, and my 8 year old sister got a little messy! But we were all laughing about it!
    (Hey Omi, you probably saw her! My mom thinks she, my brother, and my sister were on the elavator with you at BF06!)
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    The Blue Man Group is at the university's center for the arts this weekend. Some friends and I went tonight and boy, what a show! They are phenomenal. I'm sure everyone who has already seen them will agree with me, and when I say that the performances are fantastic, funny, random, and worth every penny.
    We got some pictures, with my cell phone (so they're not so good), and it was pretty exciting:

  3. ChocolateFrogs
    So, you're having fun in your word-based RPG, discussing how to get around this whatever you're doing at the time, and suddenly a noob comes out of nowhere and types:
    Blue Squirrel Attack!

    Chaos! You grab for your sword as everyone else does too to deflect this swarm of thousands of thousands of blue squirrels.
    And then the RPG master comes in and deletes and bans the new member.
    I recently heard about this, and it sounds hilarious. Apparently, a scout in my Boy Scout troop (875) started this type-based RPG (Roachy) and my troop is having a blast with it. Then one day, someone posts the "Blue Squirrel Attack" and hilarity and chaos ensues. Someone started this, and it's gone to other RPG's as well. Apparently it's anoying and can get you banned from the RPG. But to me, a non RPGer, it sounds really funny.
    Anyone heard of this?

  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Online on saturday morning, I got an anoying board message. But Binky or somebody has made them a teeny bit bearable with those random, crazy messages. I love them, as I love random quotes.
    Well, this particular morning I got this message:
    "Don’t you have some homework to do?"
    Got me laughing, and thinking. I probably should do my homework. But, hey, being online is more fun.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Quick few things:
    -I'm at Nekocon Friday night and Saturday! Don't expect me to be around after 5 tomorrow until Sunday. I'm cosplaying on Saturday! I also have a 12 pack of glow sticks, and there are two concerts Friday and a rave on Saturday. Should be interesting to say the least, my first rave.
    -Special surprise for you for my blog soon. I've had this idea for a year now, and finally made the time to do it. My friend is right, you don't do something (in his case creative writing) unless you are already busy and have something else to do.
    -On that note I really want to write my epic soon. *sigh*
    -Speaking of sighs, I got two D's on my first two Calculus 135 tests and a 49 on my last. One more and then the final. I heard Wikipedia is good for math help? I'm also not doing too well in my English 123 class, and I'm an English major.
    -Just had three (nuked) taquitos. Those were tasty.
    -I'm excited for that ask a set designer topic. Do you think if a hundred people ask why haven't we seen bright green, they might think about considering the possibility of the idea of perhaps proposing the thought of a notion to...hopefully get us green back?
    -Should I make one of those "ask me anything" blog entries? I keep feeling I should, but it's never the opportune moment. (Oh, opportune moments! We just watched Pirates 3. And now I have English homework and next semester's schedule to plan out.)
    -This just in: I need a better work ethic. Times 10.
    Quote of the Day: I’m not as random as you think I SALAD.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Due to an odd error on my part, I left out two entries. Expect a new set of polls coming soon. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience.
    Welcome to the third blog contest in the ChocolateFroggy Bloggy: Bold Colors! Members were tasked with building a MOC using clashing colors and to make it look good.
    Please choose two MOCs from each poll below (entries randomized to be fair) that you feel are worthy of the prize,* and post your choices in this entry. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST, or it will be ignored.
    Poll ends Friday at 6:00 PM EST (or later). The top two MOCs from each poll will advance to the final poll.
    Poll 001:
    Entry 1: Harry and his Undead War Toad
    Entry 2: Rend
    Entry 3: Machiavelli Unit
    Entry 4: Monstrous Eyesore
    Entry 5: Obnoxious
    Entry 6: Golver

    Poll 002:
    Entry 1: Rev-04
    Entry 2: The Red Knight (Centaur Form)
    Entry 3: Nex 1.5
    Entry 4: Takuri
    Entry 5: Magical Iron Snowflake Girl Robot Suit Plus
    Entry 6: Mining Drone
    Poll 003:
    Entry 1: ColorBlindness
    Entry 2: Shroom
    Entry 3: Error 404
    Entry 4: Spinning Top
    Entry 5: NEON SHREDDER!
    We have 17 entries. Let's see if we can get at least twice that number for votes, 'k? (That doesn't mean spam your friends asking for your own votes, but make notion of this cool contest going on that would benefit from some voting.)
    Good luck to all!
