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Everything posted by Justax-Kal

  1. Justax-Kal


    That background is awesome. Glad to see you're picking this back up.Font: either 2 or 3. The others seemed hard to read. I lean towards 2 because it has more space between the individual letters and is less bulky.
  2. besides GIMP and using a better kit, you should draw lines from the words to the people talking. that makes easier to tell whose talkingIn all seriousness though, nice comic. I miss Pohuaki, but the eagle has landed and is doing a fine job. Also, glad to see you're not dead.
  3. I thought your version was one of the more original back when you made it, so I six-shaded it after a while because you seemed to have dropped it. Then I just had it in there for the longest time. I'll take it out if you want. The Toa Metru were the first thing I made, back for tri-shading. As for the Toa Mata, I'm okay with how they turned out, but I think they're awkward in practice. If anything, that'll be the first thing I redo.The masks were probably my favorite part of this. I wanted to make them more set accurate, but still maintain a Chimoru feel. One of my issues with Chimoru R is that the masks look good, but they don't fit well with the original kit's design.Thank you very much.J-K out.
  4. Justax-Kal


    This is my Chimoru fan kit I started way back, about a month the whole "Chimoru [greek letter here]" fad. This thing has been at least two and half years and three computers in the making. It's been "published" before, but I don't think I ever made an official post or anything. So here it is, the product of months of doing not much in a ton of small chunks. Use it, enjoy it, ignore it, whatever.BodiesMasksIf there is something missing that you need/want for a project, feel free to ask. I can't promise anything about when it'll get done, but I'll make an effort.C&C appreciated.J-K out.
  5. Shout out to the best comedy/police drama ever. And yeah, that other song. I now have the strange urge to remix the two together.And next time I need to brutally murder someone, I'm using that line. I love how the cashier wasn't fazed a bit.[Homestuck reference]J-K out.
  6. Justax-Kal

    Chimoru R Kit

    I may have to give up on Chimoru-Kal now. Kidding, but this looks good.Great job. I'm not a huge fan of they way you made some of the masks though. Some of them feel kind of flat.Look a ton like what the ICC uses though...I guess I'm obligated to request a Kualsi. And maybe a Metrutoran body. (If you make the base, I can finish the sheet.)I'd do it, but this is really your style and I can't pull it off. Keep it up.
  7. You're alive!I just saw this movie last night, so this should be good.Very minimalistic approach to graphics and dialogue. Very fitting with Lego Bricks.Hope you stick around this time.
  8. I just got back from a vacation I took from life. Now I need to catch up.This looks epic. Return to the story lines. I love it.I think they misjudged your power level.You have a nice artistic style to your backgrounds. A good mix of simplicity and details.So yeah. Looks great.
  9. I just got back from... I don't even know.I also have no idea what's going on now.Ro is being taken over by some kind of thing that wants to kill you. I think.
  10. Rejection sucks. He should have used Wind Spice.J-K out.
  11. So much hinted back story, so little information. This is how you keep an audience hooked. You evil man.J-K out.
  12. Um, I think all those qualify as bad pictures.Wait, is that a polariod?
  13. Yeah. That's what you get for trying to quit on us! Here's a tip for next time: before you announce you're leaving, prepare something else to keep you busy once you leave. That way, you can funnel all your new ideas there.Wait, why am I telling you that. Ignore that last bit.
  14. That is just freaky. I'm going to be in the box.
  15. We'll be loosing a great man. I think I get what you're saying though. I've already faded myself out of comics because of life. At least you're doing it with some style. Best of luck with it and I'll be watching.As for the comic, the blur on the background near the end added to the depth.Also, I was one of the three PGSs whose eye's didn't react to the news... I guess that means I'm still kind of bitter about being left in the basement.J-K out.
  16. So wait, you do one good deed, and he owes you a life debt? Nevermind. If it get's me out of my box, I'm all for it. I just know those guys are cheating at Black Jack.J-K out.
  17. Sorry. I was really stumped for this one. Glad to hear about the animation though. I'll be sure to send in more ACs after though.J-K out.
  18. Happy birthday. Congrats on making it through to another one.It's a wonder you did considering what happened to everyone else. I'd rather not know why that head is on a pike.J-K out.
  19. How will we eat each other if we're stuck in boxes?J-K out.
  20. First: I love Jay's color scheme. It fits considering the joke of the comic. Also, he has a great way of dealing with his problems. Props to him.Second; Still haven't read that book. Not in any rush to.Third: I just realized no one has bought anything from the vending machines yet. I call dibs on them.J-K out.
  21. Trusting Joe... Yeah, we're doomed.I know I made the normal Matoran 360s in Chim-Kal. I really need to finish those anyway though.J-K out.
  22. I remember those guys. Even the ones that were never used... Woah. Forgotten ideas...J-K out.
  23. Also, Psionics is a female element in canon, so forget it.I'm going to need to read that again, because I sort of skimmed it. Reader's Digest Version: Ler and Soran are rogue super soldiers who lead epic lives.J-K out.
  24. Suspicious doors that never get open have a magical rainbow swirl behind it. Dude, let's jump in!Sorry for what little I have to say. It looks like [ ] in here, and it makes me nauseous. I'll let you know when things clear up. Hey WVUFan, what's with that strange llama?J-K out.PS: Ackar is just jealous.Edit: Drug reference edited out.-Wind-
  25. That's a scary thought. I think I need to learn to fly now to get around the place.The explosion looks good. You did a good job.J-K out.
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