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Bilbo Baggins

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Status Updates posted by Bilbo Baggins

  1. I completed Skyward Sword today.Now i feel empty. Sad face.

    1. Hexann


      I feel like that to when I complete games.

    2. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      I feel like that whenever I fully complete a game. Which requires me to unlock all objects, all achievements, find all treasure chests, all the 'lewt', and completed all the plots in the game.


      Then I allow myself to feel empty.

  2. Awesome sig. Did you make it?

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Yes I did, Thx! :D


      and Nice name, Bilbo Ftw.

  3. Have you seen the "Swanson pyramid of greatness"? Simply amazing.

    1. Calvirick


      No I haven't. am I missing out?


  4. Hi!

    -toa mazo's sister

  5. So, when you say you're a Chinese Christian, does that mean that you're a Christian and you're Chinese, or is it a doctrine thing?

    -toa mazo's sister

  6. Ohhh, okay then.

    -toa mazo's sister

  7. True.

    -toa mazo's sister

  8. Hey, have you read 'Long Shadows'?

    -toa mazo's sister

  9. Happy Friday the 13th! >=D

    -toa mazo's sister

  10. Heheh. Okay then.

    -toa mazo's sister

  11. Cool name change.

    -toa mazo's sister

  12. Yay, virtual hugs! *hugs back*

    -toa mazo's sister

  13. Hi!

    -toa mazo's sister

  14. Sorry. That really stinks. I didn't lose any topics, 'cause I never made any, but both of the RPGs I was in were deleted. :/

    On a totally unrelated note, how do you play poker with ghosts if they're intangible? Or do the have intangible cards too? that must make the game pretty easy for you. :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  15. That story you were talking about in the Writer's Topic sounds cool...

    -toa mazo's sister

  16. Oh, okay. Cool.

    I wish I knew Japanese...

    -toa mazo's sister

  17. Hey, it's your birthday? Me too! Hope it's a good one! =D

    -toa mazo's sister

  18. Nice cat.

    -toa mazo's sister

  19. D'oh! For some reason, when I glanced at your username, I thought it said, 'Vohkan the Overused Ussal.' Nooo idea why.

    -toa mazo's sister

  20. Hehe. I like that 'Knowing is half the battle' line in your sig.

    -toa mazo's sister

  21. Shhhhh! Don't spoil it for the kids! :P

    -toa mazo's sister

  22. THAT is one of the awesomest personal photos I have ever seen. That's just like my cat. ^^

    -toa mazo's sister

  23. 'Kay. Does it matter how old he is? Like, do you care if he's the youngest, oldest, middle child, a twin or whatever?

  24. Wait, what?

    -toa mazo's sister

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