    *The prize is a Series 3 Minifig for the top three winners!
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Tell your friends!*
    Welcome to the third blog contest in the ChocolateFroggy Bloggy: Bold Colors! Members were tasked with building a MOC using clashing colors and to make it look good.
    Please choose ONE (1) MOC from the poll below (entries randomized to be fair) that you feel are worthy of the prize,** and post your choice in this entry. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST, or it will be ignored. (Seriously, I will ignore it. And that post could be the deciding factor between your favorite MOC and the winning MOC.)
    Poll ends Tuesday at 11:59 PM EST (or later if I am not up). The top three MOCs place for first, second, and third prizes,** respectively.
    Entry 1. Error 404
    Entry 2. Spectrum
    Entry 3. Obnoxious
    Entry 4. The Red Knight (Centaur Form)
    Entry 5. Rend
    Entry 6. Monstrous Eyesore

    We had 28 votes in the last poll. Let's see if we can beat that this time! (Note: I will not be voting so that just in cast there is a tie I will decide the tie-breaker.)
    Good luck to all! And thank you to everyone who entered who is not a finalist.
    *You know, in a non-spammy, not-fishing-for-votes kind of way.
    **The prize is a Series 3 Minifig for the top three winners!
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    The Chocolate Froggy Bloggy Building Contest #3: Bold Colors!
    That's right folks! I have just recently (read: today) obtained a fantastic set of prizes and am not hesitating to announce the contest in which to get these out of my hair. Another building contest is underway and I hope each and every one of you enters. This is especially timely because I know some of you are home from college and near your collections, able to build.
    The theme: Mix-and-match clashing colors.
    I have a theory that any color combination is possible, it just takes the right pieces and the right amount of each color to create the perfect blend.
    So it is your job to build a MOC with two (or more if you dare) clashing colors that normally would not be seen together (I'll leave the discrepancy up to you, just no strictly black and white MOCs), and make it look good. (Examples: Red and teal. Tan and purple. White and yellow.)
    Deadline: 11:59 pm, Tuesday, January 4th, 2011, or soon after. (That means if I am awake when the clock strikes Wednesday, I close the blog entry. If I'm not near a computer until Wednesday morning, you still have time to submit a MOC.)
    Voting will take place soon after, and hopefully everything will be done by the time I return to school the next week, able to send off prizes.
    Oh, yes, prizes! First, second, and third place winners get a Series 3 minifig! Don't ask what they are, I'm not telling. They were relatively a chance on me getting them, so it will be up to chance until the winners are announced (at which point the 1st prize winner gets to choose which he wants, and so on), in the spirit of the figs.
    General BZP contest rules apply. Or else. (Make it obviously Technic/Bionicle in inspiration, but there can be more deviance into the realm of System than most contests allow.)
    Also: Keep it moderately sized. No monsters, but no 3-piece entries either. Between a Toa and a $20 Bionicle set.
    Questions answered in the second posted reply to this blog entry.
    I want at least 5 entries, otherwise the contest is off. I got 10 last time, and I hope we can have more than that this time. Tell your friends! Link in your blog! I'll make a banner soon...
    Post questions and entries (with your name, the MOC name, and link to the primary picture) here.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Thank you, everyone, for participating in The Chocolate Froggy Bloggy's Third Building Contest: Bold Colors! Entries were submitted, votes were cast, and now I am here to present to you your champions!
    With an overwhelming 15 votes we have ~Felix the Cat~'s Error 404.
    For second place we have, at four votes, Lord Oblivion's The Red Knight (Centaur Form).
    A small snafu came up for third place, as there was a three-way tie. I don't have that many prizes. Luckily I did not vote, and I said I would fix any ties that arose. My favorite MOC just happened to be EYE BALLOM LASERS's Monstrous Eyesore, so I am declaring that the third place prize goes to him.
    Honorable mentions go to the finalists, starting with Protosteel's Rend and force_unbleached's Spectrum. Finally there is Brickeens' Obnoxious.
    And thanks to everyone who entered! We had 19 MOCs, almost twice as many as my last contest. Many quality, and color-clashing, MOCs were entered. It was quite an awesome turnout.
    Now, prizes! I have in my possession three Series 3 minifigs (opened so I know what is inside). Up for grabs are the baseball player, the gorilla suit man, and the Indian chief. Felix needs to PM me his choice and address. Oblivion needs to PM me his first two choices and address. I just need an address from Ballom PMed to me.
    This blog will resume normal activity within the day.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    So while I have the home to myself this week...
