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Blog Entries posted by Justax-Kal

  1. Justax-Kal
    I'm on vacation now.
    I'm in North Carolina.
    As mentioned in the last entry, I can't use my laptop to post.
    So I bet your wondering how I'm making this entry:
    I'm using my dad's laptop which isn't monitred.
    I don't now how long I have each time I post, but I still can.
    So everythings good.
    I'm also enjoying my vacation, we go to the beach everyday.
    And I'm working on comics still, I have a new saga idea, and it's my turn in Beyond the Grave and BZP Spies.
    I'm busy.
    See you guys later.
    And about the last posts leet, it was a noob joke, sorry to cause problems.
    J-K out.
  2. Justax-Kal
    It's true.
    I am now 13 years old, and offical teenager.
    You know how I said I would have something special for today, well I don't.
    Sorry I ran out of time.
    And this is also likely my last blog post.
    I just found out last night that my family and I are leaving vacation tonight.
    I don't know when I'll be back or where I'm going, and since I can't get to BZPower on my laptop (family safty program that blocks almost everything on the internet ) I won't be able to use the Premeir Perks for the rest of the week or update anything.
    But I'm now 13!!!
    J-K out.
  3. Justax-Kal
    As tomarrow is my birthday, and I'm turning 13, to day is my last day of being 12 years old.
    It was a fun time, filled with soccer, school, and of course, BZPower.
    But know I must bid being 12 years old adue, and enter the swirling vortex that is being a teenager.
    I'm not doing anything to day though, so I think I'll just waste it on the computer.
    J-K out.
  4. Justax-Kal
    This is my first BZPower blog post.
    For some reason, I didn't take advantage of last year, but oh well, here I am.
    I don't have much else to say, but expect some cool stuff.
    And my Birthday is this week so be ready for that!
    J-K out.
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