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Status Updates posted by Arkatox

  1. Could you please post in my new sprite kit topic?

  2. I mean Alien and Predator.

  3. I can't find your RTS anywhere. Could you please PM me a link to it?

  4. Could you please post in my new topic?

  5. God's Smuggler? That's a great book. I really like it.

  6. I'm talking about the mask.

    P.S. Check out my new kit and my new epic!

  7. Happy New year! s(=-D)>

  8. Ok, next time I'll post in the Topic

  9. Ooh sweet! It's not too often that you meet another Christian on BZP! The last one I knew was "Chane: the Fall Demon" or whatever her name is.

  10. Um, ok. I get people commenting hi or hey alot, so oh well.

  11. COMING SOON: Me and Gavla are going redux with The Past. Still want to PGS? I still don't know where I'd fit you in the story.

  12. Oops, I accidently removed you from my friends list. So I re-added you.

  13. Your Friend Request is approved.

  14. Hey, Omega! I got a kit preview out, and a new epic out!

  15. Hey, I changed my name again.

  16. how come whenever i go to someone else's profile, at least one person says hello in the comments?

  17. Oh, and I say Green is depressing because of [insert spoiler] when [insert insane spoiler]. And that . . . Uh, [insert another insane spoiler] and, well, you get the big idea.

  18. I'm doing fine, just playing around in games like Paper Mario: TTYD, the best video game ever. How'r you?

  19. General, please clean up your full messenger.

  20. Living life. Can't say it's been easy.

  21. Green finally came in at the library yesterday. I'm like a little over half-way through it, and it's pretty good so far, though not as good as the other books in the Circle series. Also, Skillet's new album, Awake, is totally awesome

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