    Spike is having a Star Trek: Voyager marathon all this week. So I watch that during breakfast and lunch. To me it's great because I never watched much of Star Trek, but now I'm getting into it because Spike puts it on. Before Voyager, I was watching TNG and DS9 when I had the chance. And after the new year Spike will start showing Voyager regularly.
    Oh, I'm a big Star Wars fan, so I can't let any of my friends or my Star Wars club see this blog. (I'm the President of my school's SW club.)
    Yeah, I like both, but I'll side on the Jedi side of a Trekki/Jedi fight. (Just don't toss Stargate in there...)
    -CF (who can't make up his mind)
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Is listening to a book on CD versus reading the actual book cheating?
    Basically, it took me 5 or 6 years to read The Fellowship of the Ring. I didn't pick up The Two Towers for about 3 years later, and I'm still reading it off and on a year and a half later.
    I'm a big believer in reading the book before seeing the movie, but my roommates had other plans. (But boy are the extended editions awesome.)
    I figure I can spend about $35 on the trilogy on CD and take about 13 hours listening to the books. Though I realized this is the BBC dramatic reading for the radio and not the word-for-word unabridged edition (which is 50 hours and $70). But I like this idea because what is taking me so long are the long descriptions.
    But a little bit of me dies at the thought of not actually reading the books. But at this rate I won't finish The Return of the King for a decade.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I dropped the ball on posting this during the first week or so of the new year, but I've also dropped the ball on reading a bunch so far this year. Luckily a "year" is just a social construct of time and as long as I'm happy reading and getting things on my shelf completed it's ok if I need a moment to get my groove back.
    I'm not going to list out all the books I want to read in 2014, especially because new books pop up and I read some of those and thus don't get around to a few others. But here are the ones I'm most looking forward to:
    -Boneshaker, by Cherie Priest--I just started this steampunk adventure for a tumblr book club, and I already love the writing style! About time I read this (though luckily, I've only owned a copy for a year. Some of these are even older.)
    -S. by J J Abrams--I'm 100 pages into this too. If you don't know, it is an adventure story of a man names S. who is piecing his life together, while at the same time written in the margins are two college students writing back and forth getting to know one another while also trying to figure out the mystery of the author's life (not Abrams, the author of the story).
    -Garden of the Beasts, Devil in the White City, and Thunderstruck, by Erik Larson--I should have read these last year, since two are borrowed from my grandma and Devil has been recommended to me too often. There aren't too many other non-fiction books on this list.
    -Quiet by Susan Cain--OK, another non-fiction book. I should have finished this by now, but regardless of that I'm quite looking forward to this book about introverts.
    -Return of the King and the Hobbit--Because I should have read these by now. (I read the Hobbit for 9th grade, but want to again before the third movie. But first I need to read King; I just finished The Two Towers in December.)
    -Good Omens by Neil Gaiman--I'm making my way through Neil Gaiman's bibliography, and I plan on reading this with a friend.
    -Dresden Files--I should really start this series soon.
    -Hitchhiker's Guide Books 5 and 6 (and Salmon of a Doubt)--Again, why haven't I read these?
    -The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson--I own all three. Hopefully I'll read them all in one month. Soon.
    -Game of Thrones--This was a gift, and I plan on starting it after I finish LOTR.
    -The Harry Potter series--It's about time I reread these. I'll probably buy the movies and watch each one as I finish a volume. (I haven't read books 3, 4, or 5 again since they first came out.)
    -Shada, a Fourth Doctor Doctor Who story by Douglas Adams--Should be wonderful!
    -Snow Crash, Dune, Cloud Atlas, Windup Girl, The Warlords of Mars, some Sherlock Holmes, and Solar all make this list too, among others.
    The goal now is to make enough time between work, other duties, socializing, sleep, comics, and tv.
    Anything here pique your interest? What are you hoping to read this year?
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    I have a small obsession with collecting books.* Working in a bookstore, my employee discount makes for tempting impulse-buys, leading to having about 100 books but having only read about 40% of those.** A full bookshelf looks nice. It's impressive. It's a finish line goal; me always knowing I'll have something to pick up immediately upon finishing a book.
    But it does seem like I should slow down my book-buying until I actually finish a lot of these. Especially when a handful of these are borrowed or gifts.
    Here's what my bookshelf looked like in August. (Oops, procrastination.) Today it's a little different, but I pretty much gained a lot of graphic novels and a few novels, and about 15 are lent to a friend. So this is still fairly accurate.

