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Bilbo Baggins

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Status Updates posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. Have you seen the "Swanson pyramid of greatness"? Simply amazing.

    1. Calvirick


      No I haven't. am I missing out?


  2. Awesome sig. Did you make it?

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Yes I did, Thx! :D


      and Nice name, Bilbo Ftw.

  3. I completed Skyward Sword today.Now i feel empty. Sad face.

    1. Hexann


      I feel like that to when I complete games.

    2. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      I feel like that whenever I fully complete a game. Which requires me to unlock all objects, all achievements, find all treasure chests, all the 'lewt', and completed all the plots in the game.


      Then I allow myself to feel empty.

  4. Yes I have read the Hobbit it's one of my favroite books to

  5. Wellcome new member have fun on BZPower.

  6. Oh, the sound nasty. Glad you managed to put it together. :P


    I'm off do do just that, then.

    -toa mazo's sister

  7. Srsly? Hope you wear your seatbelt. :P

    So, how’s the sword working for you?

    -toa mazo's sister

  8. Talking about gate-crashing already? You sure plan ahead. :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  9. Ohhh, okay then.

    -toa mazo's sister

  10. Yay! You're totally welcome!

    -toa mazo's sister

  11. Hi there!

    -toa mazo's sister

  12. You had your Birthday? D'oh. Well, happy late Birthday, then!

    -toa mazo's sister

  13. How do you mean?

    -toa mazo's sister

  14. You got your account back!

    -toa mazo's sister

  15. Good. Good luck with convincing the Admins!

    -toa mazo's sister

  16. I guess that's because your friend is in the 'New Members' category. Get him to post a few times and see if that helps.

    -toa mazo's sister

  17. I suppose you could try having your friend PM an Amin and explain what happened...?

    -toa mazo's sister

  18. I can't remember exactly when... I believe it was a few weeks before the forum crash.

    -toa mazo's sister

  19. It would seem that something along those lines happened. I don't know how it worked exactly, though...

    -toa mazo's sister

  20. Hi there!

    -toa mazo's sister

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