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Blog Entries posted by Force_UnBleached

  1. Force_UnBleached
    Yep, I'm making nightly blog entries now,
    because this blog isn't used nearly as much as it should be.
    So, for fathers day we went to Chilie's (that fried onion straw appetizer is great) we went inside,
    and they were playing Daft Punk.
  2. Force_UnBleached
    About a week ago I started working on the Luna/Cadance alicorn frame,
    and it turns out, extending the torso two studs does not work very well.
    So, one modification later we have this, there are still a few things that I'd like to change, but so far so good.
    And height comparison with a wip Dr hooves.
  3. Force_UnBleached
    You know the limbo server?
    Well they've locked block placement in BZmetru,
    and my house is within that protection radius,
    which means I can't work on my house, and I'll have to relocate.
    Oh well. Sorry about that, it must have been temporary.
    (Unrelated: major thanks to the admins for bringing BZP back!)
  4. Force_UnBleached
    Wow, that was amazing.
    They defiantly went all out on this one, and I love it.
    -3 songs!
    -Lyra and Colgate speak!
    -LUNA with speaking roles! (did she sound different to anyone else?)
    -Shining armor and Jaller share the same voice actor, and are both captains of the guard.
    -Shape shifters! Wasn't expecting that. (they're also very creepy)
    -There's a lot more guards than I thought there were
    -Vinyl scratch!
    -Spike is a brony
    -Spike doesn't know what a bachelor party is
    -Princess Celestia went down pretty fast
    -I really like how they did Cadance's song
    Also, this was my first time in a livestream!
  5. Force_UnBleached
    Untill I took a declined purchace to the Wal-mart (use it anywere) giftcard. :/
    In other news I started wacthing Tiger & Bunny,
    the heros/villans possessing actual powers was kind of unexpected, but I'm liking it.
    Also also I might have some "art" coming up soonish
    And what's up with Bshelf/Majhost?
  6. Force_UnBleached
    Went to my Church youth group lock-in/sleepover
    Ate some pasta
    Played some games
    Sang some karaoke (spell check, isle #4)
    watched the Smurfs (it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't great)
    Didn't get much sleep

    Also, I just posted the Equestria girls video on a social networking site, let's hope it goes well.
  7. Force_UnBleached
    Warning, links lead to pictures with a large kb count!
    Fire Lord

    (using only parts from the set)
    Breez 3.0

    Claw breakdown
    Using this connection technique that Daiker used.
    Also, I have a new camera(!), and I have a few pictures of flowers that I'll get around to posting soon.
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