    (That last pic is my comics.)
    And some LEGO on the other shelves:

    See anything you like? Have just as many (or more) books piling up as me?
    In a few days I'll reflect on what gems are on this shelf I have read this year, and what next year holds for my reading anticipation.
    *I also have an affinity for hardcovers. Just look at this binding of The Night Circus! (The American Gods 10th anniversary edition has a beautiful binding too!)
    **Surprisingly, a lot of these books aren't from work, but gifts or collected over the years. I've learned to stray away from impulse-buys, especially since I probably won't read it for a few months.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    I finished John Green's An Abundance of Katherines a few nights ago. I started Paper Towns soon after that same day.
    AAoK wasn't much, IMO, but I'll allow Green to not tickle my fancy once, especially since PT is going pretty swell in just the first chapter or two in the first 100 pages. I don't even know why I'm writing this now, I could be reading more!
    But past that, I got 7 new books for Christmas, which is going to keep me happy for quite a while:
    The Martian Tales Trilogy (just in time for John Carter [of Mars]!)
    Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children
    Neil Gaiman's American Gods
    H G Wells' The Time Machine
    And Wolverine: Tales Weapon X, a comic collection
    (Other exciting Christmas gifts included Kai's Blade Cycle and some money assisting my funding for a Jamaica mission trip I'll be making over spring break.)
    With that, excuse me, I must be off reading some more!
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    The good news is I organized by bookshelves that I've improved the storage capacity, mostly by stacking mass markets up and putting hardbacks behind other hardbacks. (Sure, I can't see all the mass markets at once, but I've put the important ones on the top.)
    The bad news is I will probably just have to lay any new books out flat on top of stacks rather than spine out.
    The good news is I probably shouldn't be buying any more books anyway?
    The bad news is I have about 60 unread books.
    The good news is I'm working on reading books I believe I'd be inclined to give away/lend which means they won't be on my shelves then.
    The bad news my structure of reading every day in 2013 kind of fell to pieces in 2014 with LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, LEGO building for a March display and then BrickFair and then a non-existent January 2015 display.
    The good news is I want to change that and read every day and hopefully knock out a bunch of those books!
    The bad news is I'd feel kind of bad not reading books given to me as gifts or books I've bought (so, all of them), which means I'm not going to just ignore some in favor of others.
    The good news is: books!
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Borders Books and Music store emailed me a 30% off coupon today! Yay, I wanted to buy the Serenity soundtrack, but being the college kid I am (and now that I'm used to Borders coupons appearing in my inbox once a week) I wanted to wait for a sale.
    So I called to my local Borders, and they say they didn't have it. Alright, that has happened before. I simply ask them to order it for me and I'll swing by the store in a few days when it arrives, no sweat, I'll use my coupon then. Unfortunately, they say it does not work like that anymore. I'd be paying for it now (over the phone or through Borders.com) and I would not be able to use my coupon, as it is "in store only."
    I say I don't feel like doing that, and I'll just try Tysons (as Borders.com says that store has it). I ended up driving out to Pentagon City as it was closer, but I don't think I'll be going back there as parking is a pain. (Ug parking meters. Luckily the one I chose still had 30 minutes on it.)
    Or is this just because the CD is not "new"? But it's not that old. They won't exactly be loosing money if I didn't pick it up.
    tl;dr Borders' new system sucks. Might lose business from me.
    (Listening to Serenity soundtrack.)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Here's an excerpt from my novel:
    . A single light shone above an octagonal table. Seven of the seats were filled. At a front to the table, or rather, where six of the seven were looking, sat McGreggor, head of Absolute Terror Tools, and leader of the little group in front of him. He had an eyepatch covering his left eye, with short black hair and a goatee. He was wearing a business suit, as was fitting for his position in the company, but more importantly was the fact that his left hand was mechanical. Clockwork, almost robotic in nature, he was able to control it, but use was very limited so far. Luckily his company was one that enhancements to his hand would be very soon possible.
    . “Alright, men,” he said with command in his voice, “Lugo has been taken, but we had adapted our plans to manage without him ever since he started being traced. Markin, I’m going to want you to deal with finishing him off. Use whatever means necessary. You’ll find all the necessary information in the database.”
    . “Yes, sir,” said Markin, standing up and walking out. He would be briefed on anything else important if he survived his task. If he was caught, he would not know anything further than this point.
    . “Now, there are a few other troubles that have come up,” McGreggor continued. We need to continue to make sure that nobody suspects Absolute Terror Tools to be dealing outside the major world powers’ governments. Each of their national intelligence agencies goes through me and our “trusted company” for their most dangerous and secretive missions. What they don’t know is that a few groups opposed to them have made us very generous offers to make tools that are for more than self-defense. Their intentions are not our concern–whether it be robbing a museum or trying to take over a country–making a profit is. Just so long as information is not leaked. Which is why we need to eliminate Lugo. He slipped when working down in Cuba, and we can no longer afford him.
    . “Am I making myself clear?”
    . The remaining five nodded in agreement. They knew that this was serious business and if they even so much as breathed at the wrong moment their life could be at stake.
    . “Good. Davis, I’m going to send you up to Absolute Terror Tools in England for an inspection of the place. I’ll be there as well continuing my job as the head manager.”
    Yeah. :/
    Arg why do indents not work?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    Seeing this, and that I had this thought for an entry, I thought I'd share my thoughts:
    Seeing as how the Mahri containers are more so a box with plastic edging than a canister that can hold your set or whatever else you want, it seems pointless to me to have this useless plastic edging around a box. Wouldn't it save Lego more money to just put the sets in boxes if they really didn't want canisters?
    The canisters are great because they can hold the set (or pieces, in my case). I'm even using the Barraki canisters even though they are weird shaped. But the rounded tubes or even the triangle Rahkishi cans are fine IMO. (But they all fit together nicely side by side more than the Inika canisters do)
    My point is Lego should think about storage or money. Round canisters to store the sets or plain boxes (maybe with a nice metallic finish like the 07 Exo-Force...) to save money on plastics, maybe which could go toward a higher piece count in the sets.
    Quote of the Day: Finding a finger in your chili is never a pleasant experience.
    I mean, who wants some of that gross chili spoiling a good finger?
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    So, I've realized that I don't have many blog posts under my section "Boy Scouts."
    So, here's one.
    I myself am a Boy Scout. I am part of the National Capital Area Council (NCAC, Washington DC)
    My troop # is 875. I went to the 2005 National Scout Jamboree and my troop # was 520. That was a great time, the Jambo. I got a red Yoda patch, the X-men back patch, and the spam patch, if you know what I'm talking about, just to name a few of my collection of over 2 dozen.
    BZPers I met at the Jambo:
    Bionicle Master the Mighty, now known as ChrisKopaka (check out his blog!)
    Currently I'm a Life scout, working on my Eagle badge. I have a couple half merit badges and my Eagle project to get done, and I'm done.
    I am Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for my troop, but have been nominated and went running for Senior Patrol Leader twice. I was also Head Guide, guide, Patrol Leader, and Assistand Patrol Leader.
    Oh, I'm 16, so that helps put some things into perspective.
    My troop goes camping a lot. Once every month Sept to May. Biking, Hiking, Rock climbing, caving, wilderness survival, cooking, shooting sports, canoeing, and more! It's a blast. I love camping, even if I am allergic to pollen and practically camping. Fire!
    Oh, yeah, Fire. It's big with every Boy Scout. It's part of out DNA. My troop made a 14 foot tall campfire once. Staff got marshmellows and had to use a 6 foot long stick just to heat up the marshmellows!
    A scout is...Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obediant, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent, Hungry, a pyro, and Duct tape.
    Oh, Duct tape. That's saved for another blog entry....
    So, yeah. Please don't ignore this if you are a scout too, and please post. Anyone else, well, you can still make coments about how much you love the BSA or whatever you feel like in this blog.
    Soon to be Eagle,
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    ...And girls speak in code."
    Just recently (last 2 months...) I acquired the first four Anberlin CD's (I already had New Surrender). Awesome stuff. They really know how to rock out and sound different. There's barely a day that goes by without me listening to them (but that could just be standard "new CD" fare...but songs get stuck in the head and of course you want to listen...).
    First song that stuck out was Foreign Language (as quoted), but some other amazing songs are Adelaide, A Whisper and a Clamour, Downtown Song (though admittedly I only like a few "Lost Songs"), and quite a handful from the Never Take Friendship Personal CD, to name a few.
    I guess props go to DV for recommending them about 1.5 years ago.
    I think they've moved onto my "bands to get their next CD as soon as it comes out" list.
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Ung, I'm writing a term paper right now, due Tuesday. It's on the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It was written around the 1930's, but it's a very creepy sci-fi book. I had to read it over the summer for required school reading, and this was one of the few required books I enjoyed.
    His books deal with the topic of utopias, usually dystopias, which are "utopias" where the characters think it's a perfect world but the reader can see it's flaws. I'd recommend reading BNW before you have to read it (for school), if that kind of book is your cup of tea. It's a little mature, but enjoyable. As I said, sci-fi.
    So, eight pages on why his utopias he creates can never really work, how they have flaws, why they are going downhill. Ung, I have four more pages to write Sunday.
    Quote of the Day: Every morning is the dawn of a new error.
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, I just got my Brickfest stuff today!
    Came in a tube too.
    Info on what is going on, and some randome peices for our use, somehow:
    *2 chairs
    *6 2X2 tiles
    *2 square studs
    *1 barrel
    *1 skid plate (Round 2X2 tile, flat bottom, studs on top)
    The Tube
    Now, just awaiting the BrickBadge...
  23. ChocolateFrogs
    At last, I have commandeered my roommate's camera (not the anti-emote one, Nukaya, but another friend in my apartment) and have taken pix of some of what was received at BrickFair. So...pictures! (My apologies in advanced for fuzzy photos. These are even worse than my usual.)
    (tl;dr? Just look at the pix then.)
    BrickArms Stuff (Storm trooper blaster, trans-red scimitar, and Star Trek-esq phaser. I only paid for the phaser. The BrickArms guys were kind enough to toss some free prototypes in to all our BF goodie bags, and one of them said on Flickr to go say hi at the booth and they'll give out free stuff, so after inquiring about a cool looking gun, he showed me that it was for the Storm troopers and gave me one! It's <3 I really wish picture quality was better here because they really are nicely detailed items, especially the blaster.)
    More BrickArms and a BrickForge Item (Trans-red gun, and the transparent blaster-thing (I really can't tell if it's sci-fi or historic, but it looks good on the space police fig, which, BTW, looks great if the body is reversed and visor put on upside down (although here he's wearing a gold one) were free BrickArms, and I bought the BrickForge wizard's staff (diamond fits perfectly).) I also got the Power Miner's fig from LehvakLah because she was so nice as to share bits of her set that she won in a raffle (or bingo?). She also gave me a Power Miner wheel, because hey, I'm a spacey and I immediately saw ENGINE!!! (Thanks LL!)
    Sets!--Friday night we all drove out to Potomac Mills LEGO Outlet for discounted sets! Now, that being 30 miles away, I was a little hesitant to drive, but Argetlam and Kohaku bought me a LEGO Indiana Jones shirt so it's all good. (Thanks guys!) While there I picked up, as you can see, Mata Nui (for $10 since we all combined our purchase and got 20% off) and the Mars Mission Recon Dropship (normally $40, I got it for $20) which I had been eying ever since it came out. (OK, quick reviews: Mata Nui is awesome for pieces and just looking cool on my shelf. He's got a hole in his belly though, which I might fix simply with a keetorange 3-long beam. The MX-71 Recon Dropship has an amazing build and a few nice little tricks within it. I'm really glad I got it, especially for the pieces in it. The way the mining cart attaches in the bottom is really clever. My only complaint is that the landing gear 1) sticks out and 2) it would be really cool if it folded in.)
    And some more stuff! What you see here is my desk at school right now. I've partitioned off a section for LEGO stuff. We all got a BrickFair soda can, and the lid unscrewed and there were LEGO pieces inside! These were then used to build a minifig-scale, working pop machine. Also, on the desk is a yellow and black space-thingy. This is a quick alt-build from Racer set TunerX, which I sort of won at LEGO Bingo. Same goes for the TIE Advanced keychain you can see hanging, and Y-Wing and landspeeder keychains. I kept not winning at LEGO Bingo, so after a while the kind people known as BZPower members/staff said "go ahead CF and get something." Just another reason why y'all are awesome. Thanks!
    And let's not forget my prototype.
    Also, in the dealer's room, I picked up 3 red and 3 yellow Bitil wings, for $1 each. I also bought a dozen of these in white and some of these in red and yellow. Among other things. (A lot of stuff was overpriced or just weirdly packaged, IMO. Like all canister Bionicle sets for $15 (not MISB and already built) and something like 30 Mahritoran blades or Matoro Mahri shoulder armor all in one bag for...IDK...$12? $18? It wasn't worth it.)
    Oh yeah, and I got tons of memories with some of the coolest, most random people on the planet! (Well, everyone I hung out with was from North America (Janus), but you know what I mean.)
    I think that's it! I think I kept to my budget...mostly. Better than at BrickFest 06, at least.
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